Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 933: frighten

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

From the outside, Dorai could see the scene inside clearly, and his behavior was a little unserious. Hearing this, he almost spit out a nosebleed.

But after thinking about it, when the wizards have reached this realm, there is actually nothing to pursue, but their own strength, family concept, or inheritance.

Their own strengths can be done step by step, family concepts, the two are from a family, and they have been instilled with a lot of family concepts. Needless to say, inheritance forces, they have this responsibility, whether they want to or not, they have to repay the family. .

They are all aiming at their own heritage.

Naturally, Dole wouldn't think that they were someone who liked him, and they weren't handsome, they just had some spare money.

The wizards around were eager to move. After all, their two princesses were gone, but the ancestor of the fire king didn't speak, and they didn't move.

The magic pattern formation of the wizard tower is opened layer by layer and gradually connected. At first, the outside is a clear four-color light. At the end, the four-color light is getting brighter and brighter. With the rotation of the magic circle, the four colors are like a sky. The arrogance, swirling and condensed together.

The four colors turned into colors, and the colors rose into the sky like a long snake-shaped dragon.

The giant dragon with a height of hundreds of meters rushed into the sky, thousands of meters high, and the entire imperial capital saw this bright color at this time.

After the giant dragon rushed into the sky, it turned the head of the dragon again, and then fell to the wizard tower, like a flood of the Milky Way, forming a colorful barrier outside, and finally disappeared.

The wizard's tower subsided.

The people around didn't dare to take a breath. This is a testimony to a miracle. To build a seventh-level wizard tower in four days, according to the average cost of a wizard tower of 40 million, it is equivalent to earning 10 million a day. This is simply a robbery. money.

Too much money.

At this time, Dole's energy transmission on the Tower of Babel was interrupted, and he slowly descended and landed on the ground, looking exhausted.

He is not pretending, he is really tired, because he only used the power of the deity, not the power of the clone, the skeleton demon clone is still happily experimenting in the Albis Mountain, the nightmare clone is practicing at the bottom of the prison, and can't be casually use their power.

Seeing Dorai's tired face, the people around showed complicated expressions.

Unwilling, worship, ashes, in short, all kinds of feelings.

The ancestor of the Fire King sighed in his heart at this time. If Duo Lai is not dead, he will not talk about the ninth level in the future, and maybe he will be at the **** level. The ability he shows now is too shocking, not to mention that he did it himself. No, even Ancestor Qianyue couldn't do it.

Compared with Dole, they are true traditional wizards, and they simply can't do the perverted practice of Dole, who can only use more than a dozen. He can even practice more than a dozen meditation methods by himself.

A dual-minded person can practice two meditation methods. He is so perverted that there is no way to say it.

No wonder the other party is arrogant and arrogant, the two sides are not on the same level.

He murmured mentally, this kid has always been reluctant to approach women, is there any problem with that, he thought again, he and Ashe have daughters, so there should be no problem, don't they even love men and women? like?

Elleia is so beautiful, doesn't she have any charm?

After the construction of the wizard tower is completed, the people around are envious and regretful, those who should leave leave, and those who should stay stay.

Dole looked at the ancestor of the fire king with tired eyes, and said, "I have given them the way to use the wizard tower, and now I have to go back to rest."

The ancestor of the Fire King waved his hand and said, "You can leave if you want, or you can stay here. Although the place is limited, it is still possible to put a few wizard towers."

As he spoke, he silently turned into a spark and disappeared.

The people around saw that the ancestor of the Fire King left, and they disappeared one after another. Seeing Dorai like this, there is no way to answer their doubts now.

Dorai breathed a sigh of relief, and finally didn't ask any questions. He didn't use a too fancy way to return to the wizard's tower, but walked back slowly.

At this moment, the voices of the two women rang in his ears at the same time.

"Contact us when you wake up, there are surprises."

Dole thought to himself, I'm afraid he might be frightened. He shook his head and went back to the wizard's tower.

As soon as he got back to the wizard's tower, he immediately teleported to the living room, grabbed a plate of fruit, and ate it in his mouth. After a while, he became bright.

Pretending to be physically weak is naturally for outsiders to see. In fact, although the mental energy is exhausted, it is normal to be a little tired, but it is not too much.

I took out a few bottles of energy potions from the warehouse and drank them one by one. The lost stamina and energy quickly recovered to full.

However, he was still a little tired, and he was ready to take a break.

At the current strength, rest is a luxury. The three clones, unless they all rest, it is impossible to rest at all. As long as the mental power is moving a little, it proves that they are still awake.

This is the disadvantage of high-level wizards. Until now, even sleeping is a luxury.

Not long after, Dorai opened his eyes and looked to the east, where there was a powerful aura coming from a distance, heading straight for the imperial capital of the Glory Empire, this aura was very strong, even far beyond ordinary Eighth grade, even ninth grade.

When I felt this aura, the entire magic circle of the imperial capital moved, and auras rose from the surrounding, waiting for the battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The aura of Xuanhe was very bright, full of powerful light, dazzling and dazzling. With a hint of gentleness, Dorai opened his eyes and looked, but saw an extremely powerful white light coming straight from the sky.

Feeling this breath, Dorai thought to himself, the people from the Radiance Empire are here, I am afraid this is called by the ancestor Qianyue.

Guanghui's speed was extremely fast, a little faster than Dole's Tower of Babel, and after approaching quickly, it stopped more than ten miles outside the imperial capital.

An extremely loud voice came, "We are the Glorious Empire Inquisition. May I ask if Lord Qianyue is here."

The voice is very bright and gentle. Almost everyone hears this voice. It seems to have an infectious power and makes people feel very kind.

The voice is contagious, which is not surprising. Most of the bards know this technique, but when the other party speaks, the voice seems to have a kind of magic, which makes people want to listen.

At this moment, inside the Glory Wizarding Alliance, a grand bell rang.


Wherever the buzzing sound passed, everyone woke up in an instant, as if they were enlightened.

Vasili's voice appeared in the sky, "The Glory Holy See, let you enter, not to play tricks, the ancestor of Qianyue is in the northwest, you can leave here."

In the sky, a voice came from the light, "Hehe, President Vasily, I haven't seen you for so many years, and the style is still the same. Since Lord Qianyue is not here, then I won't stay any longer."

That person is also a little bit afraid. The person in charge is not in charge. Although he is allowed to pass through the interior of the empire, if he is too unscrupulous and causes the anger of the Glory Wizards Alliance, it will not end well. The Honor Wizards Alliance is known as the No. 1 wizarding group in the Western Ring Continent , which is much more powerful than an inquisition of the Holy See.

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