Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 532 The Girl and the Dragon and Will Sauce


The whole avatar exploded in an instant.

A shock wave that can turn steel into powder from the inside out.

Up to 7,200 degrees Celsius, a high temperature that nothing can stop.

Invisible shock waves and heat hit the surroundings.

The moment the ground came into contact with the attack, it turned into dust and disappeared.

Princess Corini's complexion changed drastically, and her face was distorted with fright.


Princess Corini screamed and flew into the air, her entire left arm disappeared from her shoulder.

It's not over yet.

The other eleven clones surrounded Princess Corini.

"Boom boom boom..."

Eleven explosions sounded one after another.

The mighty Princess Corini was submerged in invisible energy waves.

Will stared at the direction of the altar, where Princess Corinne was standing.

At this time, dense energy is gathering.

Tens of thousands of magical powers are transformed through the magic seal to smash all shock waves and evaporate all heat.

"Such a close contact with the damage of the two great seals, even if you can survive, you are not far from death, right?"

This move is called Double Printing Explosion.

Among all his skills, his attack power and destructive power rank second.

It is different from the first skill, which is the strongest, but has various restrictions when using it, and various dangers in the process of using it.

The double-print explosion is powerful.

Can be used in conjunction with various tactics, hard to defend against.

Who would have thought that something that was supposed to be a phantom could burst out with such a powerful destructive power in an instant?

Except that the printing process is a bit slow, it is a nearly perfect skill.

"To form two seals at the same time, and to combine the two seals into one, it takes much more time than a single seal."

"But it's all worth it."

Will walked towards the altar, "Aren't you dead yet? Then let me give you the final blow."

He stretched out his hand, and a part of the skeleton shadow armor extended to become a sword.

Pat your stomach with your hand.

Suddenly, raging black flames ignited on his body.

Survival mode is on again.

Even if the winning ticket is already in hand.

Even though she felt that Princess Corini would not have the power to resist.

But there's always something wrong with being cautious.

When Will walks in.


A deafening sound sounded out of nowhere from the front.

The golden light suddenly burst.

The strong wind scatters, howls, and howls.

The heavy coercion that directly hit the soul enveloped the space with a radius of hundreds of meters - Longwei.

Under the veil of Longwei, Will felt as if his body was several times heavier, and his mind was weighed down by several heavy stones.

In the dust ahead.

In the residue of shock waves and heat.

A pair of pupils exuding golden light emerged.

It was a pupil the size of a fist.

"What monster?"


A golden light shot out from the smoke, piercing Will's chest, and a hole the size of a football appeared in his chest.

"Not good!"

Will stepped back quickly.

The stone slabs underfoot were sunken like the surface of water.

With the help of a powerful reaction, Will backed away with unbelievable acceleration.

With an acceleration distance of less than one meter, his speed has reached twice the speed of sound.

The acceleration is still accelerating.

His feet kept kicking on the ground.

Under the force of tens of millions of tons, waves appeared on the ground like soft water.

Just pass one meter.

His speed can reach the limit of what he can achieve at this stage-five times the speed of sound!


This one-meter distance can make the difference between success and failure.

A huge golden figure enveloped him.

"Go away!"

Will roared angrily, and the sword in his hand turned into dots of starlight to attack the enemy.

But his attacks land on enemies like scratches.


The right hand holding the sword was easily torn apart by the opponent, trampled under his feet, and crushed into powder.

Claws that were bigger than a basketball easily grabbed his head.

Rows of sharp teeth gritted their teeth ferociously.

"Wait, wait..." Will yelled, "If you have something to say, I think we can sit down and have a good talk. We used to be the same kind, why couldn't we understand each other?"


Will's head shattered like a watermelon hit by a mallet.

At this point, Princess Corini still couldn't let go of her hatred.

He held Will's remains high.


It hit the ground hard.

After rushing up and stepping on it a few times, Will's entire body disappeared into this world.

Princess Corini's huge body was panting heavily, and two white streams of air could be clearly seen entering and exiting from her nostrils.

The mouth is densely packed with teeth.

Each one is as long as an ordinary person's finger.

At this time, Princess Corini completely lost her human appearance.

The whole body exudes golden light.

The skin is densely covered with golden scales.

The waist is stooped, the body is thick and thick, and a pair of thin wings flap gently on the back.

A thick golden long tail protruded from the end of the spine, and the tail swept, making an ear-splitting sound of breaking through the air.

On the forehead, there is a prismatic dragon crystal inlaid.

From the looks of it, it looks like a baby dragon.

Full of majesty and sanctity.

The giant dragon, that is the life that lived in the age of gods.

It is synonymous with invincibility in the world.

Even the invincible demon king can only tremble in front of the giant dragon.

Only the elves who are also from the Age of Gods can compete with the giant dragon.

But in a frontal battle, the elves are far from the dragon's opponent.

"Ho Ho-"

Princess Corini, transformed into a dragon, raised her head to the sky and roared.

Even beings that are hundreds of kilometers away can only crawl on the ground and tremble when they hear this dragon's roar.

"I am invincible!"

"No one in this world is my match."

"No existence can stop me from dominating the world."

When she was a human being, she was already invincible to apprentices, and her hard power was still higher than Will.

Will didn't dare to fight head-on.

It can only be plotted with a double-print explosion similar to a sneak attack.

After becoming a dragon.

Princess Corini's offense and defense have increased several times, and even Will in survival mode can only hold hatred with a few moves.

She is already invincible!

There is no one in this world who can stop the Demon King!

Could it be that the Demon King wants to devour the phoenix and turn it into a fourth-order perfect creature, so that the whole world will be shrouded in fear?


A thin stream of black liquid emerged from the soil.

One, two, three...

There are more and more tiny liquids, gradually condensing into a human shape.

turn out to be.

Under the violent attack of Princess Corinne, Will did not die.

After he let the Skeleton Shadow Armor absorb his body, it turned into a liquid and got under the soil, slipping away quietly from the soil.

The Armor of Skeleton Shadow is applied to high depths, even if the entire body is gone, it can be reshaped.

What's more, it turned into just a mere Will sauce?

His strength is far above Don Nuo.

The Shadow Armor varies with the strength of the user, the stronger the user, the stronger the Shadow Armor.

And his Shadow Armor is different from Don Nuo's.

He is the Armor of the Skeletal Shadow, using the formation as the key, and then spent thirteen years slowly condensing it bit by bit with his own ability.

It is more advanced than Don Nuo's.

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