Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 840: Emerson City

"Wizards can collect(!

Speaking of Mosu Business League, I have to mention Mosu ~ Goddess and Business Goddess.

Roque inquired about information from Wanlong’s Nest City and learned that these two goddesses had only risen in the past two hundred years. It is said that there are more powerful gods behind them, and their rise in the world of faith is extremely rapid, in just a few decades. Within a period of time, many pastoral areas were included, that is, the Mosu Commercial League.

Now, the two goddesses are in an ambitious stage, focusing their energy on expanding the pasture land, and are somewhat laissez-faire about the internal development of the Mosu Business Alliance.

Precisely because of the indulgence of the two goddesses, and the replacement of Kanderan’s new and old gods, the rules are relatively loose for wizards. This is also the reason why Rock decided to come here to find the crystal of authority.

Originally, Roque had a perfect plan, but by chance, Donna asked for help, and a series of follow-up things happened, so that his plan had not yet started, and he had obtained enough Candran's power crystals.

Now, Rock once again rushed to the core area of ​​the Ninth Ring Tower.

The ninth ring tower-Davis Mage Tower, as one of the top forces in Candran, is not just a simple mage tower, but a vast area composed of countless territories, cities, and subsidiary towers. country.

Emerson City, one of the three cities located in the core area of ​​the 9th ring tower.

Two days later, Roque, Hong Jia, and Donna came to the vicinity of the city, and the whole city was in sight.

"My lord, there is one thing I must tell you." Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to the city, Donna thought of her identity.

"The thing that you have been hunted down all the time?" Rock didn't know her concerns.

"Yes, in fact, I have been to Emerson City before. I don't know if I exposed my identity here. I was chased and killed until I got your help." Donna said bitterly.

If it weren't for my own mistakes, the next thing might be postponed, maybe!

"What's my concern, there is Wizard Rock, that matter of you is nothing." The red armor said with a grin.

In the past period of time, the Red Armor had finished digesting what it had gained in the Kingdom of God, and it could feel that it was not far from breaking through the third stage late stage, and it had always been in a happy mood.

Coupled with Donna's deliberate ingratiation, she is more satisfied with this newly acquired bloodline servant, and the relationship between the two parties is harmonious.

"I must not cause trouble to adults," Donna whispered.

"That's also true. Wizard Rock doesn't like extra-junction branches the most." The Red Armor Market Beast nodded solemnly.

"Come here." Rock waved to her.

The red armor slowed down knowingly, and Donna gathered a pair of fighting spirit wings, flew to Roque's side, standing there happily, when Roque's palm touched her face, she didn't move at all.

Rock stretched out his hand and squeezed her face several times, and after a while, Kanderan's authority crystal condensed a lot of runes, which fell all over her body.

"Look, for the wizard, this is just a small trick, it's not worth mentioning." Red Jia praised.

"It's really amazing, thank you, my lord." Donna quickly thanked her.

She was surprised to find that not only had her appearance changed, she had also changed her breath to another person, which was obviously different from her original self, which was many times higher than her disguise.

At this moment, she has a deeper understanding of the legendary wizard.

Roque himself was not satisfied, looking at her for a long time without looking away.

"Could it be that there are other questions?" Hong Jia asked for her.

"Blood tracing, this method cannot avoid blood tracing." Rock said.

"Uh-that's right, her family's blood is spread widely, and it's just a handful of people." Hong Jia suddenly realized.

A few days before the opening of the God Treasure, many people were able to break into God's country. The reason was the power of the Donna family's bloodline. I am afraid that there will be a lot of Kanderan.

"That--that--" Donna was speechless when she heard this.

After experiencing the kingdom of God, she knew how many people were staring at her before, waiting and forcing them to open the gods. The Buane Chamber of Commerce was just one of them.

In this way, I am afraid it is very wrong to follow the adults!

Thinking of this, Donna's face changed slightly.

"My lord, or I will return----" she said helplessly.

"Well, this authority crystal is for you, and I will take it back when the hidden danger on your body is removed." Rock waved his hand, interrupting her, a 3% authority crystal appeared, passing it to her by the way I have gained a lot of knowledge about manipulating power crystals.

"Master Xie." Seeing that his tone couldn't be rejected, Donna felt warm in her heart and quickly thanked her.

Soon after, Donna initially learned to borrow the power of the plane, and Rock and others came to Emerson City.

As one of the core places of the 9th ring tower, Emerson City is extremely prosperous, with numerous caravans coming and going. After entering the city, he cleared the way with Magic Coins, and Roque found a separate place to stay.

"My lord, I'm going to find out the news." As the lowest-ranking person, Donna made this point wittily.

"Pay attention to the technique, you should have learned it." Rock reminded.

"Understood." Donna nodded seriously.

Roquety clicked on her, and Donna hurried away.

In fact, she is a second-tier existence anyway, and today's level is even the pinnacle of second-tier. After the identity problem is solved, most people will not provoke him at all. If you are cautious, there will be no problems.

"Why don't you directly enable the tracking altar?" Red Jia asked involuntarily.

"If you see the magic tower in the city and the magic pattern on the wall, once the tracking altar wide-range induction is enabled, you will be immediately known." This is not the wilderness, but the core area of ​​the ninth ring tower. Roque will not underestimate the other party. means.

After becoming a servant, Donna felt that she had to show value in order to live better, so she was very careful, and with the Shangmo Coins that Rock took away from others, things went well.

After half a day, Donna returned with a message.

"The biggest news is the emergence of the gods, and the fierce areas that are being formed after the accidents of the gods. Nowadays, all kinds of messages have appeared, attracting groups of adventurers."

"As expected."

"Outside the truth, someone brought out an artifact from the gods, it looks like a huge throne. You have been offered a reward, but there is no exact portrait or more detailed information. I have also been offered a reward. The price offered secretly is very high, and the information is very detailed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that someone sent the news that day. It doesn't matter, they can't find us."

Listening to her report, Rock nodded slightly.

It can be seen that after a major change, Donna is much more mature than before, and her work is not as rough as before, but a little more cautious and meticulous.

Inquiring about the news is not a temporary matter. In the next few days, Donna helped Rock figure out the power composition of Emerson City and the actual situation of the Ninth Tower.

In fact, Rita searched for some information about the formation of the forces and told him that of course Roque had to confirm it personally and listen to the content in more detail to facilitate his next actions.

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