Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 195 The Silent Village

It stands to reason that at this time, even if there are no adults, there should be some children playing outside.

But the village in front of him was so silent.

Something unusual.

Did something unexpected happen inside?

Hua Mi's eyes flashed with fire as she looked towards the village.

No abnormal magic power fluctuations were found.

However, there is indeed a strange and deserted atmosphere surrounding the village. The open spaces and roads between the houses also look a bit messy, as if they have not been taken care of for a long time. It almost looks like an abandoned village, unlike the harmonious and friendly village described by the merchants. totally different.

"From the time the merchant left to now, we have experienced a period of chaos..."

During that chaotic period, accidents were indeed likely to happen. Hua Mi thought in her mind.


Xiaobai revealed his little head from the collar of his black robe and looked forward.

"We're here, but it doesn't feel right...get ready."

Xiao Bai flew out from under his robe and followed beside him, ready to switch to fighting form at any time.

Hua Mi urged Lu Fei to slowly enter the village.

Walking among the low and simple houses, the strange feeling is even more obvious.

The doors on both sides were closed.

Some daily necessities such as tubs and buckets were also scattered on the ground, looking a bit messy - but it didn't look abandoned.

Although there are no strange magic fluctuations in the village.

But this only made him feel more unsure.

Hua Mi released the Scout Bee and connected her senses. She didn't find anything suspicious in her field of vision. First she smelled the aroma of food.

It was coming from the house not far away.

Smoke was still coming out of the chimney on the roof.

It means someone is at home and cooking.

Hua Mi urged her mount to get closer.

I was planning to let the scout bees fly in to check.

Just hearing a "squeak", the wooden door opened outward.

An old woman with gray hair walked out of the house. Wearing a scarf on her head and an apron around her waist, she was shaped like a barrel. She held a wooden basin in her hand and splashed the water inside with a "swish" sound. On to the ground.

After splashing the water, she noticed the outsider not far away.

Hua Mi was dressed in black robes and riding a strange creature that looked like a deer but not a deer. He was obviously not a normal person.

Not to mention that the deer was carrying an unconscious woman on its back.

It doesn't look like a good thing.

But the old woman was not afraid when she saw this scene. Instead, she asked him strangely what happened to the girl.

Seeing that she was not hostile, Hua Mi explained the facts in a concise and concise manner: "I picked it up on the roadside. She ate the wrong thing and was poisoned."

When the old woman heard this, she asked him to carry her into the house, saying that there was a way to wake her up.

With that said, he entered the house first.

"How can an ordinary villager make her wake up?"

Hua Mi felt a little suspicious.

But he examined it with his "fiery eyes" and found that the old woman was indeed an ordinary person - at least with his current eyesight, he couldn't see any illusions.

Moreover, if the other party is really strong enough to deceive his eyes, then he probably won't bother to do some baseless things and just go ahead and be done with it.

Hua Mi thought for a while and asked Xiaobai to stay outside while he carried the witch into the house.

The space in the house is not large, but there are a lot of miscellaneous things piled up, making it seem a bit cramped.

Something was cooking in the pot nearby.

"Here, let her lie here."

The old woman motioned for him to put the witch on the bed.

Hua Mi wanted to take off her pointed round hat, but found that the hat seemed to be fixed on her head. When she pulled it out, her whole head moved upwards. It felt like the hat would not fall off even if she pulled her head off.

No wonder it was so stable along the way and didn't fall off.

I thought it was because her head was so big.

It turned out that some kind of magical effect was exerted.

I had to put her on the bed with the anti-Newton hat.

The old woman took out a glass jar from the cabinet.

The contents looked dark and sticky, like asphalt, and something could be vaguely soaked in it.


Hua Mi was slightly surprised.

How could there be magic potion in such an inconspicuous village?

It's not as simple as it seems.

"This is……"

Before Hua Mi finished speaking, the old woman had already skillfully unscrewed the lid.

Suddenly, a stench forced the second half of Hua Mi's words back into her mouth.

He pursed his lips and raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose.

It stinks!

The stinky tofu of 1985 is nothing compared to this.

You have to call it big brother respectfully.

It's simply a biological weapon!

The old woman stretched out two fingers, reached into the bottle and dug out a lump, and the witch's vagina was covered with a "pop" sound.

Only two seconds passed.

The witch's body twitched slightly, and before her eyes opened, her head tilted to the side - she vomited.

He just spit it into the bucket that the old woman had prepared in advance.

Really woke up...

A wonderful rejuvenation.

At this time, Hua Mi also saw the handwritten label on the bottle at close range: Stinky Egg Sauce.

It seems to be a kind of sauce that can be eaten...

The taste is really strong.

Although the witch woke up from the stench, the paralysis was not eliminated - Hua Mi was still holding the old woman to purify the abnormal state at the same time.

It is indeed impossible.

She opened her mouth, but no sound came out this time.

If left alone, the situation will only get worse and worse, and eventually the whole body will be paralyzed.

The witch used the little strength she had left to cast a look at him asking for help.

Hua Mi has actually thought of a way.

Take her to a hot spring hotel on the mountain and take a dip in the hot springs.

The flower essence can heal injuries and illnesses, and may also be able to get rid of abnormal conditions.

Other than that, I can't think of any other way.

You can't really go to the Underdark to find some refreshing mushrooms.

Regardless of whether it is dangerous or not, even if we can find an antidote and escape, it will probably be too late.

Thinking of this, Hua Mi asked the old woman how to get to the hot spring hotel and if she could be kindly shown the way.

He only knew that the hot spring hotel was in the mountains behind, but the mountain was so big that he would have been able to find it for years and months.

It would be better to find a local to lead the way.

But the old woman said: "My old arms and legs can't lead the way. You can go there by yourself. You should be able to meet the villagers on the mountain. Just ask them."

"The villagers are on the mountain?"

Hua Mi is a little strange.

The village is so deserted, so everyone has gone to the mountains?

It makes sense to rely on the mountain and eat the mountain.

But that doesn't explain the desolate atmosphere in the village.

The old woman sighed and said that although the hot spring hotel that could cure diseases and save people saved many people, it also caused the entire village to become what it is now, and the villagers almost gave up production.

"how so?"

According to the information Hua Mi obtained, the reason why the hot spring hotel can cure diseases is entirely due to the magic of flower essences.

How could a flower essence harm the village?

Flower essences are not devils, and treating people comes with a price.

Under Hua Mi's inquiry, the old woman told the reason:

"It all started when two traveling businessmen came to our village..."

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