Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 872: meteorite

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

The Nightmare Ancestor was eliminated once hundreds of years ago, and now it has quietly made a comeback and returned to the eighth level. This is an incredible thing for any large-scale force.

The Nightmare Ancestor is truly terrifying to the extreme.

However, this meditation method has always been mastered by the Nightmare Ancestor, and it has not been revealed. This is a blessing for the people of the Western Ring Continent.

Dole was cautious.

He thinks that he is just an inconspicuous little wizard, and the other party should not look at him, but he must be careful.

Ever since he practiced the Nightmare Meditation method, he realized just how weird the eighth-level ancestor was, and he was really powerful to the extreme.

Even if you die, you can make a comeback, and if you re-cultivate to this state, you are invincible.

"I hope you all come back triumphantly, and I will celebrate for the adults in the northwest." Dorai has also learned a lot of clichés now, and it is also a set of hypocrisy.

Vasili and the old man nodded and said, "It's over, you should rest and go back."

Duo Lai nodded and said, "Although there are clones in the northwest, after all, the training time is delayed. I haven't practiced very well for half a year."

Vasily apologized, "The Glory Wizarding League will compensate you."

The old man didn't care about this, "What is this time? Our lifespan is more than hundreds of years, so it doesn't matter."

Usbul, however, represented a different opinion, saying, "Teacher, Dorai is currently in a period of rapid growth. A delay of one year is a year behind. After the growth period, it will not be so easy to improve, and it should be compensated. This time It can be said that we have gained a lot from the glory of the Wizarding League and should be compensated."

Vasili nodded and said, "I will hold an internal meeting at that time to improve rewards for Dorai, now let's rest."

After working hard for several months, it was finally finished. Everyone was excited and tired, so they should rest.

The four looked at each other and disbanded directly.

Walking out of the secret space, as soon as Dorai came out, he received a message from George, so he walked out of the League of Glory Wizards, walked to the street, and walked towards the Imperial Palace.

At this time, it was already slightly autumnal outside, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables on the street were already on the market. As soon as they came out, they smelled all kinds of fruity fragrances.

Along the way, the stalls on both sides are filled with all kinds of lovely fruits.

Dole's index finger moved when he saw it, so he bought some.

There are some differences between the fruits here in the imperial capital and those in the north. He bought more and planned to bring them back for everyone to taste.

Soon, they arrived at the gate of the palace.

Although George has not yet declared himself emperor, he has already lived in the palace. It is only a matter of time before he becomes emperor.

In the past few months, Dorai has been fine. He has refined the medicine and handed it over to the Glory Royal Family. I don't know if this guy is looking for him to discuss the price.

At the gate of the palace, a young man was waiting for him.

Seeing Dorai's arrival, his immature face bowed slightly and said with a smile, "Sorcerer Dorai, I'm Will, my brother asked me to pick you up."

Dole's heart moved.

Although George has countless brothers and sisters, there are only two with the same father and mother. This Will seems to be one of them. He is still young, only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he seems to have a good talent for fighting spirit. Fourth-level warrior strength.

He was shocked, the talent of the Glory Royal Family was really strong.

He nodded slightly and said, "Excuse me."

Will said happily, "No trouble, no trouble, it's my honor to meet Wizard Dorai. It's amazing to hear that you attacked Mount Albis by yourself."

Dole raised his brows, "No, no, my personal strength is not enough. I borrowed the power of Wassenberg, and I can't do it alone."

"That's very powerful. When my brother saw that territory, he immediately stopped thinking about it. The power in his hand is much stronger than that of you."

Dole said: "It's all a few adults to help."

Will is very talkative and good at chatting. He flattered Dorai steadily, but instead made Dorai feel embarrassed.

Passing through the middle palace, soon came to the harem, the entrance of a hall.

Entering the main hall, George was already waiting.

Seeing Dorai coming in, George raised his head from the thick file, immediately refreshed, stood up, and said with a smile, "Wait for a long time, is it over there?"

Dole gave a slight salute and nodded, "His Royal Highness George, the matter of the Glory Wizarding League is over, I can go back to the northwest now."

George breathed a sigh of relief. The Glory Wizarding League and Dole didn't know what they were doing. They got it from summer to late autumn in one breath. All right, he wanted to beg someone in the past.

"Can you tell me, what are you doing?" George was curious.

Dole said with a smile, "It can't be said, it's a good thing anyway. The Wizarding Union will explode for a while in the last few years."

George raised his brows, "Don't even tell me? I will be an emperor in the future!"

Dole looked at him and said, "It's not that I won't tell you, but I shouldn't tell you about this matter, and then the old man or Usbul will report to you."

George relaxed, and his curiosity drove himself to break the casserole and ask to the end, but in the end he didn't ask. He nodded slightly and said, "Sit down, since the matter is over, we can also settle the bill here, the empire does not have that much cash, my suggestion is to pay with magic crystals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Material payment, what high-level resources do you need now, it can be said, I can still call the shots now."

Dole raised his brows, he lowered his head, and said slowly, "Is there any meteorite with strange fluctuations, the kind that constantly releases weak energy, I've heard before that the empire seems to have a lot of this kind of thing! "

George smiled and said, "You will want it, this kind of thing is indeed in the treasury, but most meteorites carry harmful substances that can corrode people's bodies invisible, and within a period of time, it will lead to people's death, Are you sure you need it?"

Dole nodded solemnly and said, "As long as you have it, you can ignore the rest. I'm already level 6. If I can die like this, I deserve it."

As an alchemist, getting experimental materials is the most basic, and Dorai really needs this material.

What he gained in that secret space was not only some strange materials, but the knowledge of power,

The most basic power is the most real and powerful power, such as lightning, such as subtle vibrations, and such strange fluctuations. Although these powers are very weak, they are still very terrifying when they come together. And where did this kind of power come from? Dorai only thought of the kind of meteorite that came from outside the sky. This thing is rare, and only the empire has a large number of preservation.

So he made this request, but George happily agreed.

George suddenly lowered his head and said, "Doray, I still have a few urgent documents here. If you don't mind, I'll take you to the treasure house in half an hour."

In front of Dole, he seldom called himself the king. Dole helped him a lot. Almost all of this position was related to Dole. Generally speaking with Dole, he called himself me.

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