Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 867: Help and conspiracy

He went on to say: "They are weird creatures born in the air of grievances, and their birthplace is more likely to be in the tomb at dusk. How can the creatures in the tomb at dusk have the ability to lock them here."

The red armor said in a puzzled way: "But they are indeed tied to the top."

Rock shook his head slightly and said, "They are not normal creatures. Don't try to figure them out with the thinking of normal creatures."

At this time, he found that the gaze above was more staring at the soul tree, he and the red armor were only incidental, the gaze was like four greedy old farmers, waiting for the fruit that he cultivated to mature.

In other words, they stared at the Soul Underworld Tree and regarded the Soul Underworld Tree as their prey.

"You mean---they regard the upper part as a nest, or the things on the upper part are built by them." The red armor made it through at one point.

"It should be like this, perhaps a certain obsession. They simulate a certain scene to build their own lair, just like they are in front of them." Rock said.

The others are not yet in-depth, he only knows that once the soul tree completes the sharp change, it is very likely that it will be a shocking time, and then they will face four difficult enemies.

Hearing what he said, the red armor was silent, and the situation before him was indeed not optimistic.

Under the red light of the blood moon, there were giant trees, giants, and behemoths on the ground, and a few creatures from all walks of life were crawling around. Four huge figures stood in the sky, overlooking the earth, forming a weird picture.

The other creatures fell into silence, only the giant tree was constantly shaking, accompanied by the joyful shaking sound, absorbing the hidden deep energy wantonly.

For a long time, the soul tree swallowed a large amount of energy, but it hasn't broken through the last step.


The soul tree was also aware of this, and at a certain moment it shook more violently, and the sound it brought became louder.

At this time, the figure in the sky moved.

"Be careful." Rok's eyes condensed and he shouted in a low voice.

It was the nightmare creature that moved, and saw that it saw the chain on its body as nothing, and directly raised its hand, instantly converging a light black energy, and descending straight toward the ground.

"Leave it to me." The red armor stepped forward and protected it above the soul tree.

"Hold on." Rock raised his eyebrows and paused for half a second. He waved his hand and motioned for the red armor to move away, "Don't stop."

"Are you sure?" Red Jia stepped aside for the first time, and couldn't help but ask more.

"The fruit is not yet ripe, and it is not the time for the old farmer to pick the fruit." Roque could perceive that the energy is mostly resentful, and the other party seems to want to help the soul tree.

Even so, he still didn't relax his vigilance, staring at the energy beam, and if the situation was different, he would take action as soon as possible.



Facts proved that the situation was the same as Roque expected. The energy fell on the soul tree, causing only a slight turbulence, and then it was swallowed by the soul tree.

For the soul tree, the new food is even more delicious.

The nightmare creature did not stop, choosing to continue to supply energy for the soul tree.

After a while, the two types of gods and spirit creatures took action one after another, and finally the demon creature, with four energy beams falling from the sky, aimed at helping the soul tree to complete the sharp change.

As for Rock and Red Armor, they were directly ignored by the four, as if they did not exist.

"This----" The Red Jiaxu Beast opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

It wanted to say that Rock's guess was correct, and that those chains had no effect at all, just like ornaments.

It wants to say that the scene in front of it is very strange. These strange dead creatures use their own energy to assist outsiders. From this, it can be seen that the identity of the soul tree is not simple, otherwise it will not make the other party covet so much, and it will do it at any cost. get.

Obviously this is not the time to gossip, it can only wait for the most critical and dangerous moment to come.

With the help of the four figures in the sky, the Soul Underworld Tree did not appear so restless. Roque sighed. If he hadn't come to this place, according to his previous plan, when the Soul Underworld Tree could complete the sharp change is definitely unknown.

It's just such a situation, he really doesn't know if he is in the right place.

After a while, the soul tree finally pried open the cage, drew a new movement.

The vision was born in a higher sky, and a giant tree phantom that reached the sky and the earth emerged, like a soul tree magnified countless times, as if it came from the ancient years, and people can't help but feel a kind of ancient meaning. In awe.

The old soul tree swayed softly, seeming to echo the movement of the young soul tree.

A fruit appeared, from the ancient soul tree to the young soul tree, at a rapid speed, as if it had come across space.


When the fruit was approaching the blood moon, the four figures had been prepared for a long time, and they did not hesitate to take action. The pillars of heaven melted, and the land under their feet grew wildly. In an instant, the four lands were almost bordered and intercepted by the fruit.

At the same time, the four figures left their original positions and rushed towards the fallen fruit.

"Not good." Red Jia shouted.

Rock can see it clearly, but at such a distance, there are still four powerful enemies watching, and he has no choice but to help.

At this moment, he and Hong Jia realized that what the hunter in mid-air was planning was not the soul tree itself, but the important inheritance of the soul tree to complete the drastic changes.

At this moment, the Soul Underworld tree beside them shook violently, almost rising up into the sky.

This time Rock didn't give it a chance, regardless of the struggle of the soul tree, entangled it with mental power, pressed it in place, and stopped its useless behavior~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't mess around! "

With Roque's call, the soul tree slowed down unwillingly.

The plunder of the sky was just a few short-lived things, and soon the results appeared in front of the eyes. The fruit was intercepted, and the four figures were chained in the air by the four figures, stopping the downward trend.

The reason why they didn't fall into the hands of any figure was because there were four of them, and who was willing to give things to others, so that they were deadlocked.

Seeing that a new fight is about to begin.

"Withdraw." Red Jia solemnly proposed.

When the hunters in the sky fight each other and have no time to pay attention to them and have no time to control the secret land, it is the best time for them to evacuate.

Regarding the sudden change of the soul tree, the red armor market beast did not care, but compared with the safety of its own wizard, this matter can only be ignored.

"Sha Sha Sha." The soul tree naturally opposes it.

Rock curled his eyebrows and glanced at the two creatures beside him.

It is not difficult to analyze that there is a high probability that the enemies in the secret territory cannot be dealt with. If you want to grab food from the soul of the tree, this probability is also not high.

It's just that once the sharp change of the soul tree is interrupted, it loses the vital inheritance, it may permanently lose the opportunity to complete the final sharp change, which is undoubtedly a pity.

Roque had to face such a choice. The latter suffered a great help from himself. The former was dangerous. In the end, he might have to use "Book of Planes", the protective power given by the instructor.

"Look for the barrier layer first and find a way out. As for whether to evacuate or not, it depends on the situation." Roque looked up, and the confrontation in the sky had already begun.

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