Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 806: twists and turns

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

He didn't listen to what the people around said, and went back to the tower to rest.

Along the way, it took a while, and now it's mid-June.

The weather in the imperial capital was a little hot, and there were a lot of people outside, and Duo Lai didn't pay attention to what was going on outside. Those were all second- and third-level little wizards.

Entering the wizard tower, Dole asked Ashe, "What do you think of today's events?"

Ashe thought for a moment, sat opposite Dole, and said, "It should be paving the way for George, he wants to pave the way for George, and by the way, see the reactions of all parties, my brother Andis It's probably out of play."

Dole nodded.

Ashe was worried again at this time, "I just thought that the two of us would leave after the award, but I didn't expect to meet the emperor as soon as we came, and there would be so many twists and turns."

Dole also frowned a little. The emperor saw them, although it was a small matter, but in the eyes of others, it was not considered a trivial matter. It is estimated that many things will happen tomorrow morning.

Forget it, let's take a look at one, go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to discuss first, and then go to the Office of Zong Li to learn all aspects of etiquette after the matter is settled, but he hopes that things will not be too much.

The etiquette aspect is just a process. With Dorai's current personality, there is no need for so many red tapes, and the etiquette of the wizard is much more important than the etiquette of the secular world, and the awarding aspect may only talk about the process.

The two have no choice but to take a step by step.

The wizard tower group in the imperial capital is indeed very magnificent, and the magic elements here are also very rich. The wizard tower stands here and interacts with the elements of the surrounding world. Dorai feels that it is faster than the elements absorbed in the Albis Mountain.

However, the core of the Tower of Babel was originally full, and he did not need to deliberately absorb the surrounding elements.

Looking around, the two were ready to rest.

Silent all night.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone on the wizard tower through the group of wizard towers, Dole took Ashe and slowly walked out of the gate of the wizard tower.

There is no one around the wizard tower, and it seems that there is no one in the wizard tower group in the early morning.

Following the main road of the wizard's tower, he walked all the way out, and before he reached the door, the figure of Yu Nuo had already appeared in the field of vision of the two of them.

Yunuo's expression was a little heavy, Dole came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yuno was a member of the Edward family who was against him. After hearing the news, it was a little surprising that George could win over Yuno.

Yu Nuo sighed and said, "Sorcerer Dorai. There are about ten people in this award, including two marquis and eight earls. One of the marquis' title is you, and the other is a marquis who has made outstanding military exploits. Madam Lord, the other eight earls, also made immortal contributions. Although there are many nobles in the imperial capital, the back of every nobleman should not be underestimated."

Duo Lai looked at Yunuo with a calm expression, "You mean, there will be people questioning?"

Yunuo nodded, "It's not that there will be doubts, but there will be doubts!"

"Of these nobles in the imperial capital, there are not many descendants with noble titles. In fact, every high-ranking noble's title is robbed. The plan of awarding honors started at the beginning of the year. There was originally only one marquis, but now there is one more marquis. title, I don’t know how many people want to benefit from it.”

Dorai is a little strange. It is his own ability to get the marquis. How could they come to grab it?

He thought about it and said, "The marquis was promised to me by the empire, and it was also said by the emperor himself. What else could happen?"

Yu Nuo looked like you were still too young, "The emperor needs to balance all parties. Although he has promised you the title of Marquis, some strange things will happen. You will know later. I got the news last night. Some people are already taking your attention as a marquis and want to lower you to an earl and choose a marquis from among their own people."

When Dole heard this, his face suddenly darkened. Although he didn't care about this title, he couldn't let anyone take it away.

The people here in the imperial capital are really dark-hearted.

He looked at Yunuo, thought of something, and calmed down again, and said, "Let's take a step by step, although I don't care about this title very much, but whoever wants to hand me a paw, I will dare to chop it."

Awarding honors is the meaning of the imperial capital, and now there are twists and turns, and Duolai doesn't feel beautiful in his heart.

Ashe said strangely beside him, "A title, not so much."

Yu Nuo shook his head, "This is a hereditary marquis. As for a marquis, there can be 5 counts below, each earl can have 5 viscounts, and each baron can have 5 barons, and each baron can If you can form a small force, you can imagine how big a force it will be if it succeeds."

Dole and Ashe were silent at the same time.

Although Ashe is also in the emperor's house, but he has never considered such things. Now that I think about it, it is indeed amazing.

The private force that a marquis can possess seems to be a bit exaggerated indeed.

Dole had a headache, "Then let's go."

At this moment, Dorai sensed a wave of witchcraft, and a figure galloped from a distance at an extremely fast speed.

He turned his head and looked over there.

That person came from the imperial palace, and his body was unbridled with sorcery fluctuations, and his power was very tyrannical.

His purpose was very clear, he came straight to Dole~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dole stopped, wondering what the situation was.

The man was wearing the yellow royal family's exclusive wizard robe with a golden crown on his head. He came to Dorai and stopped quickly. He glanced at Dorai and Ashe with a slightly surprised look on his face, then gave a respectful salute and said, "You two, I am Sanders of the Imperial Mage Corps, please go to the Imperial Mage Corps with me, an ancestor wants to see you."

Dole and Ashe sank in their hearts, and Andis did cause them some trouble, and the trouble is here now.

George said yesterday that Andis is likely to cause him a little trouble with the royal magician, and it seems that he is.

He thought about it and said, "I'll go at night, I'm in a hurry to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs today."

Sanders' face sank, and he said somewhat unkindly, "The will of the ancestor cannot be violated, not even the order of the emperor."

Dole was about to say something, but suddenly saw Sanders' face change again.

He lowered his head slightly and said, "Sorcerer Dorai, you can come at night, I will wait for you at the entrance of the Imperial Mage Corps."

Sanders was a little shocked at this time. The two ancestors gave him a voice transmission. This is no small matter. How could this young man be favored by the two ancestors?

There is some jealousy in his heart. He was promoted to the sixth level before the age of thirty. This talent is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Dole looked at Sanders with a tangled expression, feeling inexplicable in his heart, what is going on?

The backyard of the Imperial Mage Corps.

In the basement, in front of the skinny old man, the same skinny old man suddenly appeared.

The two looked at each other, and the skinny old man said without raising his eyebrows, "Don't go to trouble that young man!"

The man opposite said somewhat incomprehensibly, "Uncle Clan, I didn't want to trouble him, I just wanted to accept him as a disciple."

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