Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 888: basking in the sun

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Prince Aze turned his head and said to a wizard behind him, "Quickly pass on this matter to Wassenberg, and pay close attention to the high-level monsters in the surrounding dangerous places. I suspect that the Nightmare Ancestor controls more than just this monster, for sure. There are other monsters."

At the same time, on the edge of the northern kingdom, in the Nightmare Forest, dozens of monsters from the Evil Spirit Mountains rushed out of the mountains and came to the crowd gathering places to wreak havoc, and the Glory Wizards Alliance in various regions was busy.

The garrisoned troops in various places, and the Glory Wizarding Alliance retreated to support the local area, which greatly delayed the speed of supporting the Northwest Front Army.

Although the Warcraft fluctuations were quelled in a very short period of time, the people around the dangerous area suffered heavy losses, the most serious being a western state. In one day, two small cities were lost and tens of thousands of casualties were incurred.

Shocked, shaken.

When the news reached Dorai, he was in the Stormwind Field, the last Stormwind Field of the night.

He looked at the Beiyuan Mountains and breathed a sigh of relief. Until now, the few monsters didn't seem to show any signs of attacking, and it was estimated that they were not under control.

The Nightmare Ancestor is indeed a bit terrifying. The silent control is much more powerful than any animal trainer.

He immediately sent an order to the Glory Wizarding Alliance, paying close attention to the news from all directions, especially the issue of the Warcraft riots.

He thought for a while, then got up and flew north.

Duo Lai's breath was an overwhelming storm. When he came out of the storm domain, after he released his breath unscrupulously, several seventh-level members of the Beiyuan Mountains immediately released their own pressure, and suppressed them fiercely against Duo Lai.

Especially the dragon bat flew out from the resting place, turned into a streamer, and slammed towards Dole.

But at this time, he had already discovered that Duo Lai didn't seem to be the Duo Lai before. The breath on his body was very strong, and waves of thunder were condensed on his body, and he had already broken through the seventh level.

This human mage has just entered the seventh level, and it is still lightning?

After seeing the dragon bat, he calmed down, and did not take the initiative to attack, but flew out, released his momentum in the sky, and said fiercely, "Human, what are you going to do, take one step further, my lord is about to shoot. ."

Dole's position at this time was just above the Beiyuan River.

He looked at the dragon bat, tilted his head and looked at it for a while. He really didn't see any signs of the other party being invaded, so his expression froze, and his voice spread all over the place.

"Nightmare Forest, Evil Spirit Mountain, and dozens of beasts of level 7 and above in several western mountain ranges are controlled by the Nightmare Old Demon, wantonly attacking everywhere. I came out here to see if you are also being controlled."

When the dragon bat heard this, he was stunned at first, and then his heart froze.

"What, dozens of level seven are controlled, how is this possible?" He exclaimed in disbelief.

The voice of the three-headed dragon lizard also sounded in the distance at this time, "The news has not been delivered yet, human, is what you said true?"

Dole nodded, "It's absolutely true, the giant eagle in the northern desert and the troll leader in the Evil Spirit Mountain have already attacked, and they have been repelled. Other news has not yet come, but the news is true."

The three-headed dragon lizard was shocked. The troll leader was even more powerful than him, and he was quietly controlled. This is unbelievable. How is this possible?

If this is the case, what the ancestor said a few days ago is true, this human nightmare old demon is really the enemy of all creatures, comparable to the hateful necromancer, who can quietly control the seventh level Warcraft, this is simply scaring the beasts.

What the Black Dragon ancestor said was true.

Just when the two beasts were terrified, the seventh level in other directions also slowly floated up to the sky, looking at the ant-like human being in the distance, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Duo Lai looked at the seventh-level people in the sky, and muttered in his heart. There are so many seventh-level mountains in the Beiyuan Mountains, which is a little scary. He counted them, and there were almost seven. Plain areas, I don't like places where magic elements are not strong.

His heart sank slightly.

There are silent rules between humans and monsters, and they don't dare to violate it at will, otherwise a real war between the two sides will start, and it's still the kind of endless death.

He slowly opened his mouth and said, "As long as we are not controlled by the Nightmare Ancestor, we will compete fairly."

Among the many demon beasts, the dragon bat gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, human, since you have entered the seventh level, then I have nothing to say. We will wait and see later."

Dole looked at the dragon bat and smiled faintly, "As you wish."

At this time, his eyes were slightly stern, and he looked at a certain place in the mountain, where there was an extremely deep power secretly looking at him.

He now already knows what the eighth-level man is. He is an eighth-level black dragon, a natural beast warrior, and an unparalleled existence.

The Dragon Race itself is the most powerful race in the world. Most of the mountains are almost controlled by the Dragon Race. In the past, when they were in Huaz City, the famous mountain range in the distance spanned thousands of kilometers. Heaven, most of the range is also controlled by dragon-type monsters.

The Southern Highlands in the northwest and the Alishan Mountains in the west of the Southern Highlands are almost no-man’s land, and most of the areas are controlled by the Dragons.

The dragon race can almost be said to be the most powerful race in the world, with a lot of high-end power. They have almost four or five levels of power from birth, as you can imagine.

He just glanced at it, then lowered his head and quietly returned to the storm field.

In the face of a nearly double-digit level seven, he still felt that the storm field was safer.

Today's storm field is more intense. Although the coverage has not expanded, there are more storm elements in the original brew. It looks more intense, darker, gloomy, and heavy. At a glance, there are only two words in my heart, shocking .

In the sky, thunder and lightning flashed across, bombarding Dorai's surroundings, but Dorai didn't move.

He touched his chin to see if he was level 7, because his spiritual power has not gone through the process of a real thunder tribulation, so he still needs to wait for a while.

If there is no thunder tribulation, he needs to do it himself.

The biggest role of thunder tribulation is to purify spiritual power. Human spiritual power itself is nothingness and belongs to the yin attribute. Thunder and lightning are the most powerful forces in the world. After the baptism of thunder and lightning, spiritual power will transform, from illusory nothingness. Reaching the essence, the interference of mental power in reality will come true.

This is also the sign of the sixth to seventh level. After the mental force interferes with the essence, it will touch the power of the rules.

Duo Lai's spiritual power has long reached its essence. After practicing the Nightmare Meditation, his spiritual power has been improved again. Now he does not know what kind of realm he has reached, and whether there is any thunder tribulation.

Returning to the wizard tower ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ entering the laboratory, looking at Ashe, who is still busy with a big belly, his heart moved slightly.

If they were ordinary people, would they be a family of two now, standing under the locust tree, basking in the sun warmly, and talking witty things?

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