Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 102 Arriving at the Academy

Shua la la.

As the branches in front of them swayed for a while, three people wearing black wizard apprentice robes immediately stared at them vigilantly, ready to fight at any time.


Will popped out of the bushes in a jiffy.

Looking at the three people guarding him, Will raised his hands to show that he was not malicious.

"I'm a student going to Jelo Potions Academy. This is my invitation letter. Who are you?" Will took out the invitation letter from the academy and asked.

"Is there no one to lead?"

"Anyone can find the academy by themselves?"

"Idiot, it must be someone who accidentally transplanted the demon seed outside. Every year, one or two people who pass the test come in." One of the more stable men walked towards Will.

The man took the invitation letter, looked at it twice, and returned it to Will.

"Hi, my name is Monte, and I'm also a student of Gero Potions Academy." Monte stretched out his hand to Will.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Will." Will held Monte's hand with a happy face.

"If you don't mind, I can lead you the way." Monte extended a friendly olive branch to Will.

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

Will didn't expect that the people of Jelo School of Potions would be so friendly and hospitable.

"Wait, I'll bring it." Another man among the three was anxious.

"Monte, do you want to eat alone?" another woman said.

"I'm afraid of you. I don't want the reward for today's patrol. I will share it with you. Is it okay?" Monte said.

"One more meal."

"That's right, one more meal."

"That's it." Monte pulled Will and left quickly, as if he was afraid that Will would be snatched away.

After walking for a distance, the other two figures could not be seen.

Monte stopped and explained to Will: "We are the patrollers near the college, guiding the lost students is also one of our tasks, and we can get quite generous rewards, we are just helping each other, so you don't need to thank me. "

Monte's sincerity immediately won Will's favor.

"Are you also a student of Gero Potions Academy?" Will looked at the black robe on Monte.

"My demon seed is Leijibao, a second-class wizard apprentice. Maybe we will perform missions together in the future." Monte laughed.

"If given the chance."

Monte introduced some basic knowledge about Gerald Potions Academy to Will as he walked.

"There are a total of one hundred and seventy-two people in the entire academy, and there are thirteen people who are third-class wizard apprentices or above."

"So little?" Will raised his eyes.

"The college has trained a lot of third-class wizard apprentices, but these are the only ones who are willing to stay in the college. On the surface, there are thirteen of them, but in fact, there are only about ten permanent residents in the college."

"is that so?"

Zero Potions Academy was much smaller than Will imagined.

"There are three official wizards in our academy, including the principal, the vice-principal, and the only potionist." Monte continued to explain to Will, "But it is impossible for you to see the principal, only the first wizard seventeen years ago It happened once in the 1000th anniversary celebration."

"It is rumored that after becoming an official wizard, the life expectancy can be greatly extended, it really is true!" Will sighed.

"Once promoted to an official wizard, the lifespan will be extended to three hundred years. As the cultivation becomes stronger, the lifespan can be further extended, and we..."

Monte sighed, patted Will on the shoulder and said, "Don't think so much, let's talk about becoming a third-class wizard apprentice first."

For Will and other wizard apprentices who gained power through transplanting demon seeds, the third-class wizard apprentices are a hurdle.

Chatting and chatting, the two came to an ancient and vicissitudes of the city wall.

There was no one guarding the gate.

Inside the wall, there are buildings standing silently, without a trace of human habitation.

Monte saw the doubts in Will's heart, so he explained: "The buildings on the ground are just used to cover up. The real academy is underground."

"So that's how it is."

Will nodded, not surprised either.

Enter a tall black tower.

"The entrance is often changed, you will know later."

Monte took out a badge, with an old castle carved on the front and "Zero Potions Academy" engraved on the back, which was exactly the same as the badge in Repp's relics.

Monte held the badge in both hands, chanting strange syllables.

The badge lights up slightly.

On the ground, walls, and ceiling, black shadows unexpectedly appeared, and the black shadows moved quickly on the walls of the tower.

Monte bit his finger and wiped the blood on the badge.

"Will, put some blood on it, hurry up." Monte urged.

After Will smeared the badge with blood, Monte placed the badge in the center of the ancient tower, then pulled Will back quickly, and didn't stop until he retreated to the entrance of the ancient tower.

The black shadows flowed in the wall like ink, converging towards the emblem.

A door made of unknown bones rose slowly from the watery shadows, and on the top of the door stood a black crow.

"Student Monte, student Will, welcome back." Crow's voice was hoarse and piercing.

"Thank you, Mr. Wagner."

Monte bowed to the crow.

Will also imitated Monte and bowed to the crow named Wagner.

Step into the door.

Obviously it looks like just a door frame, but when you cross the threshold, everything changes.

In a blink of an eye, Will found that he was in a deep passage, with marble stairs leading to the depths at his feet, and oil lamps were lit at intervals on both sides.

Looking back, the stairs stretched along the top until they were swallowed by darkness, as if there was no end.

"Don't look back." Monty gave Will a hand. "In the future, don't look back, and don't try to turn back. If you accidentally get stuck on the endless stairs, you will be in trouble."

"Never-ending stairs?" Will was taken aback.

"Yeah, once you're stuck, you'll never be able to get out." Monte nodded in horror.

As if wanting to get away from this position quickly, Monte walked down the stairs quickly.

Come to the end of the stairs and set foot on the flat ground.

Monte's complexion improved a bit.

"There are too many dangerous and mysterious things in the academy. Don't wander around places you don't know about." Monte warned: "For those dangerous rumors, if you don't know the truth, it's best to believe them and act accordingly." wonderful."

"I will."

There are so many unknowns in the wizarding world.

Will didn't want to lose his life because of a little curiosity.

As for those rumors and customs, it doesn't matter whether they are true or not, as long as it doesn't affect his becoming stronger or damage his interests, it doesn't matter if he does it.

"Let me take you to the entrance examination first." Monte led the way.

"The entrance examination is required for every student. It is a very important link. It is related to our future development, so we must treat it with caution." Monte said seriously.

Seeing Monte's serious expression, Will asked quickly.

"I don't know if there is a trick?"

"Don't worry, since you've come here, if nothing happens, you can stay 100%." ​​Monte smiled, "The test process is just to evaluate your fusion with the demon species and your mental strength. , it's not very important."

Monte's tone suddenly became mysterious, "The most important thing is to choose a mentor."

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