Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 412: Intruder

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"How do you know if you don't try, maybe you can swim unimpeded in the water, but you didn't notice it." Roque said lightly.

After listening to him, Nicholas looked at the deep ocean again, then looked at his own wings and hair, still feeling a little guilty in his heart.

"I have a small suggestion." After a few seconds, Nicholas' eyes lit up when he thought of something.

"Talk about it." Rock said casually.

"I remember that in your summoned creature, there is a sea clan with scales and tails. She is a sea clan, and she must be similar to those big fish in the water." Nicholas responded hurriedly.

It secretly admired its intelligence, which is really multiplying. It can get rid of the danger of acting as a bait, and it can also pit the sea clan who is arrogant and threatening to itself.

This guy played a really loud abacus, but all his thoughts were written on his face, and he inadvertently showed a face of schadenfreude, which made people look very funny.

"Then get away a bit, it's annoying to look at it." Rock swept it aside disgustedly, and didn't continue to embarrass it.

Not to mention Nicholas, even if he enters the sea, with his best fog energy system, he will definitely be suppressed, and it is estimated that 50% of his power will not be exerted.

He wouldn't use his shortcomings to confront the enemy and make himself embarrassed. His plan is to arrange a bait and wait for the big guys to come up obediently.

However, he still summoned Hai Bei easily.

"Sorcerer Rock, the soldier Hai Bei in the moonlight reports to you. If you have any needs, just give it to you." As soon as Hai Bei appeared, he cried out with great momentum.

Nicholas, who could see to one side, muttered in his heart. There were some words that he had contemplated, but they were misappropriated by the enemy, which clearly provokes him.

"Explore the terrain for me, call for help if you encounter a problem, or go back by yourself, I will call you again, understand?" Roque ordered, and finally tapped her forehead with his finger.

"Yeah, it's a bit itchy, but Haibei promises to complete the task." Haibei touched his eyebrows subconsciously, knowing that he was talking about the crystal of authority.

"Go down." Seeing her and Nicholas stared, Rock urged.

"What a weird guy." Hai Bei muttered and jumped directly into the sea.

After entering the ocean, she seemed to take off her shackles and swim quickly on the surface of the sea. The speed of the first-order creatures was undoubtedly revealed, far beyond her flying speed.


Perhaps it was the first time I found a place where I could use my speed, and within a moment I was able to play vigorously. From time to time, she lifted up with a heavy water column, dragging her upwards like a fountain, reluctant to stop.

Roque took a look, ignored her, and went back to the cloud ship. He wanted to prepare something. Nicholas felt a little uneasy when he saw it, so he decided to go over and warn him so as not to be too presumptuous.

On the third day, with the assistance of Haibei, Rock found a good place to drop the bait and began to arrange his bait-the miniature witch formation.

It took more than an hour to build an altar. He raised his eyes and glanced at the busy group of two, and shook his head speechlessly. I don’t know what method the two used, the relationship suddenly became peaceful and they got together. Picked up the beast eggs hidden in the seabed and moved them to the cloud ship.

One to pick up and one to carry.

"You two are enough for me. I'm going to bait. The sea will not be calm later. Seashell will go back first. Nicholas is ready to fight." Rock summoned the two and said without any doubt.

"Well, next time you come, you must bring the beast eggs, I'm still going to hatch." Haibei regretfully exhorted.

In the aspect of building demiplanes, she is far more concerned than Roque, the lord of the plane.

Rock continued to get busy after sending off the sea shells.

Having just carved out most of the runes, two sea ships rushed in. Obviously seeing his presence, but without any scruples, he couldn't help stopping the rune pen in his hand and staring at the opponent approaching with a cold face.

The sea ship approached one side, and the two wizards jumped directly to the surface and stepped on the waves. It was obvious that their wizard's hood was related to water.

"Two, this is the hunting area that I have selected first. According to the rules of Chaos Bay, please return." Without waiting for them to speak, Roque said coldly.

"My name is'Soyev' and I come from the Aquatic Coral Institute."

"Yul, from the Aquatic Coral Academy, what do you call it?"

Regarding his cold remarks, the two wizards did not pay attention to them, and took the initiative to introduce themselves. The Water Coral Academy is a first-level academy under the Haichao Academy, and it is closely connected with the Haichao Academy.

"Rock, from the Gray Mist Tower, what purpose does the two of you have?" Doesn't Rock know their purpose? It's nothing more than this hunting area.

"Witcher Rock, it's probably your first time to hunt in Chaos Bay. Since everyone has taken a fancy to this hunting area, it's better to work together.

To tell the truth, we have been hunting in chaotic bays since our apprenticeship. We have very rich experience in hunting sea beasts, and we are very good at fighting in the ocean. "Soyev suggested.

If it hadn't been for his experience and special methods to discover that the area was very likely to have a big harvest, he would not bear to give up, and he would definitely not cooperate with such a guy from unknown origin.

"After the event, you can get one-fifth, how about it?" Yule added.

In their view, a hunter who is new to Chaotic Bay can be satisfied with such a harvest and is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ one-sixth of the new talents in the past.

"No way, I prefer hunting alone than combined hunting. Go back and don't embarrass everyone's faces." Rock refused. If the two guys hadn't come, he had already prepared the bait.

"I remember the Grey Mist Tower is good at flying. Being able to fly does not mean that you can fight in the sea. With the cunning level of the sea beast, you can't keep the sea beast, Wizard Rock." Soyev frowned and emphasized.

Without going through it, you will never know the difficulty of fighting in the water, not to mention that the opponent is a behemoth, why this guy can't figure it out.

"Needless to say, I have my own hunting method." Rock waved his hand impatiently with no appreciation at all.

I skipped Rock and saw the altar with runes written on one side. The two looked at each other, and both saw the inexplicable and smile in each other's eyes.

This guy wanted to hunt in a strange way, I really don't know if he came to make fun of him, or he was arrogant.

"In this case, we are not far from the left. If Wizard Rock changes his mind, we might as well let the witch pet inform us, and then we will hunt together." Soyev said with a smile.

He expected it, and this guy would soon understand that his strange method would not work, so he turned to seek cooperation, so he retreated altogether so as not to break the hunting rules.

Moreover, the other party can easily borrow or own a private cloud boat, and the family behind it should not be small, and there is no need to conflict for a little bit of interest.

"The wizards here are really ignorant. Seeing the rune, there is no desire to explore at all. He glanced over, without the slightest desire, it is unimaginable." Looking at the backs of them leaving, Roque shook his head slightly.

Although the Wizarding Road is full of killings, it is not a profession centered on killings. The core factor should be knowledge and academics.

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