Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 424: Barbara's worries

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After deeply feeling the malice of other people, Roque couldn't help but develop some sense of urgency, and decided to spend his merits and turn them into other aspects of strength.

In any case, he will not lose his position as speaker, otherwise the loss will be too heavy.

"Each wizard's wizard cover is very different. You must research a little bit by yourself. The knowledge of elemental creatures has a lot in common. Let's take a look first."

Thinking of this, he came to the academic hall. The academic hall has three aspects: a record of plane observations, a record of experimental data, and a record of knowledge.

Of the three records, only the former was accumulated by the current masked wizards, and the latter two are the legacy of the Masked Truth Academy, and the content is so rich that they do not need to submit new things to them, latecomers.

Rock directly skipped the messy experimental data record, and used his own redemption authority to exchange a piece of elemental biological knowledge worth 500 merits.

"Goodbye, number 2."

"Welcome again, Mr. Speaker."

Hearing the voice of Mask No. 2, Roque twitched the corners of his mouth. The minimum consumption threshold of this academic hall was 500 merits, and it would be exhausted after another two visits.

Considering that he would definitely go to the secret library to buy materials, he temporarily stopped other consumer urges.

Returning to the Tower Laboratory, he sank into the elemental knowledge exploration. It took him half a month to initially digest the content of the 500 meritorious service and turn it into his own theoretical knowledge.

"It's worthy of being the legacy of the Masked Truth Academy. This kind of explanation is really detailed and comprehensive, but it's only a part.

The knowledge he acquired is not complete, but only a small part of it, which may be one-thousandth or one ten-thousandth. A few large pieces of knowledge were intercepted from a certain knowledge classic and then pieced together.

The content ratio is composed of fog, magnetism, thunder, and phantom elements, and the emphasis is on descending order. It is because he can choose according to his own needs, he is willing to spend so much merit.

"No. 2 is still conscientious. I didn't break the chapter on the key points. I shouldn't be scratching my lungs." Rock suddenly thought of some unscrupulous people in the previous life and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

No. 2 Black and White Mask is different from others. It is located in the academic hall. Although the knowledge is clearly priced, it has a certain range of operations for knowledge interception.

For his little speaker, he obviously gave a lot of money.

In contrast to the knowledge of elemental creatures, Roque sorted out his wizarding hood plan.

"Hehe, I'm pretty self-inflicted, and I chose the wizard mask of the four element types, and the difficulty of research has increased a bit for nothing."

This is what he just said. The facts show that the multi-element wizard hood has greater advanced potential and can be extended to many directions. Moreover, without such a choice, his wizard hood will not be of mid-term strength from the beginning.

"First raise Modina to the first level, and then condense the purest foggy body, and then slowly deepen---"

For wizards, they can explore new knowledge from experimental research and find their own fun, which fascinates them.

Apart from summoning Modina into the laboratory from time to time, Rock ignored the others.

On this day, Modina received the call again and walked quickly towards the depths of the laboratory.

"Modina, can you tell Wizard Rock, I am willing to take part in the experiment on your behalf." Barbara couldn't help but hold her as she watched a strange white glow on her face.

"Hmph, Barbara, don't want to take my chance, you are just a mere newcomer." Modina shook off her palm, turned her head and said quietly.

"Huh?" Barbara exclaimed when she heard her.

"Haha, I am playing with you, but you don’t need to worry about it. With Wizard Rock’s ability, I can have any problems, and I won’t be ugly at all. Didn’t you find out that my strength has improved a lot recently, and it’s more than You, Barbara." Modina said proudly.

"But---" Barbara was worried.

"No, but, you have to admit one thing, my talent is better than you, so in the eyes of Wizard Rock, my value is greater. I am the first choice. How can I replace you with you for no reason." Modina continued.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm going to break through the first step soon." Without waiting for her to say anything, Modina added a word and left with a smile.

"Hey!" Looking at her disappearing back, Barbara sighed.

"What's the matter? Barbara." Sharon, the daughter of the mist asked.

"There is no danger in the wizard experiment, Modina is so stupid, hey." Barbara sighed again, the worry in her eyes remained undiminished. The older she experienced more things and understood that there was a lot of fog in the clan. How did my daughter suddenly disappear.

"Modina said that Wizard Rock is very powerful," Sharon comforted.

"So, Modina is so stupid, she might never come back this time," Barbara murmured.

In the next month, Barbara's anxiety became more and more intense, because since the last time Modina entered the experiment, she has not come out, so she can't help but think about it.

"Sure enough, there must be something wrong with Modina, my Modina---" When she walked through the corridor leading to the interior of the laboratory countless times, she couldn't help but stop, looking at the inside secretly hurting herself.

It's the same this time.

"Who's having an accident?" A voice suddenly rang in her ears, making her shiver~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Haha, you are so courageous, Barbara. "Nicholas smiled carelessly. Seeing Barbara's stern face, he couldn't laugh anymore, and asked: "Who did you say was wrong?" "

"No, no." A ugly smile squeezed out of Barbara's face. She knew the relationship between the witch pet and the wizard. She had always been respectful and alienated from Nicholas, how could she say what she was thinking.

"Little Sharon, who did she say is the problem?" Because of her attitude, Nicholas was not very close to her, but had a better relationship with the daughter of the mist.

"Modina." Despite Barbara's wink, Sharon said casually.

"What happened to Modina? Obviously I saw her just now, hiding in the room next to Wizard Rock's laboratory and reading." Nicholas was surprised.

"Really?" Sharon's eyes lit up, and Barbara hurriedly listened with her ears upright.

"Of course, she is fine, too good to be better." Nicholas must have said vaguely again.

"But, you obviously didn't go to the lab?" Sharon asked what Barbara was thinking.

"This---you don't understand, she is fine anyway." Nicholas was sent to Haruna for special training. After a month, his sense of self-confidentiality strengthened, and then he turned and left, "I'm leaving, and there is An important task."

As Nicholas said, Modina was in the laboratory at this time. With the help of Rock, she had broken through to become a first-order creature and accepted Rock's more in-depth exploration.

"Ah, Wizard Rock, have you turned yourself into a mister---male---?" At a certain moment, Modina was surprised to find that Rock who walked out was transformed into an elemental creature, which is very similar to her. The similarity.

Roque opened his mouth to answer something, his face suddenly changed, his body collapsed, turned into a cloud, and returned to the internal laboratory.

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