Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 171 Cultivating colorful glazed flowers

Clark continued to ramble there:

"What I mean is...the salary here is higher than before, but after all, I am leaving my hometown. I still want to apply for a callback. If I don't pass it once, I will apply for it twice, and if I don't pass it twice, I will apply for it three times. Until I pass, do you think Woolen cloth?"


So, I am not your father.

Please make your own decisions about this kind of life plan...

But then again, he was the only one who could provide him with blood honey.

To a certain extent, they are his food and clothing parents.

Hua Mi thought for a while and replied: "When you were a star critic, did you stay in Modu for a long time?"

Clark was stunned for a moment and then said thoughtfully: "If you say so, it seems that I used to spend most of my time running around outside, but I had very little time to stay in Modu..."

"That is to say, there is essentially no difference from now."

"Well... indeed."

"That's just a matter of mentality."

"That's true."

"Exchange of equal value is an unchanging law of alchemy. If there is gain, there will be loss. The same is true in life..."

While chatting with him, Hua Mi turned to the page in the manual where she introduced herself.

High blood pressure at first glance.

This traitor...

To actually write about your father like this.

The camp is divided into lawful neutral, saying that he "emphasizes contracts", focuses on rules, and has a vague concept of good and evil——

This Hua Mi doesn't have any objections.

As a law-abiding beekeeper, he just wants to grow flowers, keep bees, and make honey safely, and he really doesn't want to get involved with right and wrong, good and evil.

But what follows is very problematic.

What does it mean to "use some means to control the seven pseudo-flower essences in the black forest within their own territory"?

The word "control" is inappropriate here.

Those who didn’t know thought I was imprisoning them.

Wouldn't this ruin my reputation?

What if adventurers suffering from chuunibyou form a team to attack me?

"It's not suitable here."

Hua Mi put her finger on the booklet and pointed it out to him.

Since Clark came here to ask for opinions on the manuscript, he didn't have to be polite. Of course he had to mention anything he felt was wrong.

"Where?" Clark came over to take a look and said "Oh", "Sure enough, you also think it's inappropriate? I think so too. From this point of view, it seems more appropriate to classify your camp as 'Lawful Evil' suitable……"


Evil, you big-headed devil.

"But judging from your other aspects of performance, it seems that the word 'evil' cannot be used with it... Tsk, you are really a complicated person. In other words, it is difficult for intelligent species to implement the principles of a camp from beginning to end... Perhaps, there should be another set of criteria for judging intelligent species, let me think about it..."

The voice became quieter and quieter at the end.

Clark muttered a few words to himself and then began to ponder.

"I need to correct you. They are not 'controlled' by me, but live here voluntarily." Hua Mi suggested: "You can write like this, the seven pseudo-flower essences were attracted by my personality charm and were willing to join My camp."

"Really? Such a description is too subjective and does not conform to the style of an adventure manual." Clark seemed to have reservations and said seriously: "You know, I am a professional writer with dignity. , there is a bottom line, and the content of the manual will not be changed without authorization just because of the parties’ opinions. This is a necessary insistence.”

Hua Mi smiled slightly and said: "I think that someone who can do such a thing as imprisoning a fake flower essence would not be so kind as to provide you with blood honey... What do you think?"

"I think what you said is right." Clark immediately came over and took out the pen he carried with him. His eyes were clear: "Why did you change it? Say it again and I will write it down so as not to forget it."

"Here, my personality charm..."

After instructing "professional copywriter" Clark to revise the part about himself, the rest of the content seemed fine at first glance.

In other words, he didn't care much about other content at all.

Pay attention to Alais’ introduction page.

Her alignment is classified as "Chaotic Neutral".

To put it simply, this camp is a complete individualist who follows his or her heart in everything and is free to do so.

It fits Hua Mi's impression of her very well.

The fifth day of the Chaos Period.

The weather seems to have returned to the ice age, and the temperature has plummeted.

There was no snow on the ground, but a thick layer of ice.

If you walk on it, you will be forced to perform figure skating if you are not careful.

In the past two days, Hua Mi has harvested a batch of Qianhuanhua Honey and Yuyi Qianhuan Honey.

The harvest quantity is about the same as before.

This batch of honey will be on the shelves in the third phase.

The release time of the third phase is scheduled to be after the brewing of colorful glass flower honey is completed.

There are still no by-products from this harvest.

"It seems that each flower seed has the highest probability of generating by-products in the first batch, and the probability will be significantly reduced in the future... Is there any deep-seated reason for this?"

Hua Mi thought for a long time and didn't understand.

However, by-products are unexpected gains. It is normal that the probability of generating them is small, and there is no need to force them.

Hua Mi didn't think too much, there were more important things to do right now——

The renovation of the colorful glazed flower field area has been completed, and flower cultivation can finally be carried out.

On this day, Hua Mi came to the field early with seeds and tools.

The mist in the fields is hazy and dreamlike.

Unlike the mist in its natural state, the mist here seems to have its own ideas, and can still spontaneously change forms without being disturbed.

Sometimes it looks like a human figure, sometimes it looks like a bird or animal, sometimes it turns into the vague form of a big tree.

There is also a condensed mist, slowly moving through the fields like fish...

This is a special phenomenon caused by the energy interference from the dream world.

It will not have any impact on flower planting, just ignore it.

Now the land in this field area has been covered by dream soil.

Unlike ordinary soil, dream soil has a certain elasticity, and you can feel a slight rebound when you step on it.

Although it looks like gel, it is still earth at its core.

It's just that the particles are extremely fine and uniform, without any impurities. It can be said to be the most ideal state of soil.

Silt of this quality cannot exist naturally.

According to the predetermined planting spacing, Hua Mi used portable agricultural tools and bee colonies to evenly sow colorful flower seeds in this dream soil.

Then water, spray green liquid, pseudo-flower essences work their magic to promote growth... everything is business as usual.

After a complete process, the colorful flower seeds in the dream soil began to germinate, and a small white and tender seedling sprouted out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with him, and he is adapting well to this space where reality and dreams intertwine.

"Your work ends here." Hua Mi said to Nightmare, "As agreed, you are free now."


This little fur ball jumped up and down in front of Hua Mi and seemed to have no intention of leaving.


"You want to stay?"


It volunteered, saying that it could help take care of this flower field and make the environment here more suitable for the growth of colorful flowers.

As a reward, you only need to provide it with gift flower honey.

This sounds like a good deal.

Hua Mi thought about it and thought that she could accept this employee.

"But growing flowers is not an easy task. You still have a lot to learn."

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