Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 163 The Speed ​​of Sound

In an instant, time seemed to slow down.

It feels almost the same as when using mind acceleration.

The difference is that before, the speed of thinking was only accelerated, but this time, the body kept up with the speed of thinking.

Although only 1.5 times.

Cook's thunder passed through the horse and reached Will.

Lightning spread along both feet and flowed to the whole body.

It feels like the whole body is numb and crisp, as if there are thousands of ants crawling around on the body.

Will glanced at Cook who was covered in lightning, "What a troublesome guy."

Cook is the strongest of the three.

Its lightning ability is also the most threatening to him.

But because Cook is covered with lightning, Will is unwilling to risk getting close to him.

"Let's deal with that guy first, those hands feel a bit weird." Will's eyes aimed at Mok who was rushing towards him in mid-air.

The power of life erupted immediately, and a wave of white air gushed out from both feet.

Walk towards the clouds!

Step hard on the horse's back.


The horse's spine was suddenly broken in two, and the middle was sunken.

Will's body suddenly rose.

A white air wave appeared behind him.

After turning on the acceleration mode and using the cloud rushing step, his speed reached a terrifying 1,200 kilometers per hour.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Will had arrived in front of Mork.

Both feet exploded with vitality, aiming at Mork's chest and kicking them in succession.

With every blow, you can hear the sound of cracking bones.

After thirteen feet passed, Cook's entire chest had been reduced to pieces.

Stepping on Cook's head, the cloud rushing step started again.

Cook's body slammed into the ground like a cannonball, and Will followed the recoil and shot Pauline rapidly.

Will held up the long sword, and on his arms, it seemed to be burning with red flames——Fire Slash.

With an indomitable momentum, he slashed down with his sword from top to bottom.

From the three of them attacking Will together, to Will jumping off his horse and counterattacking, kicking Mork to death, and cutting towards Pauline, the time was too short.

Pauline couldn't react at all.

However, years of fighting and countless struggles on the verge of life and death made Paulin's body feel the coming of death.

Looking at the approaching Will, Pauline's mind went blank.

underestimate the enemy? regret? fear?

None at all!

There was nothing but emptiness in his mind.

But without the need for instructions from the consciousness, Pauline's body, which has experienced many battles, has already moved.

Muscles swell, blood vessels burst, and eyeballs pop out.

All the magic power erupted at once, and the pale yellow light enveloped Paulin's whole body, burning like a flame.


Holding the giant sword high in both hands, he stopped Will who was in the upper air.


Pauline's sword is indeed a good sword.

Blocking Will's full blow, it's just a little bent.

The sword resisted.

Unfortunately, Pauline's body is too fragile.

Pauline vomited blood and knelt on the ground.

Both legs were broken at the knee, and both arms holding the sword were shattered.

Pauline vomited blood clots, stared at Will unwillingly, let out a hoarse roar, and struggled constantly, as if he wanted to stand up and continue fighting.

"It's really tenacious vitality." Will added a sword, ending Paulin's painful life.


until now.

Mork, who was being used as a stepping stone by Will in mid-air, landed.

the other side.

Cook's thunder strike landed on the dying horse, and the horse was scorched black and tender, exuding a tempting fragrance.

Will raised his sword and threw it at Cook's back.

The long sword broke through Cook's heavy lightning and protective magic power, and pierced from the back.

But the tip of the sword had only penetrated halfway, and then stopped.

"The power decays too fast!" Will shook his head.

After becoming a paladin, although the vitality has undergone a qualitative change, its essence has not changed.

It is still only possible to strengthen strength, speed, defense and other abilities in battle, and cannot use vitality to condense air blades to hurt people, nor can vitality be poured into weapons to strengthen the attack and defense of weapons.

Life force, after all, is just a special technique of exerting force.

The attack power of throwing a weapon is impossible to compare with holding a weapon and slashing.

It was found that the thrown long sword could not seriously injure Cook.

Chongyunbu started again.

The sharp piercing sound hit the surroundings.

Behind Will, a cone-shaped air wave appeared.

The distance of more than ten meters is equivalent to non-existence in front of Will who is moving at the speed of sound.

Like teleportation, Will's figure appeared in front of Cook.

The palms condensed with white vitality turned into phantoms and enveloped Cook.

Cook is worthy of being a third-class apprentice and second-class powerful figure.

The magic power surged all over the body, and the thunder exploded.

White blinding light enveloped Cook's whole body, and countless high-temperature arcs wrapped around him.

Will ignored the thunder and lightning wrapped around Cook, and the rain of palms kept falling on Cook.

Cook tried to fight back, but Will's speed was too fast.

The speed of movement is comparable to the speed of sound.

The attack speed even surpassed double the speed of sound, reaching a terrifying triple the speed of sound.

With such a quick attack, the strength and position of each palm are extremely ingenious.

This shows that Will has fully controlled the triple speed of sound, and did not give up skills for speed.

bah bah bah...

The dense sound, like the explosion of firecrackers, continued to sound from Cook.

Cook's body kept retreating.

Until there was no way to retreat, he leaned against a towering tree.

"Since you can't retreat, let me help you!"

The big tree shook, and the leaves fell like rain.

Da da da da da...

Cook's body was embedded in the tree trunk.

Will was about to kill Cook in one go, when his movements suddenly stopped and his body froze.

"It should last ten seconds, right?"

Acceleration mode, although this is the first time it is used in combat.

But before, Will has calculated many times and experimented many times, and the duration cannot be wrong.

"But why didn't it work in five seconds?"

Acceleration mode puts a much greater burden on the body than burst mode.

"Is it because of the use of knight martial arts?" Will released the acceleration mode, "Sure enough, theory and practice are completely different things!"

No matter how perfect your theory is, no matter how successful your experiment is.

When mass-produced on a large scale, countless problems still occur.

Fortunately, the opponent this time is only the weakest of the three third-class apprentices. If the opponent is a strength comparable to his, the consequences will be disastrous.

As soon as the acceleration mode was released, the exhaustion of the body immediately surged up.

All over the body, not a single bone, muscle, or blood vessel was intact, and there were bursts of tingling pain.

"Right now, I can only accelerate blood, muscles, tendons... and other superficial things, but I can't even accelerate the cells, which will cause the cells to overload, so it's no wonder that there are no problems."

It's like replacing an ordinary car with a racing engine and running out of the speed of the racing car.

Other parts do not change.

How could the car not disintegrate!

Will's acceleration mode is similar to this one.

The engine was changed, the speed was increased, but no other parts were changed. As long as it was used for a little longer, the body would definitely fall apart.

"My current level can only do this level."

When it comes to cells, Will has nothing to do.

"The acceleration mode is still a baby, and it can be improved, so don't worry."

After all, it has only been created for a few days, and it is the first time it has been used in actual combat, so some problems are inevitable.

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