Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 951: exchange

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

Allen's mouth twitched, and the wizards around were helpless when they heard this.

Really, the other party is only twenty-nine years old, and along the way, the trajectory of his life is completely normal, but this improvement is not normal.

Allen thought for a while and said carefully, "Maybe it's the bonus of Stormwind Meditation?"

The Ice King shook his head, "No, but it is also possible. We have already seen that meditation method, which is very difficult to cultivate. Although the power is indeed great, it is almost impossible for a normal wizard to succeed in cultivation."

Allen was surprised. Dole contributed to the meditation method? Is Stormwind Meditation so difficult?

"Actually, the Tower of Babel is not very good in the world, it is fast, and his other wizard tower is amazing... Forget it, don't say it, you don't understand it. Since Dorai can hold it, then Rest for a few days, wait for the supplies to arrive, and continue the attack."

The Ice King said in a low voice.

The Nightmare Ancestor did not appear, and the fifth- and sixth-level subordinates were not the opponents of the four-nation wizard alliance at all. With almost no effort, they had already reached the hinterland of the Nightmare Empire.

There are no masters in the northwest, and the top level is the seventh level, and there are very few eighth level, and these seven levels are basically controlled and cannot exert their original combat effectiveness. Therefore, the coalition forces are basically brutally clearing the bottom. Ordinary people brainwashed by nightmares.

As long as they believe in the ancestors of nightmares, they will basically be brainwashed or massacred.

This is almost a battle without a winner. The human race itself is weak in the northwest. If this continues, the people in this area will be defeated sooner or later.

The Ice King felt a little heavy in his heart.

The other wizards are similar, and none of them can be happy.

This is not a war, this is a slaughter, a fruit-eating slaughter.

Dole didn't know what happened in the northwest, but he could probably think about it.

The Nightmare Ancestor has already begun to jump over the wall. If this continues, he is likely to attack in multiple lines, and he is likely to have to make multiple shots to ease the pressure around Wassenberg.

Baal slept and didn't know how long it would take to wake up. The power he could use at present was himself, and there was an unreliable Akso.

It is almost impossible for Akso to fight for the glory of the Empire, and most of them have to pay extremely high rewards.

While flying, I thought that when I go back this time, I have to install a teleportation system for the Turin Bone Tower, which takes a lot of time.

Damn nightmare, you can't give yourself more time, do you really want to practice a third clone?

If this is the case, you must choose a clone that is suitable for alchemy, and use the meditation method of the two elements of gold and fire. This kind of meditation method is not very suitable for me, so I can only ask Akso for it.

The meditation method of Huowutong is very suitable for alchemy, but it was ruined by Akso, and he has no alchemy ability at all.

Thinking of this, he didn't go back and communicated directly on the road.

"Axor, I want your meditation method, can you trade it to me directly?"

On the outside of the Beiyuan Mountains, Axo drove away from the Huojin Pagoda, and laboriously carried a small piece of the mountain directly, and then shrunk it and put it into the secret realm.

The secret realm was empty, and there was nothing. It all needed to be moved from the main plane. That kid Dorai didn't help, he just gave himself an alchemy equipment and sent himself out.


After such a long time, the secret realm has been arranged in various ways, but there are still some important things missing, the most important thing is the lack of a magic crystal ore, and the lack of two vertical and horizontal leylines.

This thing is not easy to collect. I learned how to collect it after learning from Lord Huowutong for a long time.

Damn Dole.

At this moment, she suddenly raised her brows and became happy.

This little thing, Dole, actually asked her for it. But the next moment, she frowned, "You need our Huo Wutong meditation method, I can only say that your idea is very bold."

"Our meditation method has been studied for many generations for many years, and it was not fully mature until more than a hundred years ago. You want to take it away with a word. It is such a simple thing, and I can't give it to you."

On the other side, Dole's mouth twitched, he knew it would be like this.

However, he has already thought of a specific plan.

"I can help Huowutong organize two eight-level Lihuo Golden Pagodas. Of course, you have to produce the materials yourself."

Aksoy sucked in a breath, refining two eighth-level?

The Huowutong organization itself is a member of the high-level forces, but it has never had any high-level combat power. Except for the masters who have left this world and went to higher fields to find opportunities, the ones left behind are all below level 8. If there are two With an eighth-level wizard tower, you can sit firmly on the high powers.

She hesitated for a moment and said, "I have to discuss with the current leader of the Huowutong organization. I can't be the master."

Dole replied immediately, "As soon as possible, I need to re-refine a clone, the clone is not enough now, and the nightmare ancestor is going crazy."

He could feel the madness of the Nightmare Ancestor, and it was estimated that the man was forced to be mad, and he had to prevent him from jumping over the wall.

Aksoy said vigilantly, "What do you mean, the Nightmare Ancestor is going crazy?"

Dorai sighed and said, "The territories of the countries in the northwest are constantly being compressed. I estimate that the Nightmare Ancestor may have been forcibly integrating the power of faith. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not crazy."

Aksoy said in shock, "Integrating the power of faith is not a trivial matter. From ancient times to the present, almost half of those who have gone mad have gone mad. Although the Nightmare Meditation method is weird, it does not rule out the possibility of going mad. It's everyone."

The Nightmare Meditation method casually makes up dreams, how terrifying that must be, Akso thought to himself.

Dorai said at this time, "I am afraid that he will do his best to erode the creatures around him, whether it is humans, beasts, or humanoids, to create panic in various countries. Now I am a level seven in the northwest region, so I need more clones to come. Support the scene. The meditation method of your Fire Indus is the most suitable for my second avatar."

Aksoy sighed, the nightmare is not dead, this world really can't stop, the killings in the northwest, even his eighth-level is shocking, this is simply creating hell.

Today's northwestern countries are not hell.

But the next moment she was happy, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and Dorai finally admitted the advantages of their Huo Wutong meditation method.

She thought for a moment and said, "I can contact the old woman for you, but there is no guarantee of success."

Dole raised his eyebrows slightly, "Just ask, bring the conditions, and she will definitely agree."

Akso is also a little speechless. The two Lihuojin Pagodas are still at the eighth level. Even he is envious. You must know that now she is at the eighth level, but the Lihuojin Tower is only the seventh level. Even so, Lihuojin The help the tower brought her is no less than an artifact that truly contains the power of rules.

To be able to break through to the eighth level, it all depends on the Lihuo Jinta.

If Huo Wutong really organizes two eight-level wizard towers, they will definitely change them, but the specific restrictions must be mentioned.

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