Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 715: Army offensive

"Witcher: Elemental Lord (

This is just the ground force, and the air force.

In the distance, three sixth-level wizards slowly followed the undead army, not in a hurry, as if they were certain that Duolai had no backup here.

Ashe stood on the wizard tower. Seeing the transparent wizard tower outside, her heart trembled, but when she thought that she was currently controlling the six sixth-level wizard towers, she slowly settled down.

A complete, energetic wizard tower is even more powerful than two or three wizards of the same level, not to mention that she now has six. Although these wizard towers only absorb energy for a few days, In essence, it is much stronger than ordinary wizards.

However, the opponent is a necromancer, and Ashe is also afraid of the opponent's continuous army, after all, these wizard towers are not complete, and their energy consumption is limited.

The army came slowly, as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, giving Ashe enough pressure.

The two persons have not come yet, and it will take at least ten minutes to get here. If they don't come, it means that the Tower of Babel has not come, which is another big loss.

Ashe Clone frowned.

In the magic circle, on the ground, a series of materials rise, Dolai manipulates the magic power, tempers and fuses the materials, and makes them into finished things, and then slowly falls on the newly-built wizard tower.

Duolae also felt the huge death aura outside at this time, but he had no time to take care of it at this time. He had to get out the last two towers of Feng Lei as soon as possible.

Why put the most familiar one at the end is because of familiarity, magic pattern familiarity, and magic circle familiarity. No matter in that world, magic pattern is basically a common rule at the bottom of the world.

Stay at the end, what if you can surprise others?

Through refining these eight wizard towers, Dolly feels that his strength has improved again, learning knowledge in other directions, and dialectically comprehending his own abilities.

Wizards should be like this, learn more, learn more about analogy, and improve themselves.

Wizards understand the world, not just a certain element, or a certain aspect. Really advanced wizards understand all-round development, improve self-cultivation, make up for shortcomings, and constantly exceed the limits of their own abilities. .

He glanced outside, the undead army was only less than 20 kilometers left, and along the way, the number seemed to be increasing.

There were too many beasts that died along the way, but it didn't matter, the lower-level undead were just adding heads, and the big heads lie in the few fifth-level undeads and the sixth-level undeads.

He glanced at Ashe next to him, and said, "They don't know our specific location yet. There is a magic circle to cover them. They may use low-level undead to test them first. I will summon those wizard towers now. You can deal with the group of wizard towers first, and the body can return within fifteen minutes at most. The golden corpse can't attack yet. The opponent is a necromancer. I guess there is some way to wait for the golden corpse. I have to give them a surprise. "

Ashe nodded, her eyes firm, "I know, I will try my best."

In just six, Ashe said decisively.

Duola laughed and said, "It's okay, we have six wizard towers, but we can't beat three sixth-level wizards. It's too unreasonable."

Seeing Duolai laughed, Ashe was inexplicably relaxed. Indeed, there are six six-level wizard towers. There is no reason to fear three wizards, although the other party is a necromancer.

Over the wasteland, where the death army passed, the surrounding creatures, after being confused for ten minutes, began to run in all directions on a large scale, trying to stay away from here as much as possible.

The Warcraft ran away, and even formed a small wave of beasts, rushing in all directions, looking quite spectacular.

Those who can't escape are eroded by the breath of death and quickly become part of the undead, while those who escape run faster.

In the face of life and death, there is no difference in the behavior of any creature, all of them are fleeing for their lives.

Where the undead army passed, the earth turned into two colors of gray and white, without the third color.

The army quickly drove to the front of the magic circle.

In the sky, two necromancers stared at the front. It seemed that there was nothing here, just a gentle hillside. In fact, there was a huge ravine inside, and Dorai should be inside.

On the hillside, there are shades of green trees, full of vitality, and all kinds of creatures survive.

Only at this time, the small animals in the forest, the monsters ran wildly in all directions.

At this time, the two looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with a mood called longing.

Not only the opponent is inside, but there is also a golden corpse that is enough to seduce a seventh-level master.

The two people at this time are both teammates and opponents.

At this time, they saw that the six wizard towers around the plain hillside were throwing at the middle wizard array at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, their eyes released a strong light, and then they waved their hands forward.

On the ground, the army of the undead had stopped at this time, the order was forbidden, and the order was uniform. At this time, there was still a distance of two kilometers from the hillside.

As the two waved their hands, the undead formed by ordinary creatures that had just been deprived of their vitality among the undead army took the lead and rushed up the hillside.

These ordinary creatures such as wolf, worm, tiger, leopard and fox separated from the undead army and rushed forward.

The army rushed out and soon came to the hillside, and the army in front quickly rushed in front of the magic circle.

At this moment, the place that appeared to be a hillside suddenly shook, and the hillside gradually disappeared, revealing the real gully inside. On the hillsides on both sides, the energy of the earth's veins quickly moved to the middle distance. The magic circle just shook slightly, and a strong energy wave was generated out of thin air, sweeping towards the vanguard of the undead army.

These are just things formed by ordinary animals, and the energy fluctuations are just swept away, and the undead fall into pieces, turning into corpses, bone foam.

The continuity of the energy ripple is very strong.

Hula la.

The low-level undead fell in pieces.

In the sky, the two necromancers didn't care about this. Those were pure cannon fodder, maybe not even cannon fodder, they were all spoils after they walked over.

Using these spoils to test out the opponent's magic circle, this value is still worthwhile.

The energy fluctuations suddenly dissipated five hundred meters in front of the undead army in the back, and disappeared completely.

However, the opponent's magic array attainments are really enviable, an ordinary energy wave, actually propelled a full one and a half kilometers from the ground, this range is simply astonishing.

Just don’t know how many times it can be released.

"Let the first-level and second-level undead try again."

The two discussed briefly before sending out a second wave, and then proceeded to test.

Ordinary zombies, ordinary skeletons, and other ordinary undead walked out of the army and continued to rush towards the hillside. They stepped on the same kind of corpses under their feet, and only the will of the undead warrior in their hollow eyes rushed forward.

One and a half kilometers, one kilometer, five hundred meters, and soon the second echelon came to the front of the magic circle.

At this time, in the magic array, the energy in the surrounding ground veins once again fluctuates, and a super-strong energy wave is generated again, advancing along the ground.

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