Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 856: Way

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

Looking at these young and energetic faces, Dorai said in his heart that the imperial capital is full of talents. There are so many people who can reach the sixth level before the age of fifty, and these people are expected to be seventh or even eighth in the future.

Augustine felt strong and powerful. At this time, when he saw everyone standing together, he was about to speak, but Daphne was the first to speak coldly.

"The underground space is a complete space with many passages. I suggest that because of the indiscriminate attack of the monsters, it is better for us to enter together from all passages, rather than from one passage."

This proposal was also negotiated and planned by Dolei with them before, and it was also afraid that everyone would go in at once, be attacked indiscriminately together, and enter in different directions, so that the pressure could be shared more.

Hearing this, the surrounding forces immediately began to discuss in a low voice.

Someone asked, "Did we divide our attack power, would it be better if we broke the surface?"

Dole glanced at him and said, "The monster is huge and fills the entire space, with a diameter of almost five kilometers. Obviously, there is no such thing as a broken face, and it basically destroys his roots, the big circle in the middle. ball."

The man immediately retorted, "If we attack in one direction and throw all the witchcraft in together, the power will not be able to destroy that thing."

Dole hadn't spoken yet, but someone had spoken.

"With all due respect, everyone stood together to release sorcery. Before they were thrown out, they exploded first. Have you forgotten the disturbance of elemental sorcery?"

The man was instantly speechless.

Sheldon is a warrior, and he can't talk at all at this time, and can only stand on the side angrily.

Fitz thought for a while and said, "Standing together to attack is unrealistic for various reasons. Let's do it in batches. I agree with this proposal. It's just how we should divide it up and how to attack in a unified way. This needs to be discussed."

Augustine only had a chance to speak at this time, and he had long held his breath.

He immediately picked up the words, "Let's divide the forces, we use dozens of people as a unit, stand at different points, according to the information, or simply form a large array, are there people from the vocational college? Is there any such thing? kind of way?"

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, and they all shake their heads.

Although the people in the vocational college have masters, they are also in the sixth grade and have not come here.

Everyone was a little embarrassed.

So someone laughed shyly and shouted to the side.

The masters of the two vocational colleges came from the side and joined the discussion team.

Augustine reiterated his thoughts to the two, whether there is a suitable formation or the like.

The two suddenly thought carefully, considering the feasibility of this method.

However, the central store in this space has a range of up to five kilometers. Although the alchemy strength of two people can make such a huge attack magic circle, the problem is that the energy system of this world is different from that of this world. After the magic circle is completely made, it still needs elemental power to activate it. What if the energy of each force can't keep up?

The two talked about the matter again, and everyone started to have a headache again. It is true that everyone has been using the magic crystal they brought from the time they came in, and they can't be added here. It's really a headache. .

Dole felt a little funny. In terms of his understanding of alchemy, and his understanding of wizard formations, he didn't say anything who was stronger than him, and the others had nothing to say. The use of formations here is fundamentally Impossible things, the rules of the world are different, the energy system is even more different, it is impossible to form a formation, and the formation that can be refined on the main plane will not work here, these people really dare to say.

Dole waited until they were almost done discussing, then coughed and inserted his voice in.

"Don't discuss the matter of formation, it doesn't make any sense. Many magic patterns on the main plane can't be used here, let alone use formation, don't let me laugh at the professionalism of your vocational college."

"The finished array has some effects, because the array itself is equivalent to a miniature world, so what you take can also be used, and some runes can also be figured out and can be used. Large arrays and There is no scope for the formation, so if you don't believe me, just try it here."

As soon as his words came out, the faces of the two people in the vocational college were ugly.

Because this is the case, in order to refine the air robbery bead detector, they have thought of dozens of methods, and finally succeeded.

The two were not convinced, and said at this time, "Then according to your opinion, I heard that you built your wizard's tower yourself. What's your opinion?"

Dorai looked at the two of them, and his aura didn't go down in the slightest, "I don't have a high opinion. According to His Highness Daphne's method, I stand in different positions and attack according to their abilities. I can't defend myself against such an overwhelming means. Whether it succeeds or not depends on the will of God.”

He glanced deeply at the leaders of each team.

These people's eyes flickered, and it was obvious that they had the means, but it was inconvenient to say at this time.

Augustine frowned, just about to refute two sentences, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only give up, the current situation is like this, it is impossible to perfectly defend against that kind of attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anything is useless.

At this time, one person said, "The information given by the Glory Wizarding Alliance shows that the monster attacks indiscriminately, but the limit of the total attack is limited by the highest intensity, so the above requires so many of us to come together. It is also for the purpose of sharing the pressure, so it is understandable to divide the attack into different directions, I agree with His Highness Daphne, let’s stand.”

This person is also above the sixth level and belongs to the Glory Wizarding Alliance. As soon as his words come out, the weight is extremely high.

Although the Glory Wizards Alliance is an alliance of the entire empire, many wizards are civilian wizards, they do not have much say, and there are not many geniuses. The geniuses are mainly concentrated in the nobles, but the Glory Wizarding Alliance can still come up with some geniuses, such as those in front of us. this.

He obviously knew a lot of information and stood directly beside Daphne.

Daphne looked at this person and nodded slightly, feeling a lot more relaxed in her heart. "Gus, you should also lead some people. When the time comes, you can take a shot, and you can defend against that kind of attack if you can't."

It was called Gus's nodding. He was old, so he always felt a little unsafe here. Combined with the statement of the Glory Wizarding League, that kind of monsters are old creatures have a special influence, so he always Very disturbed, because he is already fifty years old.

Seeing this, the rest of the people waited and stopped talking, but were concerned about the gains and losses.

Augustine looked around for a week at this time, and said calmly, "Since this is the case, then let's take different positions, each according to his ability, no matter who is hit, it's not his bad luck."

Everyone glanced at Augustine and was very dissatisfied with his private decision. This guy always feels that he is a leader. Who can he lead? The people of the Alexander family always like to do this kind of thing?

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