Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 862: 10 years in a hurry

"Boom boom."

The people of the Holy See still underestimated the power of the slash. Under a slash, the hastily condensed shield could not be maintained. However, they reacted in time before the shield broke and used other methods. In the end, they were just forced to retreat. A distance.

"Chief Executive, it was really timely, otherwise I would be miserable." The holy ring of thorns disappeared without a person to maintain, and Commons was able to get out of trouble.

"Kill the enemy with me, it's rare to come here, you can't do nothing." Roque didn't turn his head when he spoke, and then everyone in the Holy See was culled.

The vast second slash swept the past, not giving the Vatican a chance to breathe at all, and the tentacles all over his body faintly appeared, looking for the right opportunity.

"Right on my mind."

Commons had been chased in embarrassment before, and he was suffocating in his heart, and joined the battle group without saying a word.

Immediately, he discovered that he, who was new to Tier 3, looked a little less than the chief executive’s methods, whether it was the chief executive’s witchcraft, the elemental original, or the mysterious and unpredictable tentacles, the power of the methods. Far towards yourself.

He also knows very well that he is the CEO of the 28th team. He has been a Tier 3 wizard for less than 20 years. Judging from his power, he is on the verge of grasping the true meaning of the elements. He is indeed the fastest person to become the CEO.

Commons was able to have spare energy to secretly sigh, because he didn't need to exert much effort at this time, just follow the CEO to pick up the bargain.

In fact, as long as the people of the Holy See are not given the opportunity to perform large-scale synergy, it is not a difficult task to fight against them, not to mention the presence of Rock, who is powerful.

"The evil spirit is fierce, retreat!"

The battle only lasted for a while, and the Holy See had successively lost members, and then chose to evacuate separately, of course, it was still a group of three.

"Don't chase it?"

"Don't chase."

Seeing the enemy fleeing, the Red Armor was about to pursue it, but was summoned by Rock.

He came to the Yantan realm only to rescue Commons, and now the goal has been achieved, and he doesn't want to have more troubles, anyway, he does not lack this merit.

"The situation within the border of the Netherspace War is complicated, and you should be more cautious next time." Roque said.

"You are right. I was careless this time. Next time, I must find other people in the team to cooperate. Please don't worry, the CEO." Commons nodded solemnly.

After eating this lesson, he didn't dare to underestimate the team of the magic world, especially the vicinity of the Netherspace War.

In fact, the Yantan plane is not an ordinary place, but one of the many planes in the range of the Second Netherspace War in the Sequence. It is also a place where the wizarding world and the faith world are confronted with high-level combat power.

As for the underworld battlefront, like the plane front, it is the battlefield of the wizarding world against other planes of the enemy, but the battlefield is located outside the wizarding world and exists in the airspace of the ruins, and the battlefield specifications are higher than the plane front.

The battlefield fortress exists in the airspace of Hunxu, and confronts the fortresses of the faith world, turning it into a high-end battlefield. Several planes are captured under the battlefield. As the cornerstone of maintaining this high-end battlefield, the Yantan world is such a cornerstone, so the situation It is more complicated than the general plane.

During the next return process, there was Roque, and it was too late for the people in the Holy See to escape, and there were not many people blocking them at all. Leaving the suppressed area and arriving at a place belonging to the wizarding world, the two left the Yantan world.

Soon, the two returned smoothly to the masked hospital.

"Chief Executive, I won't say much to thank you, and I will never decline if there is an order in the future." Returning to a familiar place, Commons breathed a sigh of relief and said sincerely.

"Let me remember." Rock nodded slightly.

As the 28th seat of the masked hospital and the chief executive of the 28th team, Commons is a new member of the team, and Roque naturally has the responsibility to rescue him.

But rescue is one thing, and whether it can arrive in time is another.

Under the previous crisis, Commons was of course grateful for the CEO to come so quickly and save his life.

Soon the two separated.

The red armor kept rushing around in large numbers, looking at everything in the mask's house, seeming to want to see it through.

"What are you looking at?"

"There are many protective layers, most of which I can't wear. I naturally want to study and study."

"You think too much. If I had not become the chief executive officer, you would not even have the qualifications to appear in this academy, and you still want to explore the secrets of the academy."

"Hey, I'll just take a look."

Red Jia knew that Rock was talking about the truth, he didn't care about it with a smile, but I have to say that the Mask Academy was the most unspeakable place among the places he had been to.

The Red Armor was not qualified to stay here more, so Roque sent the Red Armor back to the Grey Mist Tower, and soon he returned to the Masked House and came to the Cloud Cliff Witch Tower.

"Witcher Rock, you're back." As soon as he appeared, two little guys came to greet him, one was Pamela, the assistant of Witch Tower, and the other was Ewinie, the assistant of the branch.

"It's rare that Ewinie came to Yunya." Rock joked.

"I brought her here, she was actually worried about getting lost, haha." Pamela said first.

"I have already remembered it, but the branch has a lot of affairs, I can't leave for too long." Iwinie did not want to be said by her partner, and forced an explanation.

"No, how many things can there be in that branch? You are obviously writing a ballad and have no job. Don't think I don't know---"

When the two argued in a low voice, Roque walked to the top layer of the rainbow dew.

Previously, when he received Commons's distress message, he was thinking about the problem here, so he rushed to the Yantan realm without any delay.

"It's been a long time, there is no sign of the bottleneck disappearing, and even the attribute crystal can't be effective----" Roque frowned and murmured~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is not dissatisfied, after all. This bottleneck appeared later than he expected~, and the attribute crystal collected was the key, but his strength was in a stagnant state, which made him quite uncomfortable when he was accustomed to rapid growth.


Strength: 90.000, Agility: 88.755, Constitution: 89.672, Spirit: 83.318

Ability: Collection (1010)

[Heart of Grey Mist: 90 scales]

【Gravity and Magnetic Floating Field: 90 Scale】

[One layer of dark rock tower: 90 scales]

In the late stage of the third stage of physique, it is only a little bit short of completion in the later stage.

In the late stage of the third-order mental power, the distance from the 90 scale of the soul forbidden zone boundary is only 6.682 scales.

The triple wizard hoods are all completed in the third stage of the late stage.

To be honest, in the 18th year of becoming a Tier 3 wizard, he can raise his strength to the present level, and he can look down upon most wizards.

However, a stubborn bottleneck appeared and blocked his way forward.

Not only that, but the meditation experiment also has big problems.

In the past twelve years or so, he has adjusted the meditation experiment more than once, during which he has also carried out a more in-depth improvement, but the higher the spiritual level, the more he can feel it. The meditation experiment he currently uses has gradually lost its effect, and the effect is now subtle.

It's not a matter of materials and rune formations, but that his mental particles have adapted to this experimental rhythm and have been immune to this type of refining method.

"In recent years, a lot of experimental programs have been found, but they are also ineffective. This problem is a bit serious."

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