Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 802: Cuijin 3 Corner Tower

"Wizards can collect(!

An embarrassed semi-fourth order.

It seemed to be at the end, and it seemed to be easy to deal with, but Rock knew that Wiggins was the most dangerous at this time.

Once obstructed, especially with him, an enemy who makes the other party hateful, Wiggins definitely doesn't mind using some taboo methods that damage him, or use it decisively as soon as he gets closer.

"Look at the situation."

Roque pondered for a few seconds, and waved his hand to signal the Red Armored Market Beast to be safe and restless.

The Red Jiaxu Beast opened its mouth and didn't know how to persuade it. This was a fragment of the godhead, which contained the secret of becoming a god, so Wizard Rock could hold it back.

Following his gaze, the red armor noticed that he was staring at the two people who were trying to fiddle with the biological eggs.

Is it possible that these two people will stop them?

The Red Armor suddenly discovered that the biological egg looks a bit familiar. It was not the dead egg they found in the Sannier's secret vault. However, the egg was not as big as it was in front of them, and it was not as many patterns in front of it, and its charm was even worse A lot.

"Red Armor, pay attention to the movement of the exit, don't be negligent." Just as it was thinking, he heard Rock's instructions.

"Don't worry, you must not be negligent." Red Jiaxu Beast said loudly.

"Once the situation changes or there is a movement in the exit, we will leave immediately, and don't forget it." Rock continued.

"Understood." Seeing him so cautious, Red Jia's heart couldn't help mentioning it a little bit.

While others were robbing the divine object, the Red Armor Market Beast finally found a suitable breakthrough point, and knew it well.

On the easternmost platform of the three sacrificial formations, Fuen and Esther were right next to the biological egg above. One of them occupied a biological egg and was carefully investigating something.

"How about you?" Esther asked.

"Almost." Fuen's face was solemn.

"The remaining pieces of the godhead have been taken by them. The biggest piece must be Wiggins, and he is about to leave." Esther continued.

It didn't need her to say that Vonn could see it, which means that there was not much time left for him to consider.

In fact, Roque's guess is right. The two do have the blood of Sannier, although they are far less pure than those many years ago, they are indeed descendants of Sannier.

They sneaked into the holy ground, and they indeed had the intention of reviving the biological eggs beside them.

They also know what kind of creature the egg is, and it is the sun and holy spirit sacrificed by the Sanielts. They also know that the Sun Holy Spirit does not refer to a certain god, but a powerful ethnic group, which is the blood source of the Sanneltes.

Once the sun and holy spirit eggs are revived, they can take the opportunity to sign a special bloodline agreement with them, and then use some means to absorb the power of the other party's bloodline, thereby breaking the shackles on the bloodline and entering a higher level of life.

There is only one thing that makes the two men afraid. The final recovery ritual is extremely overbearing. If they fail to succeed, they will be reduced to the sacrifices of biological eggs, and eventually become the holy island below, just like the ancestors who tried to recover in the past. Treat the sin with dead bones.

According to the investigation of the two, because the half Tier 4 people buried in this ceremony were no less than double ten, the two people even suspected that the last power of the tribe was consumed in this way, and the cycle of the Sannier led to the nearly extinction of the Sanniertes.

"Didn't you think about it before, why do you regret it? Is it possible that you don't want to break through the fourth order and just waste your life." Esther said coldly.

Having the blood of a Sannier is not a happy thing for the two of them. If they can choose, they would rather not have this blood.

Because this bloodline is an eternal curse, it strictly limits the descendants' upper limit of strength, and also restricts the descendants from being able to leave the tomb boundary. If you don't come here to break through the bloodline boundary, you will never think of breaking through the fourth level.

They have searched for countless ways, all of which have no effect. In desperation, the two can only choose to enter the Holy Land. In fact, if the two of them hadn't used the means secretly, those present would never want to set foot on the holy ground, because they would lack blood credentials.

"I'm just suspecting that this ritual may be a trap, and the classics handed down by the tribe are also a bad trap. At that time, the minds of the Sannier were different from ours. They were a group of stupid believers." Scolded.

"There are two seconds left." Esther was too lazy to argue with him, only to tell a fact.

"Start it, hope our choice is right." Fuen resignedly said.

If he hadn't repeatedly confirmed that he was only a little short of the recovery of the Holy Spirit Egg, he would definitely choose to give up, and now he could only take a gamble.

After the conversation, the two stretched out their palms to print on a specific rune, blood oozing out from the sun armor, flowing on the rune, the rune became shining.

On the other side, also on the altar, Wiggins had already rushed to the edge of the altar.

"Count you acquaintance, haha."

Wiggins looked fierce, and saw that the thief was just standing far away, and did not come forward to intercept him, and no one else intercepted him outside the station, he was relieved immediately.

Finally leaving this terrible place!

Wiggins secretly praised, and the pace did not stop for half a second. In the last step, he stepped out a greater distance and rushed out of the formation.


However, at this moment, something happened, and a layer of enchantment suddenly appeared, as if it originally existed on the edge of the formation, suddenly revealed.

At this moment, the three altarpieces were all covered by the emerald golden enchantment. The appearance of the enchantment was the same as the triangular tower, so there were three more emerald-golden triangular towers on the Sun Lake.

Wiggins slammed his head on the barrier, his eyes rolled round, his eyes filled with incredible words.

Just a little bit, just a little bit!

"Break it to me."

No matter how bad his mood was, Wiggins did not react slowly, and immediately launched an attack on the enchantment. To his amazement, when the attack fell on the emerald enchantment, he immediately became weak and weak.

The attack power was sucked away at the moment it fell, and it was completely drawn away. Of course, the long sword fell on the enchantment and it seemed weak.

"Bang bang bang."

Wiggins did not give up, launched several attacks in succession, and on two occasions, he changed his strategy and fell on the altar, but only a soft muffled sound responded to him.

"Damn! Vaughn! Damn! Esther!"

The emerald flame was still burning, and the situation was getting more and more dangerous. Wiggins finally noticed the other altars and saw the two people with unusual looks beside the biological eggs, keenly aware that the accident had a lot to do with them.

"Idiot Wiggins~www.wuxiaspot.com~What did you do?" Ramsden rushed to his face and cursed ugly.

"Assholes, if you don't want to die here, just roll over and break the barrier with me, otherwise you will be sacrificed by the two **** over there." Wiggins attacked the barrier frantically while adventuring towards others. The person roared.

Seeing his crazy appearance and seeing the two people on the other side, the adventurer realized the seriousness of the matter and cursed for a while.

As the adventurers returned one after another, there was a series of soft muffled noises on the barrier. No matter how they attacked or what means they used to attack, once they fell on the barrier, the attack power instantly disappeared without a trace, leaving only mere appearances. Moves.

Everyone's heart is getting heavier.

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