Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 843: Finally to the fair

Doug has a lot of questions to ask, but it's not the time right now.

Lars did not ask for verification on the spot. After the door of the conference hall was closed again, he directly said to the people in the remaining chamber of commerce: "You should also know that Bellamy paid a high price for these places."


"of course."

More than a dozen people are savvy people, and no one stands up to refute.

"In order not to affect everyone's friendship, I choose a bid price. If the item satisfies Bellamy, I am willing to pay a more valuable chamber of commerce to get a place." Lars continued.

After speaking, he waved his hand skillfully, and a row of boxes emerged and floated in front of everyone.

"Magic Rassan has superb magic control skills, so I will admire it." Someone praised when he saw it.

It's a pity that no one agrees with him, and Lars has no other expressions.

Doug reached out and took it, and directly handed the treasure box to Rock. Rock didn't talk nonsense and put the items that he had prepared into the treasure box.

A ring with intricate magic patterns.

"Space ring?" Doug asked clearly, his eyes widened involuntarily, and he lowered his voice to ask.

"The meeting master has good eyesight." Rock nodded slightly.

"Are you sure?" Doug glared at him.

"OK." Rock closed the treasure box directly.

Candran is a relatively closed plane, and there are very few spatial magical devices like this. For example, the Boyle Chamber of Commerce only has one of Doug, the master, which is quite precious.

For Rock, who has been to many shopping malls in various worlds for many years, although the value of space equipment is not low, it has not reached the rare level. He has a lot of them, most of which are seized spoils.

Doug waved his hand helplessly, and Rock presented the treasure box, the first to show the item to Russ.

Seeing the space ring, Lars's face changed obviously.

"3 cubes." Rock emphasized, returning to his seat with the treasure box, waiting for Lars' final decision.

Subsequently, other people stepped forward and showed Ras the price they could provide. Ras left for a while and only announced the Bellamy Chamber of Commerce's decision after returning.

"Boyle Chamber of Commerce, Hamata Chamber of Commerce, Feiyan Chamber of Commerce."

Hearing this, Rock secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It is best to participate in the trade fair in a fair way, and there is no need to take additional measures.

After completing the follow-up matters soon, Rock successfully entered the list of the trade fair. The trade fair will be held in the near future but the time is undetermined. He needs to wait here for a period of time and cannot leave.

The accommodation provided by the Bellamy Chamber of Commerce, in a certain room.

"What's the matter?" Doug asked when there were only two of them in the room.

"The chance I told you before was that when I went out, I found the legacy of a powerful magician and got a lot of valuable items." Rock pretended not to hear the blame in his attitude, and explained a little.

"Including Thunderman's magic potion and space ring?" Doug asked again.

"Yes." Rock replied.

Doug naturally hoped that he would take the initiative to explain more information, but he clearly did not continue to reveal more meanings, and there was a brief silence in the room.

"I hope you will think more about Boyle in the future. In any case, the Chamber of Commerce will not treat you badly. You are my optimistic person. I also hope that you can become the Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, and even the Lord of the Chamber." To say.

"I know." Rock replied dullly.

The result of the discussion is naturally unpleasant. Perhaps it will create a gap between the half-teacher and half-disciple. Roque doesn’t care about it. Anyway, his purpose of coming to the Boyle Chamber of Commerce has been achieved, and the identity of Clapham is not needed in the future. Not sure yet.

Doug left for a day, then returned in a hurry, brought some valuables, and gave Rock a list, hoping that he could find a way to exchange the items on the list.

Roque was full of words. As for whether he would exchange it, it depends on how his actions are going forward. It doesn't hurt to exchange something when he has room. Anyway, he doesn't like what Doug offers.

After another nineteen days, finally waiting for the time to go to the trade fair, Master Russ personally came to the accommodation and gathered the three of them.

"From now on, no interrogation is allowed. Once I'm found, don't blame me for being polite and let me go." Lars warned in a harsh tone before bringing the three of them together with the others.

There were not many people, including three people, a total of only fifteen people, who took the large mounts of the Bellamy Chamber of Commerce to go, came to the backs of the mounts used for transportation, and the three were arranged in a sealed room. See outside.

"Helena, Hamata Chamber of Commerce."

"Gard, Feiyan Chamber of Commerce."

"Clapham, Boyle Chamber of Commerce."

This kind of journey is undoubtedly a bit boring, and the three people in the room know each other.

"Do you know anything about this exchange?" Helena said.

"I didn't know much before. This time I came to the meeting and the Lord told a lot of things." Gade replied.

"It's the same." Rock agreed casually.

Helena tried to provoke the topic, but the other two were really dull, so this five-day journey was a little dull.

Five days later, when the three of them came out of the room, they found that their location was replaced by the ocean, an isolated island in the vast ocean, and a very empty wilderness island.

There are three large mounts from the sixth, seventh, and ninth ring towers, with fewer than sixty people.

‘It seems that the location chosen by the trade fair is not fixed, but I don’t know if I need to travel to other planes. Rock looked around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while analyzing the current situation.

Seeing that the surrounding bans are not harsh, he feels that the possibility of trading in other planes is very high, but it doesn't matter whether it is or not, he has made proper preparations.

Soon he discovered that his analysis was wrong, and he had overlooked a special force-the Church of the Goddess of Commerce, that is, the church that printed the merchant's magic coins.

At a certain moment, the personnel of the commercial churches of various planes simultaneously used methods, combining the commercial network, the power of the planes, and the specific altar, and a gorgeous portal appeared on the altar.

"Everyone, you only have two hours of trading time on'Commercial Langfang', please don't miss the time." Archbishop Zorama said solemnly.

Hearing Zorama's words, a group of people nodded silently.

Then Zorama stepped aside, and a group of people quickly entered the rear portal.

The same is true for Rock. Once he stepped into it, he felt teleported, and then he came to a long strip of square.

‘Similar to the Fifth Sacred Bridge City, located between the planes, it is more like a temporary trading place at the moment, far less refined and stable than the Sacred Bridge City. ’

He can see the entire square at a glance, because the square is very narrow and low. No wonder the number of transactions must be strictly limited. If there are more people, there will be no place to stay.

But others have a kind of courage, and they are stronger than ordinary gods, and they are indeed ambitious goddesses.

However, it is certainly not an easy task to open up a trading city in the Huxu airspace. It is necessary to guard against many Huxu beasts, and the entire trading area will be gone if you are not careful.

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