Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 899: back

Remember for a second【】

Dorai's mental power is very powerful. After practicing the Nightmare Meditation, his mental power is even stronger, and it is more detailed and subtle. He also has a special sensing ability, and he can even feel other faintly without dreaming Some faint thoughts of people, he glanced at Rosa secretly while looking at his daughter.

This woman is probably also thinking about marriage, but she doesn't know who she is thinking about. Last time Akso said she had a boyfriend, but she didn't know who it was. He vaguely felt that it should be Gretel.

That kid Benard has done some tricks recently, and it always happens that these two people meet, and it is estimated that they are inseparable.

Speaking of which, Akso doesn't know what's going on now. Last time, Angelina said that she had fought several times with the leader of the Huowutong organization, Hongshan Laomu, and she didn't know if she was beaten to death.

As a disciple of Akso, Rosa has practiced the Heavenly Phoenix Meditation method, and she has an extravagant aura, and this temperament is also worthy of Gretel.

Ashe was breastfeeding, and Dole could only stand by and watch.

As a wizard, Ashe controls his body very accurately. Even if he gives birth to a child, his body is not out of shape, but his chest is a little more spectacular. Basically, other than himself, no one else can feel it.

Dole is not worried about the baby's milk. It's not enough to have a few wet nurses outside to provide milk, as long as Ashe is healthy.

Rosa bid her farewell at this time, and Dole sent the person out the door.

Standing at the door, Rosa looked at Dorai and said with a cold expression, "You busy man, stay with Ashe."

Dorai was helpless and nodded hurriedly, "I'm not done with my work, we are usually together, even if the real body is not there, the clone is also together."

Rosa was stunned, and he forgot that both of them had avatars, and they were a little envious.

The avatar needs a medium, such as the elemental avatar, it is easy to dissipate due to the loss of the magic supply, and the elemental avatar can be used in the battle, but the elemental avatar needs huge magical support, and daily life still needs this kind of medium with a medium The clones are better, such as puppets, such as Dole, but in terms of effect, the top ten strange insects of ancient times are naturally the best.

It's just that the ancient strange insect is very difficult to raise, even if it is given to her by Dorai, it may not be able to feed her, so she has never opened her mouth. Besides, having this thing is equivalent to having a bomb, and maybe it will be stared at. up.

At this point, both Rosa, Bennard and others still have self-awareness, and they know that if Dorai wants it, Dorai will most likely give it.

Just give it, can you hold it?

Rosa leaves soon.

The news that Dorai had a child quickly spread to the north and south of Albis City. Although they had only been married for a few months, everyone in the wizarding world understood and did not say anything.

For a time, the whole city cheered.

Dole has descendants, which also means that they will manage the city well and will not leave easily. Even if they leave, there are owners behind the city who will help them defend against the monsters in the Beiyuan Mountains.

Without the existence of Stormwind Domain, the Northwest Passage can't be kept at all, unless a seventh-level one is born here again in the future, and it is a seventh-level with a wizard's tower. …

Now that the city is in rotation, the person in charge of city planning is Wayne, the head of the branch of the Rhine family. When he heard the news, he clapped his hands, and someone came in outside.

Wayne immediately said, "Contact the deputy city lords, and we will discuss with the city lord Dole about expanding the scale of the city."

The man said immediately, "Yes."

Dole is busy, not only with various experiments, but also with urban construction.

I don't know what the madness of those people is. He hasn't had time to hold the child for a while, and he hasn't even picked up the name. Several deputy city lords strongly demanded that all the meritorious people be given noble titles, and troops were dispatched. Albis City's The scope continues to expand, occupying the wasteland, expelling wild animals, and then the next step is to set up the county towns.

Today, Albis City has not developed well, and the population is only 60,000. According to his assumption, the entire city can accommodate up to 400,000 people. It has not yet reached the small half of the population. What are you anxious to do? You want to decentralize ?

Just a little guess to know what they are thinking, hehe.

Dole dragged the matter back on the grounds of investigation.

At the gate of Albis today, there are many ordinary people who come with the caravan every day, and there are also many people who settle here. There are even many policies in the city to encourage these people to stay. It's very cheap. Even so, after two years, it will only have a population of 60,000.

The population on the army side is not included, and neither are mercenaries and adventurers. These are all considered floating population.

In fact, the number of people who stayed here is 60,000, and most of them are adults, and there are very few children. This is why he does not approve of setting up an academy now.

School construction, teachers' salaries, where do all these come from, can it be done just by collecting taxes?


Dorai managed these nobles strongly, and then focused on the Glory Wizarding Alliance.

On the Albis City side, there are not many industries in the Glory Wizarding Alliance. In the Albis Mountain, two minerals are being mined recently. In addition, whether there is any harassment by monsters, the mining is very smooth. Magic crystal mines, metal mines, Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and there are no major problems.

It can be said that everything is developing in a positive direction.

He's been doing experiments recently, while

^0^ One second to remember【】

Find a way to get the bones collected from extraterrestrial space and prepare to make a Turin bone tower.

These bones outside the realm are very strange, and the power emitted from them is very advanced. He has to think of a way.

Time is coming to May soon.

In the early summer, the temperature in the north was already rising. Dole’s avatar made a tour of the towns. The crops in each area seemed to be good this year.

In the north, winter wheat is harvested in early June every year. He came out to see the harvest at this time.

The food here in Albis City has always relied on purchasing from other cities. Although there was a harvest last year, the harvest was not very good. Basically, all of them are in the state of being reclaimed, and the output is not high. This year is considered to be reclaimed. a small part.

However, there is no problem in achieving self-sufficiency within two years, and it may be difficult this year.

Food, UU reading www.uukanshu.com drinking water, these are all basic issues.

He will issue the order, others will follow it, and finally inspect it. If there is a problem, whoever has the problem can handle it.

However, there is no such corruption in Albis City. Several deputy city lords are still doing their best, and they are worthy of Dolekai's salary and treatment and preferential treatment.

After patrolling outside, Dole thought for a while and came to the gate of the city.

He had just arrived at the gate of the city, and a message entered his consciousness from the distant Wassenberg.

The Evil Spirit Mountains also had a riot of level seven demon beasts, which were suspected to be controlled by the Nightmare Ancestor.

Dorai thought for a while, and explained to Ashe, and with a swoosh, the clone disappeared into the sky.

There is a small bone tower hanging on the waist of the clone, exuding a strong and mysterious aura of death. Although it is death, it has a sacred smell, and it has already touched the aura of the rules of death.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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