Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 927: Unknown Formation Rune

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

The eighth-level standard is a rule of rules that understand at least the ninth level, but at the ninth level, it will evolve into at least three rules to reach the ninth level, which is different, if the contact is good, three rules can achieve a certain level. The starting path of a law, the rules are closer to the law, but who knows which rules a law is, which requires a huge background, or requires a strong understanding, and comprehend a few more.

Dorai was thinking, but Elrea was looking around. The Tower of Babel couldn't see how big it was from the outside, but the space you saw after entering it was very broad. This is a wizard tower with space capabilities. Elleigh Ya has a clearer understanding.

The layout inside also tends to be feminine. All kinds of decorations and placed objects have feminine signs. Obviously, Ashe should be doing the usual care.

She suddenly envied the other party, a wizard, who can have such an environment and a lot of future, what power and family do you need.

Just like what my sister said, as long as I can reach the eighth level, what other people say, even if it is said by the ancestors, is nothing.

She is full of longing for her future, and she wants both magic and martial arts.

Of course, the first thing to do now is to learn meditation first.

Entering Dole's living room, the two entered one after the other.

Elrea said crisply as she walked, "Sorcerer Dorai, when will you teach me?"

Dorai walked inside, sat on an act, and touched it casually, and a white light flew out.

"This is all my experience and cultivation methods. I will give it to you now. The guest room is next to you. You can choose one to live in. All kinds of things are complete. You can meditate in any room here."

Elrea hurriedly took the aura, which was a little incredible, so I gave it to her?

"You give it to me?"

Dole nodded, "It's not an important thing. After reaching the seventh level, the wizard is the real starting point. Knowing the rules, understanding the rules, and using the rules, before the seventh level, it is a foreshadowing."

At this time, Elrea knew very well that there is a big difference between the wizard system and the warrior system. She couldn't see clearly what Dole was doing at noon today.

She sat casually in a seat and carefully observed the aura.

Looking at it, the more he looked at it, the more intimidating him, the fact that there is such a complex meditation method in this world is too exaggerated.

Every drop of water in the storm field, every wind blade, must be precisely controlled, how big the storm field is, this…

No wonder the other party is very perverted, the original meditation method is so perverted.

She gritted her teeth. It was a huge challenge and a huge opportunity.

Dorai looked at Elrea's delicate face and smiled faintly, "Actually, I sensed the potential of cultivating this technique in you, so I gave it to you. I changed it to another person, don't even think about it, now you I also saw that it is very difficult. If you really want to practice, I can help you plan your route first. I practiced this meditation method in the past, but I started with a low-level meditation method and suffered a lot."

It was too difficult, and Elrea couldn't help but wailed a little, but the next moment, she bit her teeth, got up, and came to the seat next to Dole, and said firmly, "I want to practice."

In the Alexander family, the teenagers had come to Augustine at this time, and without much effort, Augustine understood who they were being humiliated.

Augustine looked gloomy at the young man in front of him, feeling a little irritable in his heart. It was not good to offend anyone. He had to offend Dorai. He was already level seven.

Even if it is level 7 to provoke him, who in the family is willing to make a fortune for these people.

It's really inexplicable, he said a little irritably, "The other party is a seventh-level, you dare to mess with it, you are really brave, the princess Elrea, it seems that we have no way to do it, the Emperor Yale actually pushed it to Dorai. , but found a good excuse."

The three of them are all on the warrior side, and they are not familiar with the wizard side. The two young people said unwillingly at this time, "Augustine, others have humiliated us, the sect elders must have an answer, why should the Alexander family go out to meet people in the future?"

Augustine was instantly angry, he stood up almost immediately, came to the boy, and slapped him.

The boy's face was immediately swollen, and Augustine was also a power player.

"Fan, this slap is just an argument, you think I can do it in the past, not to mention his strength, the clan elder must come forward, even if it is his current identity, the three of you are useless, he is now the third in the empire. Consort in line."

After Ashe was promoted to the sixth level, he was already the eighth-level reserve level, ranking third among the women of the Glory Royal Family. Although this news is very secret, the pressure mountain family is not clear.

The three were horrified.

Level 7, the third consort of the empire, the marquis, whoever dares to provoke this might be a proper duke in the future.

The faces of the three of them changed wildly.

Augustine scolded a few words and said, "Get out of here, I'm going to talk to Mr. Zong now. Although this is the case, it won't make him feel better."

The Storm Meditation method is huge, and the concept is also very subtle. It takes a lot of time to prepare from scratch.

When Dorai was cultivating at the beginning, he also cultivated the mental control power of manipulating various copper coins from the beginning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Elrea now has a fifth-level mental power, which is unexpected. To Dorai's surprise, although the Snow Goddess Meditation is powerful, the total amount of spirit is very general.

Elrea can't abolish the original meditation method for the time being. She needs to start practicing from mental power control again. After reaching a certain level, she can then abolish the Snow Goddess, starting with the storm meditation method.

The solution Dole gave him was very simple, just get a bunch of gold coins and let her control them one by one, spinning around in the form of rotation, one, two, three, four.

This is very simple, Elrea did not need much time to control more than 20.

The gold coins themselves are relatively heavy, and when there are more than 20 coins, it is difficult for Elrea to control them. It is very easy to control and fly, but it is very difficult to rotate around without colliding.

Soon, the day passed.

Dole didn't pay attention to Elrea's side either, and only occasionally came out to give guidance.

His current main task is to figure out several main core runes of the eighth-level Tower of Babel.

The formation has nothing to move, and Dole doesn't want to move. At present, he only needs to think about the role of the space magic patterns.

Previously in the labyrinth world, he understood the function of those unknown runes, and he was very clear about the positioning of this wizard tower, Dorai, which was an artifact that spanned space.

Some unknown formations and unknown runes in it are used to draw energy when the void world has no energy.

As for the formation of the wizard tower itself, the role of shuttle in the void world, Dole still needs to figure out again.

However, the specific test has to wait until the wizard tower is officially completed before a more specific test. For example, going to the Void World to see, now all need to prepare for this.

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