The whole city turned into a demon realm.

As the culprit of everything.

The center of collision of strength and power.

Compared to Belvor City, which seemed to be ravaged by a typhoon, it looked so peaceful.

The crimson electric drill collided with the dazzling golden light waves, consuming and fighting.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that in the collision between the two, Long Yan had the upper hand.

Under Long Yan's attack, the crimson electric drill, which was originally more than ten meters long, gradually shrank.

nine meters.

seven meters.

five meters.

Three meters...

Gradually, Will's body can be seen through the electric drill.

Faced with this situation, Will has no time to think at all.

Anxiety, fear, and fear have nothing to do with Will now.

He just maintained the existence of the crimson electric drill, and concentrated on manipulating the power of the five seals, which had reached its limit.

But he believes that he will win.

"Haha, hahaha..."

The continuous dragon flames of Princess Corianne are infused with the power of the dragon.

Seeing the light of the deep red electric drill getting darker and darker.

She smiled excitedly in her heart.

"What about the combination of the five great seals?"

"Do you think that if I am willing to study the French seal and spend a lot of time studying the French seal, do I not be able to do it?"

"that is because--"

"I have more powerful skills!"

"The seal is just a weakened version of witchcraft, and it's just something that apprentices learn."

"You don't even look down on official wizards, and you still want to use it against me?"

"The Dragon Word series skills I learned from the Demon King are far more powerful and effective than witchcraft. How dare a mere seal compare with me?"

"The combination of the five great seals does have the power to threaten my life."

"But comparing you and me, comparing the skills of the two, is like a baby using a toothpick as a weapon against a fully armed adult."

"A well-used toothpick can kill."

"Even babies can seriously injure adults."

"What about the probability?"

"The probability that you can beat me is infinitely close to zero!"

Princess Corini's arrogance is not without reason.

She does have the capital of arrogance.

For decades, she has been taught by the devil king, and she can even see the memory of the devil king. She is the top in terms of knowledge, ability, and strength.

The only weaker one is the soul.

When she was extremely confident.

"No, how come..."

Princess Corini shook her head, feeling a little dizzy.

"It shouldn't be?"

The body seems to be bound by something, and it is extremely difficult to even operate the magic power, let alone transform the magic power into the power of the dragon.

"This feeling is a bit like when I was trapped by the Arden reaction?"

at the same time.

The body starts to heat up, which is uncontrollable and unstoppable heat from the inside out.

There seemed to be countless tiny worms swimming in her body, disturbing her internal organs, destroying her blood vessels, and getting into her brain.

She gets it.

"The power of the seal has actually reached me?"


One of her tough teeth was chipped.

"Transfer to me along the energy wave of Longyan?"

clap clap.

The sound of blood vessels bursting continuously came from all over the body.

"How did he do that?"

"How could such a stupid thing happen?"


The bones of the whole body made the cracking sound of teeth acid.

Various problems continued to appear in various parts of Princess Corini's body.

She had wanted to force herself to kill Will.

But the originally small wound expanded rapidly at an unimaginable speed, affecting her entire body.

She had no choice but to spend more energy on her body.

The golden dragon flame roaring out of its mouth shook.


Like glass falling to the ground, with a crisp sound, the Longyan beam shattered.

The bit of the crimson electric drill hit Princess Corini's chest directly.

"I am invincible!" Princess Corini roared.

The hands that condensed the golden light hugged the crimson electric drill.

At this point, she has no more reservations.

The formation covering the entire city of Belvor continuously delivered magic power to her.

Inside her body, a phantom of a black python sprang out, tying up the crimson electric drill one by one—it was the backhand left by the demon king to protect Princess Corini.


After defeating Longyan, the Crimson Electric Drill expanded again.

The ten-meter-long red electric drill fell on Princess Corini.

The sign of Ian Sifa that can confuse the mind.

An Alder sign that emits invisible shock waves.

It can produce the Igni seal with a temperature as high as 12,000 degrees Celsius.

The sign of Arden that can imprison the body, spirit, and magic power.

And the Kunen seal used to protect itself and maintain the shape of the electric drill.

The power of the five seals as one is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

The power increases geometrically.

"not enough!"

"The opponent has the blessing of the formation and the help of the power of the demon king. The power of the seal alone is not enough to defeat the opponent."

"It doesn't matter, the power of the Crimson Electric Drill can be further enhanced!"

Will is a man with three thousand skills.

Although the power of those skills is far from that of Fayin, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Absorption of magic power, mental interference, shattering of flaws, confusion of will...

Magic skills continue to be blessed one by one.

Absorbing the magic power of the enemy and formation, the crimson electric drill was further strengthened.

Thirteen meters.

Fourteen meters.

fifteen meters...

The power of the crimson electric drill is getting stronger and stronger, to the point that it has exceeded Will's limit, and it is no longer under his control.

Under the crimson electric drill, Princess Corini let out a sharp scream.

Her mind is constantly disturbed by the constant sign of Ion Sea.

The body is restricted by the seal of Arden from the inside out.

I can't escape if I want to.

There is less and less control.

Even the magic power delivered to her by the formation was plundered by Will.


"How could I lose?"

"I am Corinne, I am the future queen of the world, I will be under one person and above ten thousand people, my world is my wish..."

"My lord..."

"Could it be... am I wrong?"

At the last moment, Princess Corini stretched out her hands towards the sky.

Behold the phantom of nothingness that can never be seen.


The 20-meter deep red electric drill crashed down.

Deafening explosions sounded out of thin air, and infinite energy fluctuated towards the surroundings.

The whole earth trembles.

Like a magnitude 7 earthquake.

Visible vibrations can be felt even tens of kilometers away.


The crimson electric drill exploded into countless energies.

Princess Corini, who bore the brunt, turned into ashes and disappeared into the air without leaving even a strand of hair.

Will, who was at the center of the Crimson Drill, was affected by the explosion.

Exploded into countless fragments.


I don't know how long it has been.

The aftermath of the battle slowly disappeared.

A 300-meter meteorite crater appeared where the two originally fought.

In the deep pit, hot magma flows slowly, contacting the spring water gushing out from the ground.

Make a piercing "sizzling" sound.

The water flowed into countless white mist and appeared all around.

In the ruined city of Belvor.

A little bit of black liquid moved slowly, flowing in one direction.


The black fluid condenses into a person.

It was a boy with flaxen hair, golden pupils, without a trace of blood all over his body, who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old.

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