Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 647: Enemy

At this time, the guards suddenly gained a lot of power. I don’t know where this power came from. It swelled violently in an instant, and suddenly the old poison’s white snake spread out. The white snake couldn’t withstand this power. The shock suddenly exploded, and the magic exploded.

The guardian ignored the attack and didn't know what it was stimulated. Suddenly his figure grew bigger and bigger. The light in a pair of eyes was blazing, and a powerful force suddenly shot out from the eyes. The level unexpectedly exceeded the sixth level, approaching the seventh level.

   Duola retreated and watched. Seeing this, the secret path was not good. At this time, the old poison also felt a little shocked. After the two looked at each other, they turned around and ran away in the blink of an eye.

   And after they fled, a mighty force emerged from the guardian, drowning where they were just now.

   At the same time, Duolai's mysterious corpse insect disappeared at the same time, being crushed into powder by this force. The strength was surging and mighty, and it was extremely powerful, and it chased directly to the vicinity of the fog in one breath, covering a radius of several thousand meters.

   The two were being chased, rushing out of the white mist in one breath, and went straight to the sky without stopping.

   At this time, behind them, the mist suddenly expanded, and a vast and boundless force inside quickly expanded, like a large bubble extending from the mist.

   The bubble was released, and then suddenly closed in. In less than two seconds, the gate was restored to its original state again.

   The two had already fled to a place nearly ten kilometers away from the gate, sensed the situation behind them, and stopped one after another.

   Old Poison looked at Duola with a little shock, and said, "What did you do that caused the whole magic circle to rebound?"

   Duo Lai was also shocked at this time, "Where did I know, it was just struck by lightning."

  The old poison is stunned, and lightning strikes will not cause the entire magic circle to rebound. If they didn't leave just now, they must have been bombarded and killed by the magic circle.

   The two stood in mid-air, you look at me, and I look at you.

   At this moment, Old Poison's face suddenly changed. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the other side of the mountain.

At the same time, there was a silver ray that did not belong to him in his eyes, and his mental power was surging crazily in his body, as if he was fighting against something. The most important thing is that he is still motionless now, as if nothing is going on. Can't do it.

   Duo Lai also felt something at this time, looking in the direction where the old poison was looking.

   He saw a person, and that person slowly walked out of the gentle grass, looking in the direction of the two of them, Dolay took a closer look, it seemed that he was still an acquaintance?

   In the black market organized by Downey, during the time Duo Lay traded with the old poison, he saw that this person had chased the old poison. It was thus clear that the two were enemies.

   Seeing the abnormality on the old poison, and looking at that person, Duola's heart sank. This person seemed to be a pure spiritual wizard.

   That person walked over at this time and slowly floated into the sky, the silver light on his body flickered slightly, it was a strong light of spiritual power.

   He smiled negatively, "I know you, you are Dolai, the master of the Chris Wizard Tower in Wassenberg, right? I don't want to be an enemy of you, I just want to trouble the old poison."

   Feeling the power in the opponent, Duola feels very troublesome. The spiritual wizard has many weird abilities, all of which are aimed at spiritual power, what enters a dream, what illusion, what distorts spiritual power, and the ability is very specific to the wizard himself.

Although the opponent has level six, Dolai did not shrink back, but looked at the opponent calmly. At this time, his eyes were slightly cold, "Old Poison is now my teammate. If you leave now, I can only promise not to shoot you. ."

   The man snorted coldly, and the silver light on his body slowly brightened, "Hehe, I just said that I don't want to be an enemy of you, it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you, and the best to leave."

   The bright light in his eyes kept flickering at this time, and he carefully looked at the aura on Duolai's body.

   There is something weird, isn't he only level five? What does this level six mean, that legendary clone of the mysterious corpse insect?

   Mysterious corpse bug was promoted to the sixth level by him?

   But this time is not thinking about this time, he just wants to get Dolly away.

   Don't look at him being relaxed now. In fact, most of his mental power is suppressing the old poison, just frightening Duola.

   Duola looked at the man, looking at the old poison, the old **** was standing beside him, neither attacking the man nor helping the old poison, looking at him as if he was standing there watching a play.

   This person has no hatred with himself, but has hatred with the old poison. Dolai can't deal with him, so doing this is the best way now.

   The man's face sank when he saw this place, "Sorcerer Dorai, if you leave now, you still have time!"

   Duola looked at him calmly, "You have figured it out clearly, if you make a move, you will give me a chance to make a move."

   The man snorted, and suddenly he smiled, "I have been preparing for a long time before I wait for this old thing. If you don't leave, then I'm sorry."

   There was a flash of silver light in his eyes.

Dolai stared at the opponent and guarded him, but when the opponent's eyes flashed silver, he secretly said that he still wanted to be recruited. If a spiritual wizard wants to start a spiritual wizardry, he does not need to condense how gorgeous effects. , It only takes one thought and one action to draw the opponent into a duel with his own mental power.

The world in front of Duolai suddenly changed. From the white misty mountains, it suddenly went dark, all turned into chaos and chaos. Nothing could be sensed around him, as if it was filled with endless unknown dangers. I can't see clearly, as if I'm caught in a cloud of mist.

   Mental power attack?

   Duolai almost yelled out without thinking, the virtual image of the bone demon suddenly condensed, and his body crackled and showed entangled thunder lights ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ thunder and lightning thunder and lightning blasted from his body to all directions.

   The chaotic world around it seemed to be struck by lightning, and suddenly shattered. Duolai's mental power directly rushed out of the encirclement, re-seeing the world in front of him.

   To deal with mental attacks, the will of the sky thunder is the most suitable method. No matter how strong the will is, it is impossible to destroy it.

   In mid-air, the person seemed to have seen something incredible, and his figure disappeared from mid-air like soap bubbles.

   Duolai didn't look at the welcome. He stretched out his hand, and a dead black light emerged from his hand, transformed into a witchcraft in the shape of a sickle, and slammed into the other side of the mountain.

   That wizard is an illusion, a masterpiece of a spiritual wizard, not the other party at all, Duo Lai had known for a long time that his body was hidden somewhere else.

  In the dark world, the wizard hiding in the shadows would never show up directly, because showing up would be equal to death.

On the other side of the cloud, the person was already shocked. How did he discover himself? How could this be possible? His mirror witchcraft has clearly reached a perfect level, and even the fluctuations of blood and energy are also copied in it, it is impossible to be discovered by anyone. It's a fake.

   This guy not only found out that he was a fake, but also found out his deity. How could this be possible?

   He suddenly remembered that according to the rumors, Duolai clone was a mysterious corpse insect. Could it be that the mysterious corpse insect found him?

   He stood up long, the silver light on his body formed a silver galaxy behind him, and he suddenly shouted, and a silver shock wave rushed into the sickle witchcraft in the air.

   The two met quickly in the air, but in an instant, the sickle-shaped witchcraft broke through the silver light and continued to fly forward.

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