Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 831: Kill and harvest

"Mr. Elok, meet again."

Of course there are other people, this is not in front of a certain treasure chest, Rock bumped into several people who entered the adventure land before him, and the atmosphere became tense.

On the same island, and the enchantment changes from time to time, there is of course the probability of bumping into other people. This is something Rock had prepared.

"It seems that you have encountered a lot of danger." Rock said, the other party originally had a team of eight people, but now there are only four people left.

"Fortunately, it's just that the enchantment suddenly changed and separated from the others." Laurie explained, looking at Roque, who was still calm, his expression was not relaxed.

This jihadist gave him a sense of inability to see through, and he always felt that the opponent was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Don't talk nonsense, this treasure box----" Van Yate was just looking at Roque's upset, and directly picked up the topic.

"It's yours, after all, you have a lot of people." Rock interrupted him.

"If you know what you are interested in, in this case, you should automatically disappear here." Van Yate showed disdain.

"If I don't leave, what are you going to do." Rock walked quickly to the side and stood there brightly, with no intention of leaving.

"You----really we don't dare to do it!" Van Yate's face became stiff, and he roared half a second later.

"If you want the treasures in the treasure chest, I advise you to do it as soon as possible, otherwise the enchantment will change again, and the treasure chest will go to other places." Rock said leisurely, not paying attention to his threat.

In such a place, he expected that the other party would not want to do it, because it would be the other party who suffered a lot from doing it.

"Don't be impulsive, business matters." Others don't want to play with Rock, and they will be crazy if a bad team is divided.

Roque stayed away for a certain distance. The people of the Adventurer Church were attacked by him unswervingly. They could safely seek the treasure chest. The next moment they persuaded Van Yate and started to take action.

At this time, the treasure chest is floating on a purple lake, and there must be other arrangements in the lake.

On the shore, they performed magic, the air condensed into vines, and the vines rolled towards the treasure chest.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Roque's face changed, the red armor couldn't help asking.

"These people claim to be devout followers of the **** of adventurers. Judging from their clumsy magic skills, they should have used Mosu.com. It is estimated that the commercial network is the same. They are really overestimated. No wonder a group of false believers can continue Can stay alive." Rock said.

At the same time, he thought of the two goddesses, using Mosu Net and Business Net to accept beliefs. The methods are indeed extraordinary. If they can grow smoothly, it is estimated that they will become even more non-negligible existences.

"In this way, the combat power they can exert is limited." Red Jiaxu Beast added.

Roque glanced at it, and did not continue to say anything. The four people not far away had taken a lot of twists and turns, and had already opened the treasure chest.

"A Tier 3 Holy Light Sword?" The Red Armor Market Beast looked at it, saw the contents of the treasure chest, couldn't help but smiled, "Hahaha."

"The Kingdom of God looks like this, how can I put any good things." Roque shook his head slightly. He guessed that if it weren't for the rules of Mystery City, the sword might be omitted.

The four people not far away were very dark, and put away their long swords dullly.

"Let's go." Van Yate was about to say something, Laurie said first, lest he provoke Roque for no reason.

"Let's go too." Rock whispered softly.

There are many barriers on this island, and there are also many branch roads. Because it is necessary to cross the island, the natural choice to go deep into the inner branch Yijia, so the two groups chose the same direction, one position one behind the other, and Rock fell behind.


Several people walked out a distance, and a soft noise broke through the air from the side, attracting everyone's attention.

Roque felt the familiar breath, and his eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, the authority crystal would appear again, flying towards him. It seemed that the authority had fallen again, and he responded to the words of the red armor.

"Canderan gems, don't let them fall into the hands of others!" Van Yate also noticed something and shouted to the three of them.

As he spoke, he turned back and ran to Rock, and the three of them hurriedly followed.

Hearing this, Rock's eyes brightened.

The power crystal in front of me is embedded in a small seal, and it can be recognized so quickly that either the other party has seen it before, or the other party is also the authority controller, and the possibility of the latter is not small.

Because Quan Jingjing flew towards him, Roque was very fast and grabbed something in his hand in a few steps.

"Asshole, put down the Candran gem, that's not something you can refer to." Seeing this scene, Van Yate displayed the magic directly.

Facing the magic, Roque was not afraid of it, and slashed to meet him, and his figure also moved closer to Van Yate.

"Be careful, don't let him come close." Seeing that Rock was very fast, Laurie reminded him.

"Let's use magic to kill him." Van Yate shouted.

In fact, there is no need for him to shout. At this moment, other people have already taken action, brewing powerful attack magic, and they all rushed towards Rock, trying to kill him in the violent magical energy.

The four come from the same branch, and their magic is of the same root. They are extremely skilled in the coordination of magic. The dense magic will not affect the effect, but will cause more terrifying power.

As everyone knows, this fits Rock's mind. He was planning to avoid some sharp edges temporarily. Seeing this scene, Gu Ran's hand quietly poked out, the red light flickered, and he directly cast his phantom pupil.


Under the effect of the moving pupil, the two magic attacks in the middle suddenly changed their directions and directly slammed into the magic attacks on both sides. The energy burst out first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ covering everything in front.

After 0.05 seconds, Roque's figure suddenly appeared, accompanied by two shields crashing out of it, only a few steps away from the four of them.

"I'm so courageous, stop him." Laurie's heart sank, but he didn't show any timidity on the surface.

The answer to him was a few exaggerated slashes, as well as the expansion of the giant beast attacking and killing, a few people hurriedly responded, and soon they found that the enemy's strength was more terrifying than imagined.

"You Witch----"

Accompanied by the roar of energy, all four of them were killed, and three of them died at Rok's hands. Rok revealed the wizard's hood during the battle.

Another person was killed by red armor.

"It's too weak."

"Mosu.com has pros and cons, and the environment here is not conducive to them."

As for the fighting power of the four, Roque had seen some clues before. What he didn't expect was the power crystal. Two of the four were the masters of the power crystal, but the fragments of the power crystal were very subtle.

"How many?"

"Van Yate 1%, Laurie 0.4%, the previous piece was 4%, Candran’s authority is really interesting, I don’t know what happened before."

Soon, Roque merged the two crystals of authority into one, turning them into a complete crystal of authority, occupying 15.7% of the share. The good news brought by the rise in authority is that his perception of the Kanderan realm has become clearer.

"How?" Red Jia asked again.

"Using the power of the plane to pry open the kingdom of God is nothing to say." Luo Ke said calmly, his heart was like a big rock falling to the ground.

"Then can I eat a little bit, I haven't tasted the energy of the kingdom of God yet?" Hong Jia asked unwillingly.

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