Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 108 [104] Last Fifteen Days Earth-Shaking Changes

Chapter 108 [104] Last Fifteen Days Earth-Shaking Changes

[Target: Harak]

【Race:? ? ? (unknown)】

【Spirit: 6】

[Physique: 25]

[Extraordinary Features: Head of Shadow, Furnace of Flesh, Black Eyes of Defeat, Deep Touch of Infection, Infinite Blood Core]

The corners of Wang Ya's mouth curled up. Although the mental power didn't increase much, compared with the previous one, it was a completely new transformation.

A constitution value of 25 points represents that Harak possesses extraordinary resistance, and is already completely immune to most low-level witchcraft, and even many medium-level witchcraft can reduce most of the damage.

This is far from Harak's limit, and it can even be said that Harak's dual values ​​can be changed at any time.

The reason is its extraordinary characteristics.

After two years of painstaking research, the potential of the infinite genome, even Wang Ya herself, would feel somewhat envious of this lucky little guy.

[Shadow Head: Walking in the shadows, you can walk through shadows, completely conceal your breath, and the wizard's spiritual perception cannot detect Harak in the shadows. The potential hidden in the body has been completely transformed, and it may be possible to see another world. 】

Wang Ya knows that there are many worlds outside the world of wizards, which exist in the boundless starry sky, and wizards even plunder the heavens to obtain more knowledge, resources, and benefits.

Even in the wizarding world itself, there are various special planes and worlds.

For the world related to shadows, there is only one shadow world. This kind of information is very little, and few wizards know about it and explore it.

If Wang Ya hadn't collected a lot of information on the second floor of the dark library, maybe he didn't have this concept yet.

Harak can travel to the shadow world, the shadow plane, which means a completely different meaning. A small world in the boundless starry sky can bring a huge amount of resources to the wizards who discover it and plunder it, especially the knowledge of civilizations in different worlds can generate some sparks of thought.

The shadow world involves the inner world, a very special place.

[Flesh Furnace: 1. It can absorb any existence with biological energy, so as to make up for its own consumption. 2. It can absorb all kinds of extraordinary creatures and life, and obtain high-quality genes and blood vessels to complement itself and achieve a more perfect state. 】

[Defeated Black Eyes: Black blood drips from the corners of the eyes, releasing a strong reality-influencing ability, corresponding to the wizard system, and can be confirmed as a curse-type ability. The cursed target will gain a state of defeat (particle energy, physical state, and mental state are weakened in all directions, and cannot be exempted. The higher the corresponding value, the weaker the weakened state.)]

[Infection Deep Touch: The black granulation tentacles existing in the body can be used as tentacles to penetrate into other organisms to manipulate infection at the phage level, and can also use infected bodies to replenish their own biological energy at any time. 】

[Infinite Blood Core: All appearances are appearances, and the blood core is the foundation of everything in Harak, with infinite possibilities. Through the existence devoured and absorbed by the melting pot of flesh, Halak can simulate and transform the corresponding material form. 】

Wang Ya couldn't help admiring a series of extraordinary characteristics. If Harak was given enough time to devour him, it would probably cause a disaster no less than that of an evil god.

Of course, before the disaster happened, it is estimated that an official wizard personally took action to arrest Harak and dissect him for research.

The door of the cultivation chamber is slowly opened, and the blood veins like black blood vessels extend from the inside to the outside, and connect with various pheromones in the air. The tiny bacteria, bacteria, and microorganisms are all shared through the perspective of will branding. , Let Wang Yasuo observe and understand.

Halak flapped his wings stained with black mud-like liquid, landed on Wang Ya's shoulder, and rubbed his head against his fair cheek.

The bony horn on the forehead was also careful to pay attention to the angle, so that it did not touch Wang Ya's skin.

The black mud liquid on the wings is also very strange. It seems to be dripping, but it is always maintained in the gaps between the feathers, deep and viscous.

Wang Ya felt the power of the shadow from it, which should be the source of the characteristics of the head of the shadow.

"Little guy, let me see your performance."

This is just the most basic power of Harak, devouring and fusion are its truly terrifying features.

biological cultivation room.

When the extraordinary creatures in the isolation areas sensed the opening of the mechanical door, they rushed out of the nests they had built, and roared at the figure in the wizard robe who came in.

It looks full of energy, and it tastes good when you look at it.

