Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 420 What do you think?

Will stands with his hands behind his back.

Beside him were seven dead knights and a great knight.

The figure bathed in the sun, amidst the wonderful singing, was like a god, like a demon, like a dream.

People who don't know the bloodlines people regard Will as a god, prostrate on the ground and kowtow for mercy, even those who know the existence of the bloodlinesmen are shocked by Will's strength.

Especially after Will experienced a fierce battle, he didn't even have a drop of blood on his body.

The blood flowing on the ground avoided Will as if it was alive.

This is no longer ordinary powerful that can be described.

Even the most powerful knight in the kingdom was easily defeated by Will, so what is Will?


"Lord Will, I'm Eli Mayer. My father had the honor to toast you a glass of wine at the wedding ceremony between you and Miss Niya." Eli knelt down on one knee in front of Will, "Please Allow me to serve you by your side."

Will nodded appreciatively to Eli.

Will still knows about this person who jumped out at the risk of his life to follow him when everyone looked down on him.

Looking at Eli's hot pupils, he felt the admiration and respect for himself in Eli's heart.

"Are you overwhelmed by my holy character? Sure enough, there is no shortage of good people in the world." Will helped Eli up, "Very well, you can stand by my right side."

"Thank you, sir!" Eli stood beside Will excitedly.

The rest of the people looked at Eli enviously.

Especially the friend who wanted to pull Eli just now.

"Why didn't I jump out just now?"

"Something has happened, and the moonfall city is about to change."

"Hurry up and tell the family that you must make friends with the Quimper family as soon as possible, and cut off all contact with the Cook family."

He ignored the thoughts of passers-by.

Will took Eli and Vivienne through the gate and into the Cook family's mansion.

"Let your representatives come to see me." Will said to a servant of the Cook family beside him.

"Okay, okay."

After hearing Will's words, the servant's legs seemed to have grown wings, and he quickly ran towards the depths of the mansion.

He ran and shouted loudly.

Even standing at the gate, you can clearly feel that the entire Cook family mansion suddenly became lively.

Not long after, several galloping carriages rushed towards the door from the depths of the mansion.


After a miserable roar of horses, the carriage stopped in front of Will.

Led by an old man with silver hair, wrinkled face and crutches who looked like he could be blown down by a gust of wind, more than a dozen people came to Will.

Many people have blank expressions on their faces, unable to accept the reality yet.

"You are Will... Master Will? I haven't seen you for thirteen years..." The old man's body trembled, his voice choked up, as if he would lie down on the ground at any time and stop breathing.

Especially when he saw the blood flowing outside the door, the wreckage of the seven knights, and the dead Viscount Buchan.

The old man's body suddenly shook violently.

Eyes shut tightly.

Cloudy tears fell from the corners of his eyes and flowed along the wrinkles on his face.

Behind the old man, there seemed to be high-level members of the Cook family, and their expressions ranged from bewilderment, to fear, to ashes.

In the end, he could only look at the old man helplessly.

"Master Polly, long time no see." Will gracefully gave a noble salute to the old man.

Polly Cook, the previous head of the Cook family.

Viscount Buchan's father, Toga's grandfather, and Will's grandfather, Mr. Chapman Kempel, are of the same generation, and they are over eighty years old.

"What are you here for?" Polly's crooked figure looked so bleak.

Everyone in the Cook family stared at Polly sadly.

Just half an hour ago, everyone in the Cook family was still immersed in the dream of rising.

In the words, it is all about when the Quimper family can be replaced.

Become the king of Moonfall City.

And Polly, who is nearly ninety years old, looks so energetic, with a smile on his face every day, and looks like he can fight for another twenty years.

In an instant.

All dreams are broken.

The rise of the family?

Create another glories?

Become the city lord of Moonfall City?

Everything dissipated with the death of Viscount Buchan.

What is even more frightening is that Will, the son-in-law of the Quimper family, killed Viscount Buchan.

How has the Cook family treated the Quimper family in the past two years?

The other party will definitely get it back thousands of times, right?

Maybe after today, the Cook family will be removed from this world.

"Master Polly, you don't need to be afraid. Today, I came here with good intentions." Will spoke to comfort Polly.

"...Really?" Polly's voice was inaudible.

"I admire your wisdom, your tenacity, and your erudition, so I want to ask you a question, and I hope you can answer it for me." Will's words were full of respect for Polly.

"Please say."

Mr. Polly lowered his head, holding his cane in both hands, his body trembling constantly.

"What do you think about the fact that I killed your son, the head of the Cook family, the Grand Knight Viscount Buchan?" Will quietly waited for Mr. Polly's answer.


Will's words rushed into everyone's hearts like a biting cold wind.

Everyone, especially those in the Cook family, couldn't help shivering, and goose bumps couldn't help but pop out all over their bodies.

The hearts of every Cook family member seemed to be frozen.

A person who considers himself noble.

People who consider themselves geniuses.

People who consider themselves grumpy.

No matter who it is, facing Will who can control their lives, they can only fall into silence.

All eyes were on Mr. Polly.

Mr. Polly's next words will determine the fate of the entire Cook family.

The already hunched figure became even more hunched after bearing such heavy pressure.

for a long time.

No one spoke.

Even Eli and Vivian, who were standing behind Will, couldn't help holding their breath.

Of all the people present, Will was the only one with a smile on his face.

In an atmosphere as cold as winter.

A member of the Cook family roared and rushed towards Will.

"It's nothing more than death. What does it sound like? I was born as a member of the Cook family. I have never been afraid of death, and I will never succumb to power!"

A voice glowing with white light quickly approached Will.

"Remember, my name is..."


A figure flew backwards at several times the speed and hit the wall.

The wall collapsed, burying the figure.

This person who attacked Will and who obviously possessed knight cultivation couldn't last even a second under Will's hands.

Everyone didn't even see how Will made a move.

Not even the screams of the dead were heard.

Withdrawing his fist, Will urged: "Look, Mr. Polly, everyone seems to be getting impatient."

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