Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 911: double combat

As long as Dorai is hit by the light of the equipment, there is a high probability that he will be pulled into a dream.

   As long as he enters the dream, then the middle-aged man is not afraid. What he is most afraid of is the action against his real body, but he is not afraid at all in the dream.

   Colorful rays of light fell on the wizard tower, the power of dreams, the power of death, and the power of darkness were incompatible at all, and they did not enter in an instant.

It is impossible for Dorai to let the magic of dreaming hit him. The power of dreams and the power of elements are different and incompatible with each other. The colorful rays of light pass through the defense of the wizard tower, which is not beyond his expectations. When it was time to dodge the real body, in the Turin Bone Tower, several seemingly colorful bones suddenly lit up and suddenly shook.

   A strange force emanated from the bones, and the colorful light disappeared instantly.

   The colorful bones fell silent again, as if nothing had happened.

  Dole didn't even think of this change. He still has a lot of these bones. He must study it carefully when he goes back. This is a good thing. Does the owner of this bone have something to do with the dream?

   He thought a lot in an instant.

   At this moment, the face of the middle-aged man flying slowly below sank, he immediately sank, and the Dream Palace activated.

   Today, there is a high probability that he won't be able to escape, but even if he can't escape, he can't make the other party feel better, and he can kill himself just like this, which is too real.

   "Doray, don't force us to die together, I'll let your avatar come out, you let me go."

Dole looked at the middle-aged man, as if he was looking at another person, "Ancestor Nightmare, come out, I know, you must have planted a foreshadowing in this person's mind, if you don't come out, there will be no chance. ."

   The Turin Bone Tower released a tyrannical aura of death at this moment, which immediately covered the front.

The breath of death brings all kinds of breaths such as weakness, corruption, erosion, fear, etc. Although the dream wizard is powerful, it is only limited to spiritual power. If you don't fight in the dream, you will face the death breath released by the Turin Bone Tower. Good way.

  The middle-aged man almost immediately released a tyrannical to the extreme mental storm, which rushed towards the breath of death. At the same time, various spiritual magics such as mental whipping and spiritual thorns were thrown towards Dorai.

   At the same time, in the world created by the dream, he also launched an attack on Dorai's clone, even if he died, it would not make Dorai feel better.

   Spiritual storm and other witchcraft bombarded the breath of death. It seemed that nothing happened. Many models in the breath of death quietly disintegrated. The breath of death dissipated between the heavens and the earth, and large swaths of the breath of death dissipated into the air.

   The breath of death was strong, and it still broke through the obstacles of the mental storm, and smashed the middle-aged man fiercely.

   All kinds of equipment on the middle-aged man light up at this time, and the rays of light resist the death breath.

  Dorai didn't expect to subdue a sixth-level wizard in one move. The breath of death is a large-scale witchcraft, and he just wanted to entangle him and rescue the nightmare clone.

  The Nightmare clone didn't practice for a long time, and in a subtle sense, he had some advantages, but in terms of strength, he was insufficient.

   At this time, he felt the opponent's counterattack, and in the dream world, the nightmare clone had already begun to be attacked. …

  In the hall, the middle-aged man's face was extremely gloomy, and the gloom was very terrifying. With a wave of his hand, those people walked out of the hall and rushed towards Dorai's clone.

   "Even if I'm going to die, I'll pull your back." At the gate of the palace, the middle-aged man stared fiercely at Duolai.

  Dorai's clone didn't have much to do at this time. In front of him, the same figures appeared one after another, which were all the souls of various dream masters that he had collected all the time.

   For so long, he has collected more than 1,000 dreams and compiled more than 1,000 dreams.

   However, these people are either gangsters or dark wizards. In terms of quality, they are much stronger than the opponents. Dorai will still support them for a while. As long as the skeletal demon **** clone can destroy the opponent's deity, the opponent is the water of no source.

  With the appearance of a person, the gate of the main hall was crowded, and soon, the two teams came into contact and started the most primitive war.

You punch, I kick, you sword, I shoot, like two armies fighting, no sound, no blood, and not much color. The battle in the dream world depends on the individual's understanding of the dream. At this time, No one will put blood on the war, and that also requires mental effort.

   The two dream creatures fought, and soon, Dorai's team was surrounded by the other side, more than a thousand people, surrounded and beaten by nearly ten thousand people.

   A fierce middle-aged man stood at the front of the team. He held a big sword in his hand. With a wave of his hand, a huge sword energy was generated out of thin air and slashed forward fiercely.

   Dozens of people in front who looked like old and weak soldiers were slashed by sword energy and instantly turned into pieces.

The next moment, a sword qi came back and stood in front of the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man waved his hand and smashed the sword qi. At the same time, he turned around and waved his hand, and the sword qi was swept out of his hand again. People disappear into the air.

   This is Dole's striker. He was a sixth-level fighter before his death. He understood the existence of fighting spirit and stood at the forefront of the team.

   Although there are not enough dream bubbles, the essence of dream creations is very powerful, and none of those who can commit capital crimes are good stubborn.

  Dorai's dream creations have always been very strong, but the dream creations of middle-aged people are not very good, and they fall in large numbers.

   seems to have the upper hand, but in fact all his people died.

   There are also great middle-aged people. One of the wizards is a big one when he shoots.

continue reading! Page 1/2 in total, Frost has killed more than a dozen dream creations in Dorai, which is very cruel.

  The entrance of the main hall has now turned into a large-scale battlefield with a radius of several kilometers. The two of them each commanded an army and frantically fought towards each other.

  Dorai looked around and thought about how to defend against the opponent. His quality was high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the quantity was seriously insufficient. It would be great if the terrain could be changed here.

  Unfortunately, this is the place where other people's dreams are made, and he is at an absolute disadvantage, and the environment cannot be distorted and changed at will.

   Let's stand still, and it'll be fine when the clone kills his deity.


   The breath of death and the breath of darkness kept chasing the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man ran wildly while resisting, and at the same time unleashed spiritual storms and other sorcery to weaken Dorai's various dark sorceries.

   His speed is not fast, and he cannot quickly leave the battlefield.

   He is about to jump off the wall. Dorai has a wizard tower, how can he be the opponent's opponent?

   As he ran, he looked around, his face was full of hideousness, this is, he looked happy, there was a small town in front of him, so the power flew over there.

  Dorai also saw the town, how could this make his wish come true, the wizard tower immediately surpassed the middle-aged man and stopped in front of him, and he was not in a hurry to kill the other party, otherwise, he would have collided with it immediately.

   The middle-aged man watched helplessly as the wizard tower fell in front of him, his face turned ashen, the speed of others was faster than himself, and the other party didn't kill him.

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