The corner of Wang Ya's mouth raised a curve, and he raised his shoulders lightly. Harak flew up, and the gate of one of the isolation areas opened, and inside was a ferocious saw-toothed tiger, which actively pounced, trying to catch the flying in. Halak was bitten to death.


A large amount of black mud dripped from the black feathers, drenched the head of the sawtooth tiger, and rolled on the ground in embarrassment, trying to get rid of the black mud from the head, but found that it couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

On the contrary, the black mud continued to drill into his eyes and ears, as if it was alive.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the sawtooth tiger with yellow pupils turned into black pupils like Harak's, as black as ink, numb and icy cold.


Halak hovered over the isolation area, and the sawtooth tiger rushed out of the isolation area, and then rushed towards other isolation areas, starting a brutal fight.

All the gates of the isolated cultivation areas have been opened, and some daring extraordinary creatures ran into the corridors, started running, and wreaked havoc.

But at some point, many extraordinary creatures with black pupils appeared and bit them.

The smell of blood stimulated the primitive animal nature, and soon, they were gnawing at each other fearlessly, except for a Hebrew falcon, which flew quickly in the sky, and in its sharp pupils, there was a vision for the lower creatures below. contempt.

As a low-level and extraordinary creature, it has good wisdom.

Its purpose is very clear, that is to find the exit, and then escape, away from this bound cage.

Finally, it saw the exit, and there was freedom outside. Excited, it couldn't help making a low cry, but found that at some point, a strange-looking bird was blocking the way.

The petite size did not make the Hebrew Falcon care. When it got closer, a large number of granulated tentacles suddenly shot out from the bird's gully-shaped body.

The mouthparts at the tips of the tentacles were deeply rooted in the viscera of the Hebrew Falcon. Almost instantly, the flesh and blood dissipated, and the remaining bones fell straight to the ground.

It all happened so fast that it was hard to even react.

The crow was covered in black mud, and the black granulation tentacles on its body began to tremble, but it was an extraordinary creature that had absorbed a lot of weight, and was undergoing its first transformation.

Wang Ya was standing at the door, observing everything from the perspective of the witch formation and Harak. Judging from the current performance, he has not disappointed him, and he is also very much looking forward to the situation after Harak's transformation.

The only thing I am worried about is probably the magic stone in my pocket, which can be completely devoured to complement myself, which means that I have to absorb more and stronger extraordinary creatures.

Species that have been absorbed cannot continue to produce complementary effects, which may also be one of the limitations.

It is through the superposition of low levels, so as to leap to a higher level, which is the origin of unlimited potential.

Bloodline wizards lack such characteristic abilities, so they are limited to bloodline shackles.

Harak will not have a bottleneck, it should be said that there will only be opponents who cannot win and food that takes some time to digest.

Wang Ya walked out of the cultivation room, and it was Harak's meal time. He also had to prepare the follow-up witchcraft improvement plan and prepare more food for Harak to improve.

The specific direction of improvement depends on the advantages of devouring creatures. If it focuses on defense, then Harak's improvement will have this aspect. The same is true for those who focus on the ability to conceal the breath.

In the end, Halak will definitely become the ultimate creature without any shortcomings.

【Target: Witchcraft Improvement Project】

[Proceeding time: one hour later]

[Purpose: To complete the further improvement of the learned witchcraft, to make up for the shortcomings, and to create derivative witchcraft, to improve the shortcomings of the series of witchcraft, to achieve all-round development, without leaving any shortcomings. 】

In the laboratory, Wang Ya's pupils shone with blue light, and he had a clear direction on how to improve the witchcraft he had mastered.

Before carrying out the relevant witchcraft test experiments, Wang Ya has to deal with one thing first, that is the Yeyue fairy sister flower in the No. 3 laboratory. From the current point of view, he does not need these two precious experimental subjects for the time being .

With the injection of the nutrient solution, the Yeyue elf sisters in the nutrition cabin lie flat and are still in a peaceful sleep. The high-quality facial features are enough to make any mortal feel good, just like Sleeping Beauty.

Wang Ya, however, did not even bother Shendu to give one. What kind of beauty can exist in experimental materials? If it is really beautiful, it is also displayed on the experimental dissection table.

The last one is the dog of Gendaz, which brings beauty.

In terms of beauty, it can't even compare to one percent of the current Harak.

With a fragile body, without any plastic changes, and the only spiritual will that is praised, it is impossible to determine whether it can persist in enduring the illusory experiment.

