Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 818: Many messages

Others don’t have other ways to gain merit like Roque. Their best way is the Mask Academy. Therefore, they take the mask task very seriously and rigorously. They spend more time researching each task, and a lot of inquiries about relevant information. .

Hearing Grace's words, Rock glanced at everyone in front of him.

A few people are looking forward to it. It is of course a good thing to be able to serve the chairperson. This is not the time when they first joined the Mask Academy. For them, the chairperson at this time is definitely the most accessible high-level high-level. wizard.

If the speaker is happy and gives pointers, they can get a lot of benefits, and no one will refuse this kind of thing.

"I'm about to ask you, let's go to the council room to discuss in detail." Rock did not refuse the services of the branch wizard.

Two minutes later, the group came to one of the meeting rooms.

"I'm looking up the information about the authority crystal of the plane, looking for a plane where the authority crystal can be obtained more easily." In response to the eyes of several people, Roque said his purpose.

Power crystal?

Although a few people thought it was a little strange, no one was so stupid to ask the reason, and to directly think carefully about the information under their control.

Thinking that the Speaker is now a Tier 3 wizard, the miniature plane is no longer convenient for him to enter, and the range of choices he can choose is suddenly reduced.

"If you have relevant clues or relevant analysis on a certain plane, you can come to the speaker's room to find me." Without waiting for them to say anything, Rock returned to the speaker's room on the side after an explanation.

If they found something, Ro Keguang certainly didn't know enough about the information, and he needed to make more detailed inquiries. He couldn't just listen to them and just go there.

Before he waited long, Rita was the first to come to the speaker's room.

"Speaker, I have a special message." Rita said with a small smile.

Since Marilyn became a Tier 3 wizard, Rita's situation has become much better. After all, in order to exchange certain resources for the mentor, she could take most of the merits of her mission into it, so that she lags behind others in strength. One chip.

After Marilyn became a third-order wizard, she naturally gave Rita something in return.

Not long ago, after Rock’s scholar exchange meeting, Marilyn’s promotion ceremony was held in the Gray Mist Tower. Rita is now a student of the tower master and is the only masked wizard in Marilyn.

But in terms of status, Marilyn certainly can't be compared with Rock, and Rita will of course not give up being better than Rock.

"Talk about it." Rock motioned her to continue.

"I don't know if you have heard of the'Magic Business League'?" Rita asked.

"Never." Rock shook his head.

There are so many gods in the world of faith, and every **** needs to pasture the land and believers, resulting in countless planes under the seat of the faith world, although most of the planes are not rich in resources.

In some planes, he had never heard that it was a normal thing.

"I once heard that the Kanderan Magic World is a member of the Mosu Business League, and the Mosu Commercial League is a common pastoral ground composed of the Mosu ~ Goddess and the Commercial Goddess. The atmosphere and order are very relaxed, and There will be regular high-end magic and business exchange meetings -" Rita continued.

Listening to her detailed statement, Rock knew her reason for recommending this plane.

This kind of exchange meeting is different from Wanlong’s Nest City. It is more inclined to trade between forces and has a great concealment. Most people will definitely not be able to participate. Those who can participate are all important figures in the league. It may be the one who has the authority to control the crystal.

If you can figure out the corners in it, maybe you can harvest more than one or two power crystals at a time.

"What's the reason for the relaxed order and atmosphere you said?" Rock asked.

"I don't know the specific reason. In short, the Kanderan magical world does not suppress our wizards very much, and it does not promote the'evil' as terribly as many planes." Rita replied.

Roque then asked a lot of questions, Rita gave answers one by one, limited to her own strength, she did not know the answers to many questions.

It is not difficult to hear from her words that the Kanderan magic world is a bit stronger than the holy grace world, and it is one of the best in the small plane, and its forces and races are also relatively mixed.

"Yes, I get it."

Hearing what he said, Rita left consciously, and Rock didn't promise anything. Once the information is verified, Rita will definitely not be treated badly. There is no need to worry about this kind of thing.

A few seconds after Rita left, Grace came to the speaker's room.

"Look, what is this." She raised her hand, with a crystal in her palm.

"It seems that you have a good harvest. You don't want to give it to me." Rock recognized at a glance, and she had a crystal of authority in her palm.

"Of course not, you definitely look down on it, I just want to tell you, it's not only you who can get the power crystal." Grace said.

"Then what else do you want to tell me?" Rock smiled and didn't care.

Since it was to complete the assessment, he would definitely have to find and seize these authority crystals personally before he could show his sincere heart.

"But I can lend it to you to use it. It shouldn't be difficult for you to find other power crystals from this semi-permanent crystal. Just remember to return it to me." Grace continued.

She really had the intention to borrow a face authority, which was a little bit beyond Roque's expectation.

In addition to the authority crystal, Grace also brought some news. Unlike Rita, she sent the information to Roque no matter what was useful or not.

"Don't worry about it, just pay back your favor. The position of deputy speaker can indeed bring a lot of benefits~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When she left, Grace left a word and then floated away.

The next person to come to the speaker's room is Emirida.

"I know where a plane authority crystal is, but it has nothing to do with the mission." This was the first sentence Emirida came in and said.

"Since you are willing to say it, just go ahead." Rock was not polite.

"But that creature is not easy to deal with. Speaker, don't you want to think that I'm taking advantage of you----" Emirida continued.

Because she is an elven clan, the elven clan not only exists in the wizarding world, but with the origin of this bloodline, she can easily mix into certain forces.

The power crystal controller she mentioned this time is indeed the enemy of the Elf race that she has made friends with. It is also the enemy that the Elf race over there has tried to deal with. One sentence.

"That's it." Rock nodded slightly.

"If the speaker has such thoughts, I am willing to accompany you to help you kill the creature." Finally, Emirida added.

Next, Liede and others brought some messages, some of which were actually repeated. The value of the messages brought by the first three is far less valuable. Undoubtedly, the messages brought by Rita and the three are more likely to find authority.

In addition to these people, Roque also asked other members of the branch altogether, and soon got a reply, which also contained valuable information.

Roque did not rush to make a decision. With the names of these planes, he could find more detailed information from other channels. At the same time, he also needed to collect more information on different planes and choose the most advantageous one to explore.

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