Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 845: difficult

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

Leaving the passage, he turned to look to the other side.

Now that it's midway through, it's finally starting to run into other teams.

He decided to go out and see for himself.

He did not go out directly, but spared a moment in front and waited for the team in front.

The Wizarding Academy has spent a lot of effort to organize its own personnel from all directions, but it is still very difficult. Until now, half of the people are still struggling in the other direction.

They were with the people from Ares Academy, with warriors in front, and the speed of advance was very fast.

But the empty robbery beads are not the fastest they collect. According to the information they have obtained so far, it should be collected by vocational colleges. Some of them are alchemists who can refine various equipment.

Leading the Wizarding Academy was a handsome and upright young man, who was commanding the students of the Ares Academy to walk forward.

At this moment, the people of Ares Academy looked forward in amazement.

"Fiz, look, there's someone ahead."

Fitz is the leader of the Wizarding Academy, a sixth-level young master with outstanding talent. Although he was promoted to the sixth-level at the age of thirty-five, he was invincible in the academy with a single hand of lightning magic.

He followed Sheldon's gaze and saw a lonely figure in front of the dark passage.

The figure was so small, but it was so shocking at this time, it was indeed a human being.

Taking a closer look, he took a deep breath.

The foreign genius boy from the northern kingdom with the seventh-level wizard tower, Dorai.

At this time, Sheldon also found out that it was Dorai, and he also took a deep breath.

The surrounding wizards and the students of Ares Academy were shocked at this time, and they also recognized each other.

"Is that Dorai?"

"That's right, it's Dorai, the man with the seventh-level wizard tower, isn't he already in the middle?"

"It must be to find the empty robbery beads."

"Yes, let's go grab him."

A group of people were eager to try, especially the people from Ares Academy, all kinds of fighting intentions were quietly released.

Duo Lai looked at the geniuses across the passage, his mouth twitched slightly, and they dared to rob him. These people were really bold. In such a small space, he passed through a net of lightning, and it is estimated that at least one third of them died. people.

He waved at the other party, and then said slowly, "I have cleared the passage in front, please change another passage to clear it, and also warn you, be careful when encountering those hairless monsters and faceless monsters, they superb."

Having said this, he glanced at Fitz and Sheldon in the crowd, nodded slightly, and swaggered into the side passage.

Fitz and Sheldon were shocked.

The other party really came from the depths. This is too scary. From the outside to the inside, a few have more than 30 kilometers. Under the twists and turns, there are at least 50 kilometers. Within five or six days, he entered, Come out again, this combat power is too strong.

As expected of a man with a level 7 wizard tower, here he simply ignores those junk monsters that are only level 4 and 5.

Sheldon was full of fighting spirit, "I really want to fight him, it would be best if the wizard tower is not used."

Fitz glanced at Sheldon, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Even if he didn't use the wizard tower, he could beat you all over the place. The combat power of a supreme genius is not so easy to measure. In the scene of the storm territory that came over, even if it was him, the other party could beat three or more of him without the use of the wizard tower.

That storm field is simply astonishingly terrifying.

Fitz said, "You'd better kill this idea in the bud, I don't dare to say that the opponent will win, even His Royal Highness Daphne and Augustine may not be Dorai's opponents, except for the wizard tower, he is still a three-lineage. A sixth-level wizard has a wealth of methods."

Dole alone dares to come and go in the passage. This is what they dare not do. The other party has the defense of the wizard tower, and he comes and goes here without a trace.

But they can't do it. The gap between people is so big.

Fitz sighed.

Not only he sighed, but the geniuses of the other wizarding academies are also sighing. Compared with each other, they are simply maddened. In the academy, they are real geniuses, surrounded by various halos and attracting attention, but here, they are just ordinary the sorcerer.

Fitz looked at the teammate next to him and said, "Go ahead with all your strength, that Dorai said it was cleared, it must be cleared, let's go and see what's going on inside, he doesn't dare to deal with the creature inside, it's probably very horrible."

The people around nodded.

At the wizarding college, Fitz was an absolute genius, and everyone else was willing to listen to him.

Dole walked around all the way. This time, he encountered many teams. Some teams he went over to say hello, and some teams he ignored.

Soon, he met Augustine, the ruthless man of the Alexander family, and he also saw Mavic, the guy who had the top ten strange insects in the ancient times. After reaching the seventh level, those who automatically comprehend the rules just don't know whether this guy can survive.

At this time, Augustine and his family members were fighting a group of brow monsters in the tunnel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One of the team members covered his head and screamed in pain on the ground. The few who were fighting were the sixth-level soldiers of the Augustine family. At this time, they were beaten by the hairless monster and couldn't lift their heads.

For Dorai, this kind of hairless monster means that the skin is harder and the body is more resistant to beatings, but when encountering such wizards and warriors with weak attack power, the degree of difficulty of this monster to deal with immediately increases dozens of times. .

It can't be beaten and can't be beaten, and it can't be carried. The front can only be hard-topped, and the wizard in the back can output.

At this time, it shows the size of his personal ability, not counting other wizards. A gray light flashed in Augustine's hand, and dozens of pure energy shock waves formed by two or more elements shot out, hitting the eyebrows in front of him. to blame.

Some weak hairless monsters were shot through by the shock wave on the spot, and the powerful hairless monsters were also beaten and retreated.

He alone can top the top half of the team.

Of course, Augustine would have been miserable without the warriors in front of him.

Augustine fired this pure energy attack repeatedly, killing most of the land-level monsters, and the team stabilized.

Mavik's body surged with energy, and the spell models condensed, turning into thick circles of energy, guarding himself and others around him.

The witchcraft was bombarded by the hairless monster, and Mavik struggled to maintain the operation of the witchcraft. The power of this hairless monster was too powerful, and the witchcraft that could be hit with two punches collapsed. He had to do his best to fight with others. Defend together.

Boom boom boom.

Thorn, crackle, one after another sorcery, a dozen people output firepower together, and it took half a minute to destroy those monsters.

However, the people lying on the ground changed from one to four.

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