Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 903: Changes in the collection

After a while, Roque found a nest, a group of snakes, and a clump of white cattail grass, and placed it not far from him. He didn't make any movements. He just filled the past with his own breath, and suppressed his own breath in a peaceful state. .

In the next second, the swarms of insects in the worm's nest became restless and wanted to fly away, but they couldn't fly away due to some factors, and they all fell into a coma within a short while.

Roque checked, the energy and blood in the body of the insect swarm had become disordered, and it was mutating in a certain direction.

Immediately he expanded his protective field, and a space barrier appeared around it, dividing the space into two, isolating an independent space, and several kinds of test products were also shrouded in the independent space.

Soon, whether it was a swarm of insects or a swarm of snakes, the flesh and blood rolled over, and finally turned into a pool of rotten flesh. Only the white cattail had a better heart, but it also became yellow and withered, and looked like it was dying.

"It's so powerful that even if it converges as much as possible, the surrounding creatures will be infiltrated, and everything will be distorted over time, trying to get closer to me."

Rock went on to experiment several times and changed a variety of experimental items. Finally, he came to the conclusion that no matter how he restrained his breath, creatures below Tier 4 couldn’t stay by his side for a long time. The lower the strength, the greater the impact. Like it comes with powerful radiation, it can cause nearby creatures to be distorted.

The aptitude of a bad person is as light as that of a bad person's life.

This is also the reason why low-level creatures feel uncomfortable when staying around higher-level creatures, and the uncomfortable feeling will be magnified tens to hundreds of times when the fourth level is below the fourth level.

"You can't stay in this experiment room for a long time, or it will affect the wizards below." At this time, Roque knew the difference between'God and the ordinary', and in response to that sentence, mortals should not live with gods.

He could still think that if a drop of his own blood was dripped into a long river, the creatures and substances in the entire river, even the river water and stones, would be distorted by his own rules and turned into other objects, which is so overbearing.

Of course, it's okay in the large and medium planes, it will be repaired by the plane rules after a period of time, and the micro planes will form a special place that will exist for a long time.

After Rock became familiar with his current strength, he habitually checked his own data, but made a very unexpected discovery.


Constitution: 118, Soul Energy: 112

Ability: Collection (unlimited)

The data in the field of vision seemed to have been castrated again. Among them, the strength and agility values ​​disappeared directly, and only the physique value remained.

And the mental value is replaced by the soul energy, and the number of acquisition abilities has become ‘unlimited’, as the name implies, there is no limit on the number of times.

In fact, this wasn't the most shocking thing for Rock. What surprised him was a kind of induction. When he used the collection-related abilities, he even faintly sensed the existence of the other party.

"There is no sense wrong, I do feel the location of the collection ability, it seems to be hiding near the soul sea." Roque confirmed several times.

When he sinks his divine mind into the soul sea, this feeling becomes clearer, just outside the soul sea, very close.

However, what left him speechless was that he clearly sensed the presence of the other party, but the other party was not under his control, giving him a feeling that he was clearly within reach, but he couldn't reach it, which was really appetizing.

"Maybe, it's just that my own strength is still a little bit worse, just that little bit."

Nevertheless, at this moment, a firm idea emerged in Roque's heart, he must find out the other party, and see its true colors, he believed that this day should not be far away.


When Rock sorted out the promotion income, news of the birth of the new code wizard quickly spread, whether it was a long-distance green vine defense line, a plane front in the flames of war, or the four polar continents dominated by alien races, etc. , And got the exact news within a short period of time.

The reason is that in the wizarding world, any code wizard is a non-negligible existence. If the wizard is willing, he can even open up an orthodox wizarding academy alone to dominate one party.

Flower Vine Garden College.

Thanks to the information system of the Muddy Le's family, Vera knew of such important news for the first time. The moment she saw the news, she was stunned for a long time.

"Didn't you say that for a person like Wizard Rock, there is no possibility of promotion failure. If you are not sure, he doesn't need to be promoted in a hurry." Battina reminded.

"But he is faster than his father, which is simply illogical." At this time, Vera's mood has never been so complicated, some are depressed, unwilling, and crazy.

As she said, Frick announced that he had entered the promotion period a few years earlier than Rock, and various elemental visions ran across the academy, but the promotion was not over until now.

"It won't take long for the Flickr wizard to become a Tier 4 wizard, it's just a matter of time." Battina said firmly.

"Of course I know, look at this message, the content on it -----" Vera didn't think this, and then pointed to the intelligence and said.

[New Law Code Wizard: Venerable Roque Bambora, Stamdin Line of Defense, Gray Mist Tower of the White Pu Academy League, promotion to the top grade of the vision-Ten Thousand Witch Pagoda Qianjun Wuling, self-rule unknown]

"Have you seen it? Others don't have much research on the promotion vision. We know what it means. The self-rule that represents his enlightenment is extremely high-end. How did he do it in such a short time?" Vera actually wanted to ask In a word, why didn't I do it, but Rock did it.

"It's just a mere high-level rule. Is it possible that you don't have the confidence to do it?" Battina asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how could it be possible! "Vera decisively rejected it, and then said, "I admit that he did an amazing thing, but I am definitely not bad, it's just a matter of time. "

Patina was waiting to say something. At this moment, a sound of heaven and earth came into their ears clearly through all the protections. The two glanced at each other, no longer caring about any information, and rushed out of the tower. A black light was falling from the sky, and the goal was the Flower Vine Garden.

Neither of them expected that Flick would have succeeded in being promoted to Tier 4 this time.

The Witch Array Association.

When the news of the newly promoted magic code wizard came, the three guild leaders couldn't help but gathered together, and looked a little silent after reading the message.

"When he was a new Tier 3 wizard, we led him to the place of inheritance." Charlemagne sighed inexplicably, breaking the silence.

"Who said no, it's not that we walked slowly, but he walked too fast." Sainz smiled bitterly.

Their strengths are hovering before the Tier 4 threshold, and they are both the president of the Association. When Luo Kezhen took that step, their feelings were far more complicated than those of ordinary wizards.

"This is not just right. From then on, there will be one more venerable who can shelter the association, and the association will be more stable, lest anyone always wants to ban our Witch Array Association." Bodam laughed loudly.

Upon hearing this, the two nodded silently, which is true.

The spar council, the chasing jail club, the masked college, etc., the organization that Rock had worked for, the people in the organization that he didn't know were okay, and there was not much feeling. After hearing the promotion message, the people who knew were all amazed and sighed.

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