Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 874: negotiate

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

At this time, in the underground cave, Dorai has selected three meteorites, one exudes the power of alien radiation, one exudes a strong unknown magnetic force or electricity, and one exudes an unknown penetrating power. These three .

According to George, except for the electromagnetic force stone, the contacts of the other two stones died in a very short time, which was very scary.

This is why George is afraid. Facing the unknown, he has a psychological fear.

Seeing this, Dole nodded slightly, and a magic pattern flashed in his hand, forming two small forbidden magic patterns, isolating the three stones from the outside world.

He used a lot of space magic patterns to isolate the inside from the outside, and that kind of alien radiation would not radiate out.

He didn't have a seal on the stone that was full of magnetism or weak electricity, but just held it in his hand and carefully felt the power in it. He felt that it was very similar to the electricity he mastered. Let's see if it will inspire you. .

After the election, Dole and Ashe reluctantly left here under the urging of George.

There are indeed good things in it. Every piece of meteorite is full of alien power. If you take it out, each piece can be sold for a sky-high price.

Only the imperial royal family can be so rich and powerful.

Came to the passage, quickly walked out of the secret room, and came outside.

As soon as he came outside, George let out a long breath and said, "It still feels too depressing inside, Dorai, are you ready to leave as soon as you get your things?"

Dorai nodded and said, "It's winter, and it will be the season of monsters coming down the mountain. I have to go back and organize people to collect all kinds of monsters that ran down around the Beiyuan Mountains, otherwise it will not be safe for the town outside."

George breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Congratulations to the Marquis, and I look forward to your next level in the future."

Dole looked at George and said, "Happy together."

George looked at Ashe again and said, "Sister Ashe, you are welcome to come to the royal family to play at any time."

Ashe nodded, "Yes, Brother George, you can practice more when you have time. The emperors of all dynasties were all ninth-level warriors."

George was speechless, whether he would chat, which pot should not be opened and which one should be raised.

An ugly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I try my best, the situation here in the imperial capital is complicated, you can leave as soon as you can." He stretched out his hand and pointed to the back.

Dole saw the direction he was pointing and understood.

He still remembered the events of the ancestors of the royal family last time, so he said, "We will leave in that moment."

George let out a light breath and said, "Go, come and see me often when you have time."

When they went out, Will still led them out, unobstructed all the way.

It was the afternoon, just before dusk, Dorai glanced at the bustling imperial capital.

The fiery sun is like fog, falling on the magnificent city, a little more warm and a little less realistic.

He turned his head and sent a message to Puyusi and several high-level officials, and then left the imperial capital with Ashe quietly.

This time, I was only going to stay in the imperial capital for more than ten days. I didn’t expect that from June to mid-October, it was more than four months, and it was due to the fact that his avatar’s mental power itself was not weak, otherwise the consequences would be Incredible.

Akso is gone, missing a seventh-level wizard tower, and a seventh-level combat power. Now is the time when there is a shortage of manpower, and he has to go back to prepare.

Speaking of which, Dole had to ask Allen Huowutong about the organization when he went back, and what the conflict between Akso and them was. He always felt that it was not easy for this woman to be kicked out.

Dorai left in the wizard tower. After he sent the message, several people rushed out of the city, and their mental power swept through the surrounding world, but found nothing, and a few people chased to the north.

Soon, the Glory Wizarding Alliance issued orders repeatedly, and those talents came back reluctantly.

Among them was the Fire King Patriarch, who was a little unwilling.

But he was also a little shocked. From the time he knew that Dorai was out, to when he left the city, he didn't find any trace of Dorai. The Tower of Babel has some doorways.

In the city, some high-level officials in the imperial capital were really nervous because of the chaos of several big men.

The backyard of the palace.

Daphne opened her eyes and waited to look forward.

After a long time, he sighed, "Let's go, let's go, anyway, he doesn't have anyone else in his eyes. Let's talk about the future. Ashe is also very good, and the two of them are very good together."

Most of the wizard's path is lonely, she decided to strengthen the belief in her heart and achieve the ninth-level wizard's path.

The more level 9 in the family, the stronger the deterrent in the future.

As for the future, let's talk about it later.

Augustine is far from Dorai, far from being on the same level, so there is no need to look at it at all. Although he is the same genius as himself, his vision is not on the same level, so there is no way to compare.

Dole and several ancestors were chatting and laughing while doing experiments, and they could even be led by him, and they probably didn't dare to raise their heads when facing several ancestors. This is the gap.

Dorai's affairs in the imperial capital were only a flash in the pan. He didn't even make a move in front of many people. Those who knew him were all the high-level and wizards. His actions were not particularly outstanding or high-profile, so he Some people are concerned about the departure, and some people care about it at all.

In the evening, the two of them rushed back to the north in the middle of the night with all their strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned around outside the city of Albis, then rushed to the west and went straight to Wassenberg.

After obtaining authorization from the outside, the wizard tower finally stopped in the wizard tower group of Wassenberg, and it was still in the previous position, not far from the wizard tower of Chris.

The Tower of Babel stood quietly, still disturbing many people, and the energy fluctuations were too large to be ignored.

For a time, the news of Dole's return shocked everyone.

The first message to Dorai was Alan!

"Hehe, congratulations, Lord Marquis."

Dorai just took a breath, and when he heard this, he immediately echoed back, "Mr. Allen is mocking me. This time I went, but it took a lot of effort and took a lot of things to go in."

Allen responded immediately, "I've heard it all, Lord Puyusi told me something, the imperial capital is too deep, if you can't go in the future, try not to go."

Dole said, "Yes, I won't go there if I'm killed in the future."

As soon as Allen's voice fell, the voice transmissions of the others arrived. Dole replied one by one, and finally focused on two words.

This time I came to discuss marriage matters.

The senior officials of the Glory Wizarding Alliance were silent for a long time.

Wizards rarely get married. Even if they do get married, it is enough for two people to be together. Such a big fanfare to announce the marriage of two people is usually a matter of the combination of two forces. Dorai is alone, and Ashe is married. Ordinary people The idea must be that the two of them will just pass by quietly.

marry! ! !

But thinking about it, Dorai now seems to represent a force, and the force is not small. Many of the families in Wassenberg are not comparable to Dorai.

Except for the four major families, those so-called middle-level families currently do not have the momentum and confidence of Duolai.

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