Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 887: Named salvation

Passing through the barrier without hindrance, he came into a small space, smaller than the empty ridge boundary when he first saw it, and the maximum width was only a hundred meters.

"Sure enough, this place is extremely lacking in vitality, and even the initial land has not been fully formed. This is still not a half plane. Could it be that the hatching process of the seed of the plane has changed?"

Roque looked around and saw scattered clods, water droplets, etc. floating in the air. The surrounding area was dim and cold, and the entire space seemed to be on the verge of death.

The mental power spread, he found the target, flew over by himself, stretched out his hand, and a plane heart floated up uncontrollably.

The Heart of the Plane struggled a few times, struggling very weakly, but it seemed to be trembling, and it made people look at it with pity.

The moment he saw the heart of the plane, Roque suddenly had a strong feeling that he wanted to save the heart of the face and give the face a new life.

"This----is it the assessment that must be experienced in the inheritance?"

As a third-order consummate wizard, he will not feel unreasonable. Having such a thought can only show that he is inspiring and guiding himself to do the right thing. In other words, saving this plane is the true meaning of inheritance. Where.

If it is to save the plane, this thing really fits his experience.

Although he was puzzled for the time being, he decided to conform to his heart and try to save the plane.

"Then try." Immediately, he put his palm on the heart of the plane.

The heart of this plane is only 23 centimeters in diameter. There is almost no original energy stored in it, and there are very few laws. The soil system is 4 scales, the water system is 2 scales, the fire system is 1.3 scales, the wood system is 0.9 scale, and the magnetic system is 0.5 scale Wait.

He remembered very clearly that although the original empty ridge boundary was barren, it had 15 scales for mental illusions, 11 scales for undead, 10 scales for earth, and countless others.

Compared with the Kongling Realm at the time, this plane looked pitiful.

"Regardless of whether it is the reason for the lack of law, the power of this law is really small, so let's add some to it and see the situation."

In the past years, he has cultivated a barren half-plane little by little into a fine micro-plane. Although it is not entirely his own credit, he knows the whole process of growth.

It is not a difficult task for him to supplement the power of the law on this plane at the moment.

The first step, of course, is to obtain the authority crystal of the plane, otherwise it is impossible to control the various things of the plane.

Immediately he thought, it is not enough to control the authority crystal alone. To resuscitate this plane, he must exercise full control over the plane, and must be able to operate according to his will even if it is an elemental particle in the plane. .

"Then sign a contract. If the inheritance fails, everything will stop. There is no time to take care of yourself." He pondered for half a second, throwing other turbulent thoughts behind him, and now he can't care about it. There are no hidden dangers.

Now, he himself is no longer the ignorant new low-level wizard, signing a domineering contract can be said to be familiar, and soon he used the heart of the plane as his little brother, the three-grain-sized authority crystal. Also in control of him.

The second step is to increase the energy concentration in the plane, so that the original energy increases, and finally the original energy is converted into the power of the law.

In fact, this method is the simplest and most basic way to enhance the plane. After those gods occupy a pastoral world, many gods will open a portal to the elemental plane, such as the Winter Rift in the Holy Grace Realm. This method is used to upgrade the plane.

"No matter, I can only use myself as the energy source." Roque looked around and thought that it was a weird river outside. He gave up the method of letting the plane absorb energy from the outside world.

Taking himself as an energy source has an advantage. The energy he provides contains his will, which makes it easier for him to integrate energy into the plane.

After a while, Roque moved his position to the center of the plane, a ray of energy was drawn from his body, and with his manipulation, it was carefully integrated into the plane and turned into a part of the plane.

After trying more than a dozen times without any flaws, he began to increase energy delivery.

A few days later, the energy spread out from him like a wanton mist, and finally merged into everything around him.

Then he discovered a new problem. The increase in the original energy obviously cannot keep up with the increase in the plane energy. This face looks like an old man with severely impaired functions, but he can only do it to the end with a good person, and share his energy to help him. Function operation.

Later, he found that the power of the energy transfer law in this hospital had the same problem, and he could only do it in a big way.

It took more than a month for the power of the law of the soil system to increase by 1 mark, reaching 5 marks.

He knows that the increase in the power of the law is more difficult as it goes to the back. The same 1 scale, the corresponding plane energy will increase more and more, because the plane itself is strengthening, and the foundation becomes thicker and you have to pay more if you want to improve. .

Four months later, when the law of the earth system strengthened to 7.2 marks, Rock had to stop instilling the energy of the earth system.

When the soil system was increased to 7.2, he found a serious problem. If the laws of the soil system were further strengthened, the entire plane might collapse.

"Could it be the imbalance between the elemental systems that led to the birth of hidden dangers?"

A thought flashed in his head, and he rejected it for a moment. If it was an imbalance between the elements, it should be a hidden danger that should have been discovered by him, rather than a serious problem as soon as it was discovered.

The next time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He changed to an element system, and it took more than 4 months to increase the power of the water system law to 5.8 marks, and the same problem appeared at this time.

If the law of the water system goes further, the plane will also be in danger of collapse, just like the law of the earth system.

Half a year later, he successively increased the law of the wood system to 3.7 scales and the law of magnetic system 2.9 scales. There was no accident. The same problem blocked the increase of the law.

This made him deeply understand that in the plane, there must be an extremely obscure factor that determines the upper limit of the power of the laws of each system and restricts the further growth of the plane.

Perhaps the plane cannot become a true demiplane because of the lack of such obscure factors.

"The ability to limit the upper limit of the law must have a certain relationship with the power of the law----" Luo Ke fixedly stared at the heart of the plane in front of him, and his mental power fully penetrated it, not letting go of every inch of space.

If it wasn't for the conditions, he would want to dissect a plane's mind to see what substance it contains.

At this moment, he has a strong feeling that as long as he finds the obscure factor, the plane can be saved, and the inheritance of Suishan will also appear before his eyes.

He searched over and over again, scared that the meager and ignorant will in the heart of the plane had a tendency to collapse. By this time, he still did not find a trace of it.

"It doesn't have to be in the heart of the plane, but it may also be hidden in a subtle place on the plane."

The heart of the plane and the plane are related to each other, and he temporarily let go of the heart of the plane, and looked at the surrounding planes, and again made a careful search.

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