Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 901: Giant Elephant

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This flame is not powerful, it looks gloomy and very inconspicuous, but the powerful rule power emanating from it is not fake.

The core magic pattern of Turin Bone Fire is the high-end magic pattern of the other world. The seventh-level Dorai took a full month to figure out. This shows that.

As soon as the Turin bone fire came out, within a radius of dozens of miles, almost all the creatures felt that their bones were burning, their blood boiled, and their bone marrow was in severe pain.

Bone fire, bone fire, naturally the bone marrow burns.

The Turin bone fire slowly rose, and was condensed into two huge fireballs by Dole. He manipulated the fireballs and threw them at the giant elephant several kilometers away.

The giant elephant felt a huge crisis. This flame seemed to be a huge threat to him. He raised his hands without saying a word, and the huge weapon in his hand became a kilometer under the influence of the power of blood and magic. How long, swept towards the two flames fiercely.

The giant spirit elephant moved with great force and swept it with a stick at a very fast speed. The stick rubbed against the air, making a huge sound like an explosion of air. The air was expelled, and a huge wave of air was formed where the stick passed. flame.


Dole saw this and manipulated the flame to move.

The giant spirit swept away like a stick, followed by the second stick and the third stick.

Controlling Turin's Bone Fire is not so easy. After Dole moved two or three times, his mental power was a little sluggish, and the consumption was not small.

One of the flames was drawn by a giant spirit elephant, and the power of blood and magic collided with Dorai's Turin Bone Fire. ground.

The battlefield on the ground has begun to move outwards, and seeing flames falling from the sky, both the human race and the beasts fled.

The flames fell on the ground and went out one after another, without causing any impact on the plants and the ground.

But when the flames fell on the bones of the beasts and humans, they turned into green fires one after another, and in less than two seconds, the bones disappeared.

Seeing this, the faces of those monsters, soldiers, and wizards turned green, and they ran faster.

What kind of evil sorcery is this, it is so terrifying.

In the sky, there is still a group of Turin bone fire, playing hide-and-seek with the giant spirit elephant. Seeing the scene below, the consciousness of the nightmare ancestor hidden in the giant spirit elephant's body is also a little confused. What kind of flame is so powerful?

He was even more afraid to let the flames approach.

The giant elephant moves slowly, but its momentum is heavy. Only at the moment of the shot, the speed is extremely fast, and it turns and moves slowly. Therefore, when he controls the giant elephant's body, there is still some delay.

This little guy, who he once regarded as a seed wizard, has grown to this level, which is really rare.

At this moment, he observed Dorai's control method for a long time, and he hit the flame with a stick, and deliberately hit the flame at the Terran camp.

The flame exploded, turning into yellow dots of **** all over the sky, and went over there.

Dole just glanced at it, and as soon as the power was withdrawn, those flames disappeared in mid-air.

As soon as he raised his hand, the three forces continued to merge on the wizard tower to form a new Turin bone fire. At the same time, he manipulated the wizard tower to quickly approach the giant elephant.

The power of Turin Bone Fire is huge, but it seems that the long-range power is not enough.

The giant elephant also thought the same at this time. When he saw Dorai coming, it was a stick.

Dorai's skeleton meditation method did not understand the power of the seventh level of Taoism. This avatar only has mental power to the seventh level, and there is no real seventh-level power. The seven-level power that can be used is only the wizard tower and Turin bone fire. The power of the skeleton **** is not compatible with the power of the storm meditation method, otherwise the power of the deity can be released.

He raised his hand, the wizard tower ignored the huge stick, but the super giant elephant slammed into it.

This is made of the bones of extraterrestrial creatures, comparable to diamonds. If you can smash it all at once, I think you are powerful.

The Turin Bone Tower, which the stick touched first, slammed down hard, making a loud bang, and a sound wave turned into a circle and rippling outward like a substance, and then the stick made of something suddenly broke. .

The Turin Bone Tower just paused for a while, and then continued to slam into the body of the giant elephant.

The nightmare ancestor hidden in the giant elephant was suddenly frightened, and the black iron stick was broken. What material is this wizard tower? Seeing that the ancient tower of Turin continued to hit him, he withdrew the remaining half of the stick and hurriedly stepped forward.

The wizard's tower was very fast, and without giving the giant elephant time to react, it slammed into the front of the giant elephant.


The two behemoths collided in the air. There was no violent collision, and there was not even a loud noise. The figure of the giant spirit elephant was suddenly scattered by the impact, and the blood rain splattered across the sky.

The wizard's tower made a strike, but Dorai didn't feel any sense of ease. At this time, he felt a strange force coming from all directions, rushing towards his consciousness.

That was the power of a nightmare, and he hurriedly mobilized the Skeleton Demon God meditation method to set up illusory dreams and illusions around him.

These dreams and illusions are all real, and they are all real scenes that he intercepted some people's dreams and existed. The dreams inside are like a real dream world, all kinds of real, all kinds of weird.

It's just a clone, Dorai is confident that he can still deal with it. He has the Bone Demon God Meditation and the Nightmare Meditation double insurance, so he doesn't believe that the other party can invade him?

The next moment, one of the dream worlds he set up changed completely and became the nourishment for nightmares.

Dole's face changed slightly, and the next moment, his fantasy meditation method jumped out of a little man with a death scythe, and a scythe was drawn towards the dream world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The avatar of the nightmare ancestor is not Weak, on the contrary, it is very powerful. It can control a seventh-level, and the power used is naturally more than himself. The giant elephant was killed at once. He did not expect that this wizard tower has some doorways.

He directly activated his power and went to Dorai's spiritual world.

He immediately sensed Dorai's spiritual world, saw those illusory dreams at a glance, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Actually play with me in dreams, then come on, let's play.

If you can control this young man, I am afraid it will be more rewarding than controlling a giant elephant.

This wizard tower is not simple.

His huge mental power suddenly invaded into a dream, and he recklessly modified the scene and the characters in it, and quickly brought it under control, ready to attack the second scene.

At this moment, he sensed a little crisis.

The next moment, he sensed the source of the crisis. Outside the dream world, a death scythe slashed fiercely, passed through reality, and came to the illusory world.

In the shocked eyes of the Nightmare Ancestor, the sickle pierced through reality and slashed on the dream world.

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