Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 602: Frying pan

   In the lobby on the first floor, there were a lot of people standing at this time. When Dolay walked to the top of the stairs, someone screamed, and everyone looked over.

   Dolai sighed pretentiously, and then walked out without saying a word.

   The young man who was entertaining at the door saw Dolay come down and said with a heartbreak, it was broken.

   He hurried up to intercept.

   came to Dolay, before he waited for a bow, Dolay stepped beside him and walked outside. When he looked, he had already reached the gate.

   Just then, a loud voice came from inside.

   "Sorcerer Dolay, this is Waters, please stay."

   The people in the hall were shocked at this time, and the vice chairman was shocked. What happened on it?

   At the same time, they saw that in addition to Waters, President Plow was also standing aside, looking at this side with a look of lovelessness.

   At the gate, everyone saw that Duola walked outside without looking back, and quickly disappeared in the street.


   The affairs of the Pharmacists’ Union quickly became a lot of noise and quickly spread throughout the Wassenberg professional community.

   The fact that Duo Lai came and went away in excitement was quickly known to many people.

  Combined with what happened two months ago, everyone felt that there was another melon to eat this time.

Sure enough, less than two hours later, Duo Lai submitted a complaint to the Glory Wizards League, a complaint, and complained to the pharmacist union to the Glory Wizards League. At the same time, he also sent a copy to the investigation team. The person he sent was not Others are the three princes.

At this time, in the third tower, the three princes became energetic. After reading the complaint carefully, combined with the current situation, he quickly locked down the Langte family and the Macia family, as well as the pharmacist union, Xindao, and Dulai Give yourself a chance, you really have to grasp it.

   He wants to ask Duolai now, this thing must be done beautifully, as long as Duolai's hatred can be relieved, the potion thing is estimated to be done.

   He immediately arranged, borrowed from the Rhine family and the Glory family, and started investigating the matter.

   Based on the few people in the investigation team, it is estimated that this matter can be investigated for half a year.

  The pharmacist's union, the Macia family, and the Langte family are all at once.

   Wasenberg became lively.

   As the protagonist, Duo Lai, after handing in the lawsuit, no longer cares about the matter. What he said to the three princes is that I only need to see the result.


   At the entrance of the Pharmacists’ Union, a group of people dressed in white wizard robes, led by a middle-aged man, quickly came to the entrance of the pharmacist.

   The pharmacist at the door paled in shock.

  Inspector Department, Supervisory Department, all the people from both departments are here.

   There are only a few people who are certified as pharmacists, the red old man, Anubi, and they are quickly found to talk.


   The course of the matter is actually not complicated. It took only one morning for the third prince to figure it out. This is an obvious process of family suppression, plus some gossip from the Rhine family and the Glory family, and within half a day, the beginning and the end of the matter can be understood clearly.

   The next step is the process of investigation and evidence collection. As a member of the investigation team, they have a lot of authority, and they also have to ensure Pu Yousi's reputation to allow him to leave here smoothly, so this matter ultimately fell on the perpetrator.

The three princes learned through many things that this Dorai wizard really does not eat hard and soft, and depends on his personal mentality to handle things. He has his own set of rules and a set of rules that belong to him. Once someone offends him, then This person will completely disappear from his world and never deal with it again.

   After learning about this, he was very fortunate that his identity played a big role.

   This is a very principled person.

  With one person's power, they fought against the two Wassenberg families, forcing them to obtain potions through some other means. This ability made the three princes feel very shocked.

But speaking of it, he owns two six-level wizard towers alone, and most people really can’t do anything about him, unless it is a real seven-level shot, but if you shoot at the seventh-level of Wassenburg, it is really to find yourself, glory. The Wizard Towers of the Wizard League are aimed at this.

   After he learned about this, he worked harder.


   The Macia family.

   Wodro stood at the door anxiously waiting. Not long after, a tired voice came from inside, "Come in."

   In the room, Celine sits with a bunch of people, discussing countermeasures together.

   These are the high-level, backbone, and power personnel of the Macia family.

   "Dolay sued the Pharmacists' Union. The current situation is that Anubi and Old Man Red are being interrogated. We can't keep it anymore."

   "Is there a solution? Bribery reviewers?"

   "I have sent someone to carry out this plan. The person here is the third prince, the master of the two Andrew brothers who have been in contact with us before."

   "Understand the situation as soon as possible. The third prince took over this matter. We can contact the two Andrew brothers and try our best to facilitate this matter."

   "Information, let people understand information quickly, in addition, let people ask what information the Langte family has."

   The meeting was going on in chaos. There was no information. The Macia family was in a state of anxiety. Someone even put forward the slogan of killing Dolay.

  Kill, how to kill, assassination, or clear kill, **** assassination, **** clear? The opponent is in the wizard tower group, and there are two wizard towers under the protection of ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ **** this?


  The same is true within the Langte family, filled with all kinds of comments. At the beginning of the investigation, their family's business in all aspects was restricted, being stared at, and many aspects of business could not be carried out, which was uncomfortable.

  The Langte family also proposed to solve the problem of Dolai, but this matter can only be carried out in secret.

   For a while, the entire Wasenberg began to rag.

In everyone’s eyes, the reason is very simple, that is, Duo Lai wants to apply for a pharmacist, and the incentive is also normal. The Langte family and the Macia family work together to prevent Duo Lai from passing normally. It requires review, etc., two months. In the past, there was no censorship, no investigation, and it kept dragging on, and Duo Lai also fulfilled his promise and prosecuted directly.

   At this juncture, the Glory Wizard Alliance and the investigation team jointly established an investigation team to investigate this matter.


   A few days later, the Tower of Babel.

   "I guess they will hate you to death." Ashe worriedly shared the information she had received from her family with Dolai.

   Duola nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, they dare not do anything to me anyway."

   Duolai was actually a little wary in his heart, but within the Glory Wizard League, he was not so vigilant.

Things in the city of Words are still vivid. So far, he still offends some dark forces. These dark forces dare not walk in. But if you join forces with these two families, even the Killer Guild and the Dark Guild, in the money Under the temptation of, may also ignore the power of the Glory Wizard Alliance and shoot at oneself. This needs to be vigilant.

   He decided that as long as he goes out, he will take the Wizard Tower wherever he goes. If there is no Wizard Tower, he will not go anywhere.

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