Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 797: Action begins

Roque sought more sun slabs because he wanted to have more chips in his hand. Besides, with the power of the red armor beast, he really didn't take the white.

He can't do anything when he sees things, and he doesn't force it. It's a pity that the time is too short. Those who know the risk are half Tier 4, and they are not easy to deal with, otherwise he will definitely find a way to understand more inside information.

Right now, only one step can be counted as one step, and if things can't be done, he also won't force it.

In fact, so far, he has observed the sun slate countless times, but still has not analyzed what the soul tree needs, which makes him quite helpless.

A few days later, Rock rushed to a certain place with the people in front, and once again activated the tracking secret method of the mission scroll in the middle.

"Look, there are many golden teeth boats." The Red Armor Market Beast pointed to the golden spots on the scroll and said.

"It seems that the action is about to begin." Rock's eyes lit up slightly.

The Golden Teeth Boat is an assessment task item, and it must be handed in within the task deadline.

When Rock discovered that 8 golden teeth boats had appeared within the scope of the secret method, a meeting with a number of powerful adventurers was underway, and the location was somewhere in the Sunyan Lake.

"I don't know who of you is making trouble behind your back. If you want to kick me Wiggins out of the action team, it is absolutely impossible." After the personnel arrived, Wiggins stepped forward, his eyes full of fierceness. Looking around for a week, he shouted in a low voice scorchingly.

"Yes, I want to leave my Alberton operation aside, and see if my Blood Shield Adventure Group agrees." Alberton went on to agree, also accompanied by a real murderous intent.

"To be fair, some people did go too far." Then someone agreed, also the leader of an adventure group, Vaughn of the Slaughter Blade adventure group.

If Rock saw him, he would definitely understand that this was the person he had tracked for a few days.

The three heads of the regiment took the lead and made clear to the people present in an irrational way that the three chose to advance and retreat together, and would not give up easily.

"Hahaha, I have heard that you yourself were attacked by someone, and the sun slate was taken away. You still have the face to come here. This is really embarrassing to our adventure group in the Scarlet Blood Continent."

"Don't put us together with them and say it, I can't really shame on that----"

"Asshole, do you want to die? Why don't you come out and compete to see who is more embarrassed."

Adventurers are doing things that are tumbling in the blood, and their temper is natural, not to mention the long-term adventurers who have been active in the tomb at dusk, everyone has a manic intent to kill.

The meeting was very anxious at the beginning, but the three of them still controlled a solar slate. This thing is definitely not missing. Based on this, and based on the strength of the three, the meeting struggled to maintain amidst the stumbling, and the opinion was finally reached. Consistent.

The adventurers also believe that those who have secretly captured the sun slab will definitely follow, maybe they are staring at their every move at this time.

In fact, this is the case, Roque is indeed closely watching the opposite's actions, but he didn't know that the opposite had almost had infighting.

That is, in the morning of the same day, the adventurers began to act, following the traces of the dense golden tooth boat, Roque followed closely behind.

Unsurprisingly, these people knew where they were, and the direction they were moving forward was very clear, as if they were afraid that he would be lost, and the speed was not very fast.

This makes it easy for Rock to track.

Walking through the melee arena, the deeper you go, the worse the surrounding environment will be. The influence of the original battle still remains, bringing all kinds of chaotic and weird changes, making the adventurer's speed even slower.

Of course, the two teams inevitably had various contests, or left detection magic devices, or other means to find each other in vain, all of which were resolved or avoided by Rock.

However, the adventurers also breathed a sigh of relief. The thing they were most worried about did not appear, and the opponent's strength should be about the same as their own, otherwise it would not take so many means.

Somewhere on the lake, the team of adventurers stopped, and many people looked a little tangled.

"It's time to go down."

"What if the **** doesn't follow or is lost?"

"Leave a mark, don't play any tricks, the **** is too cautious, the secret is more important, don't break everyone's affairs."

The people present were all famous tyrannical adventurers from the Scarlet Blood Continent. They had never experienced such an absurd thing before, and they even wanted to lead the way for the thieves behind.

But they had no other way. For the treasures they needed, they could only endure their madness and pinch their noses to recognize this way, so as not to prevent the other party from taking the wrong way and delaying their opportunity.

Soon after they dived into the lake, Roque and the red armor beast appeared and found markers floating on the surface of the lake.

"I didn't play any tricks this time." Rock whispered.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, let's catch up quickly." Seeing this red armor market beast, he was happy for a while.

Immediately, the two also dived into the lake, and then it was easier to have one or two. Those adventurers really took great pains to leave markers along the way to lead him directly, sometimes with written instructions.

The Taiyangyan Lake is not bottomed. They dived for more than an hour and still shuttled in the lake.

Afterwards, a group of people entered a special passage formed by a certain undercurrent and meandered along the undercurrent passage. When they reached a certain place ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the undercurrent suddenly accelerated, and the adventurer simply stopped moving forward. Let the undercurrent lead yourself forward.

In this particular change, Rock also got instructions.

"There is a very special force field barrier below. Once you enter it, you won't be able to perceive the situation outside." Rock stopped and explored, and came to a conclusion that the suppression below is stronger.

"I can only perceive some." The Red Armor Ruins Beast said truthfully, "but it can also be easily broken, it shouldn't be a hindrance."

"Then move on." Rock made a decision after pondering for a few seconds.

After entering the accelerating undercurrent, the surroundings became chaotic, and the direction of advancement became more winding and tortuous, almost reaching a point of madness, and I don't know how the Sannier left behind.

"The sun, there is the sun ahead."

After a long time, the Red Jiaxu Beast exclaimed.

Roque stopped his figure forcibly, making his forward speed suddenly become very slow, but his attention was not in front of him, and on the sun slab, the sun slab seemed to have triggered a certain mechanism, bursting out of special Light.

After a while, he understood that there is nothing else in the light, only some information. The method of driving the golden tooth boat on the sun, and how to steer the golden tooth boat in the sun, proved to be not fake.

"It turns out that the Golden Tooth Boat can really sail in the sun." The Red Jiaxu Beast said in surprise.

"It's just this kind of sun in front of you." Rock corrected.

At this point, he would definitely not retreat. A few minutes later, a golden tooth boat was introduced into the sun spot by the undercurrent, and then disappeared into the extremely hot sun.

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