Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 889: Inheritance

It is very special because it is full of ‘vitality’, not as cold as other spaces can be. When perceiving this ray of spatial energy carefully, Roque can feel the different vitality in it.

Of course, there is no difference in appearance, and it can be as transparent as an ordinary space, usually called "empty and secluded color".

"This should be the simplest and purest space."

Rock observed for a while, and meticulously made a record before sending the newly collected space into the plane. Almost in an instant, the plane merged the space with this strand of space.

At this time, an empty and secluded light suddenly descended from above, directly falling on him, making his eyes light up slightly.

"Finally, no time was wasted." Rock looked at his seat, and only half of the original rock was left.

After the light fell on him, there was a layer of faint protection all over him, and some messages in his mind made him understand that he had succeeded.

Before, although he firmly believed that he had been on the right path, when the results did not show up, there was no pressure in his heart, and he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief at this moment.

From the newly received information, he learned that the energetic spatial energy-creation spatial energy, combined with the plane law, can bring vitality to the plane.

In fact, energies can be converted into each other, and ‘creation’ can also be regarded as a characteristic of the element of the space element, and control is the essence of a high-quality element.

After sorting out the new simple information, Roque beckoned to the outside, a smog was pulled by him, broke through the barrier and entered the plane, and came to him.

"It seems that this face needs to be fully recovered. I hope that this face will not lack other factors, otherwise it will be a troublesome thing."

Now that he has passed the preliminary examination, the Years and Years Scrolls directly granted a kind of authority to enable him to mobilize the fog outside, which is the reason why the fog is dragged.

The problem of collecting fog has been solved. The next thing is to collect more space energy of creation and integrate them into the plane one by one. It is not difficult to do it with relevant experience.

As time passed day by day, Rock could clearly feel that the vitality in the plane was gradually increasing, and the plane was indeed recovering a little bit.

In addition to replenishing the plane of creation space energy, he also needs to instill energy into it and raise the law scale in it, seeing that the heart of the plane is also slowly growing.


Until one day, the plane trembled abruptly, and the majestic black and yellow light covered the space above the plane, seeming to celebrate the birth of a new plane.

Roque could sense this cheerful atmosphere. He looked up at him blankly, but he didn't see any light of Xuanhuang falling on him.

"Sure enough, it's fake." He thought to himself.

If it were true, he saved a plane, and he would surely gain great feats from all realms, obviously not at this time.

The next moment, without waiting for any reaction from him, his body suddenly became uncontrollable, and he flew upwards quickly. He flew past the black light, flew out of the newly born half plane, flew through the heavy mist, and flew out. To the surface of the river.

But he still didn't stop, and he kept flying upwards.

He glanced at the bottom subconsciously. The dense fog below had disappeared. He saw a vast river. As he analyzed, it was indeed a ring-shaped river. The stars in the river were dotted with light and shadows. The lights and shadows all floated to the surface of the river. Tell him something.

At this moment, only the ring river and the light and shadow remained in his eyes. Everything below was deeply reflected in his mind and in his heart, making him involuntarily immersed in it, unable to extricate himself.


The top of the mountain.

On the square on the side of the cliff, the young traveller stood there like a wooden stake, staring at the cliff without blinking.

He has been standing there ever since his student Rock entered the chronology, and he hasn't moved a step for several years.

"Suiye, it's been more than three years. It's rare that you can be so calm. It seems that your previous nonsense was useless." Youth Shiye once again came to Suishan and fell not far from him.

"What are you doing again? I told you that no matter whether you succeed or not, you don't need to do anything." The young traveler looked stern.

"I didn't come to see you specially, but I just returned to Suishan, so I'll stop by and have a look."

"I've seen it, should you leave now."

"Oh, I wanted to tell you a good news. Since you don't want to hear it, then forget it." Venerable Shiye turned his face and said with a joking tone.

The young traveller didn't pay attention to him, his eyes were still staring at the cliff, as if he wanted to see through the cliff.

"To tell you the truth, I actually came back to Sui Shan on purpose, just to meet our students, because he is about to come out recently." After a half-minute pause, Venerable Shiye said suddenly.

"What are you talking about? How could you know?" Hearing this, the young traveller turned his head abruptly and stared at him.

"Hehe, I don't have this ability. Of course, I asked the deity and the deity told me." Venerable Shiye laughed, "In fact, more than a year ago, Roque touched the inheritance in the scroll of time. "

"Then why are you telling me now." Hearing his words, the young Lu Zun's face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth and roared.

"I remember you said that you don't need to do anything in person, but I did what you said. Also, didn't you find out? Suishan's ban has long been released by the deity, hahaha----"

Seeing the ever-changing complexion of the young traveler, compared with the coldness on his previous face~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the Venerable Shiye smiled openly and wanton, making the young traveler want to punch him in the face.

Thinking that he would be silly to beat himself up, the young traveller held back his anger and turned away from that humble face, but there was a big stone falling to the ground in his heart.

After teasing the boy, Shiye Venerable did not leave, and stayed in the square to wait with him.

On this day, a gloomy light appeared somewhere on the cliff, and the cliff became as soft as water where the gloomy light was shining, and a figure sprang out from it, not who Rock was.

"Tutor." Rock only felt a flash before his eyes, and two figures appeared in front of him.

"Yes, yes, I know you will succeed." The young traveler looked at him up and down and nodded slightly.

"Thanks to the tutor's teaching." Rock said sincerely.

If it were not for the painstaking teachings of the young traveller, it would be difficult for him to understand the mystery of space in a short period of time. This time, 90% of the inheritance would fail.

"That is, you also have your own efforts----" Youth Travel Zun praised.

"Ahem, have you forgotten that there is another person here?" Venerable Shiye interrupted their conversation and saw Roque look at him and directly introduced, "I am also your mentor, with the same identity as him. How old is he."

"Yes, but you don't need to pay attention to him, this person has a bad personality." The young traveler waved his hand, his face looked like he was waiting to see him, and finally asked curiously, "What inheritance do you have?"

"A ring of river." Roque replied subconsciously when he heard the instructor's question.

"Huanhe?" The two venerables looked at each other.

When Rock was about to explain, Shi Shu Lu Zun appeared.

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