Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 848: Semi-authoritative crystal

"Wizards can collect(!

The Thunderbird was hunted and killed for a long time, and it was just trying to escape. Now Thor used a more powerful force, and it was quickly buried under Thor's arrow.

"Hahaha, Angles, what do you say?" Sol shook the bow and arrow in his hand and said casually.

"It's just a prey. The hunting king dispute has not ended. Who is the hunting king of the hundred races has not been decided yet, what can I say." Angles muttered.

It's not hard to hear from his tone that he doesn't care as much as he says.

"Hahaha, you have to admit that you are just a big talker. When it comes to the benefits of bows and arrows, you are far inferior to me." Saul will not let go of this opportunity to hit him.

Angles was waiting to refute, and a beast roar from the front caught his attention. It was not difficult to tell from the beast's breath that this was another king beast.

"King beast, good luck." Sol naturally found out, and said with pride, "Angles, if you don't have other means, this king beast will be my Thor's trophy again."

"Don't be arrogant." Angles hurried forward.

"I'm going up first, you follow slowly, hahaha." Sol's position is further ahead, closer to the newly-appearing King Beast, and his speed is extraordinary, leaving a few people behind at once.

The crocodile king beast roared fiercely, seeming to see the crowd coming fiercely, so he wisely chose to turn his head and leave.


Saul yelled loudly, and the arrow hit with the elemental energy in an instant, and it was aimed at the scaled wings of the king beast. At the moment of crisis, the king beast flicked its tail and easily knocked the arrow out.

But the king beast didn't see any harm.

"It's a good defense." Saul was not surprised and rejoiced. The stronger the prey, the higher the harvest after killing.

"Roar." The king beast turned his head and roared, suddenly accelerated, and fled at a faster speed. Its speed was almost equal to Thor.

"Speed ​​is also good, it's a bit interesting." Saul has already regarded the king beast as something in his bag, how can he let the other party leave, he used his own'secret technique' in the same way, and the speed once again increased. Pursue the past at a faster speed.

The speed of one beast and one person is not average, so that after chasing and fleeing, it will be out of the sight of the other four hunters for a while, leaving Angles to curse in vain.

Two minutes later, Thor chased the king beast and fled in panic, and came to another location. Just as he was high-spirited, a planned attack suddenly arrived. The identity of the prey and the hunter was reversed. The prey, Sol Was hunted on the spot.

"I want to escape." A ray of light flashed from the corpse, and Roque had long been waiting for it and trapped it.

A small crystal bow, the authority crystal of the hunting forest is falling in the middle of the bow handle, and the authority crystal is half completed.

Peking into it, Roque found something strange, and there was a mark in it, indicating that Saul was not the true owner of the Crystal Little Bow.

"It turned out to be borrowed. This is a good way to cheat." He said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, the spirit power swept over brutally, swept all the marks inside, and put his own mark on it.

"Since one person knows this cheating method, other people can also use this method." Red Jia said.

While it was talking, another ray of light flashed from the corpse, flew to Rock quickly, stayed on Rock for 0.01 seconds, and was transferred to him while Rock waved.

"What is this?" it said silently.

"A certain tracking method, using biological blood as a guide, is mostly used to avenge people close to you." Roque explained.

"That's it, but it's not so secretive and stubborn. Is this thing really useful?" The red armor felt it, and felt that he could easily remove it.

"As long as they think it's useful, keep it, this will cover its breath for later use, maybe people will come to us with authority crystals to trouble us." Rock casually ordered.

"Keep the pit guys, I understand, I understand." The Red Jiaxu Beast nodded with excitement.


On the other side of the hunting ground, many high-ranking tribes gathered in the square in front of the church. Of course, they were spectators, mainly watching the achievements of their tribal warriors.

In fact, the hunting king competition will decide the top three, and the first three will be awarded the titles of the holy bow hunting king, the magic bow hunting king, and the war bow hunting king. The first is the holy bow hunting king.

The Hundred Clan Hunting King Contest is held every three years, that is to say, only three hunting kings will be born every three years. Considering that there are more than a thousand tribes in the hunting world, and the three places are scattered, this probability is not counted. high.

In the center of the square stood a hunting king monument, which recorded the statistics of the trophies in the hunting ground, which made a lot of people pay close attention to it, and from time to time there was a lot of discussion about the ranking above.

"Glot, I have heard you say that your son Saul is qualified as a hunting king, but it doesn't look like it now. He is still five places short." On the square, Malachi of Yanyan tribe is welcome. Ridiculed.

Others are not surprised. Everyone knows that the Yanyan tribe and the Fengxi tribe have old grievances. It is not pleasing to see each other. Some conflicts are common.

"I'm a sacred demon hunter. I never make a false statement. I'm waiting to be optimistic." Hearing this, Grote of the Fengxi Tribe was not annoyed and replied confidently.

"Okay, then I'll wait ----" Malachi hadn't finished speaking, but the list on the stone tablet jumped a bit, and a certain name's points soared, and suddenly jumped to fourth place, just behind the top three. A ranking.

"Haha, how? My words are not false, right." Glotte smiled triumphantly.

"Don't be proud, there is still some time before the end of the Hunting King Race." Malachi's face sank, and he emphasized with a stinky face.

"No matter how much time is left, my son Sol will definitely be elected as the Hunter King." Glo said specifically, and his self-confidence made many people look at him, thinking that Sol is really capable.

Just when Glottezhi was full of confidence, he suddenly throbbed for no reason, his face suddenly became very stiff when he sensed something.

This scene was taken seriously by Makira, who had been watching him. He couldn't help but said, "Tsk, it's not that you lose your confidence, and your heart is guilty."

"Shut up." What responded to him was Grote's fierce gaze and a lowly hateful drink. "If it is your method, my Feng Xi tribe will not give up, definitely not."

Hearing this, Majila's heart burst, it's no wonder that Sol had an accident, and it's no wonder that Grote suddenly changed his face.

He thought of what he said just now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and accidentally caught up, but he really didn't do anything secretly. He didn't expect to blame others, but it is impossible for him to explain to him. of.

The Hunting King Contest is still going on. If it weren't for the mentality he had cultivated for many years, Grote would have been fidgeting. Only he knew that besides the suffering of his son Sol, there was also a problem with the treasure he gave to Sol.

You know, the'heart of the hunting king' is an important treasure of the race. It was given to him by the elder from the race, but he was doting on Sol, and this was why he secretly brought him to participate in the hunting king competition.

Today, there is a problem with the treasure, and the problem is more serious than Sol's death.

‘Damn, damn, the heart of the Hunter King must not be lost. ’

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