As for the idea of ​​unlocking the effect of anesthesia and sleeping, and using the Yeyue elves to help with things, this kind of stupid thing is only chosen by some new wizards who don't understand the situation.

Among the warning regulations of the wizarding world, there is this one: never have any interest in your own experimental materials, experimental products, or ideas other than using them.

Experimental materials are experimental materials, and they can only function in this way after entering the laboratory.

Wang Ya probably wants to conduct related illusory experimental research after the competition in the secret realm.

However, just as Wang Ya left the No. 3 laboratory, one of the Yeyue elves in the nutrition warehouse opened his eyelids, his eyes were full of annoyance, it was a certain plan that almost succeeded, but it was shattered at this moment Desperate.

What is the nature of particle energy?

Wang Ya has a very clear understanding of this. Both the basic transcendental subjects and advanced transcendental subjects of study have described the detailed ideas in this regard.

The specific understanding lies in every wizard student who attends the class. The teaching teacher pays great attention to this point, and does not let his own subjective thoughts fall into it, so as to reduce his influence on the wizard students and let them think on their own.

There are two kinds of inertness and activity in natural particle energy, which are opposites, and the particle energy possessed by wizards also has this part of opposition.

Like the particle energy of the fire element among the elemental wizards, the particle energy of the water element.

The direction of Wang Ya's thinking is to find a way to adjust the power of witchcraft by changing the inertia and activity of particle energy. This method is very practical, and almost all elemental wizards are advancing on this road.

But the road is correct, but it is very difficult to walk. It takes too much time and computing power, which further makes the elemental wizard a synonym for getting older and stronger.

Through the continuous accumulation of knowledge, study the difference between inertness and activity, and find different vibration frequency points of particle energy in the difference, so as to obtain particle energy of different properties.

The types, variables, and even on some levels are not as simple as a bloodline wizard breaking the shackles of his own bloodline.

It can only be said that every wizarding system has its own corresponding difficulties, as long as they are solved, they can go all the way on the wizarding road.

Wang Ya is different, he has the eye of truth, can provide one more calculation assistance than other wizards, and has more advantages in completing any research.

"In the legend, the bone wizard discovered a special frequency of particle energy, and then continued to deepen it, researched and calculated the amplitude of the accurate movement of various particle energies of that special frequency, or spread the movement in the form of waves, and finally formed It is such a terrible killer as the bone particle energy."

Sitting on a chair in the study, Wang Ya began to scribble on the draft paper with a quill in his hand, constantly making changes and sorting out his ideas.

It is not so easy to study witchcraft and improve witchcraft. You also need to take into account some balance points of the original witchcraft, even if you use the most common elemental particle energy, or the particle energy in the body without attributes. Difficulty still exists, even very difficult.

From this, it can be imagined that the bone particle energy researched by the bone wizard and the many bone witchcraft created are such rare products that they can even be called a miracle.

Wang Ya is not completely sure, saying that he will be able to complete the research and discovery of special particle energy and create many related witchcraft.

Of course, his current plan is just an improvement on the sorcery he has learned, and he is trying to work on particle energy, which can be regarded as laying a foundation for the future particle energy experiment project.

The effect of witchcraft is the result of particles colliding with each other at the microcosmic level of particle energy, which seems to correspond to some ideas in previous lives.

Inexplicably, Wang Ya thought of the collision between atoms and the changes in temperature difference, resulting in many scientific and technological firepower achievements.

If you try to use the particle energies of the inert and active states, you will also have an effect on them, so that there will be collisions between the two.

The result cannot be known, but the general idea, and even the direction of the particle energy experiment in the future, is also going in this direction.

Wang Ya was gradually immersed in the process of improving and creating witchcraft. At the same time, he did not forget to bring new extraordinary creatures to Harak, and even spent a huge sum of money to buy a few medium-sized extraordinary creatures.

In fact, Wang Ya can't accurately judge what level of extraordinary creature Harak is now. It can only be said that among medium-sized extraordinary creatures, it is difficult to have an opponent that can resist.

Time passed, five months had passed, and there was only one month left before the start of the competition in the secret realm.

The headquarters of the Darklands is also gradually becoming lively, and even some wizards who took office in remote wizarding cities have returned with the teleportation array, not wanting to miss the momentum of the Darklands this time.

The protagonists they observed were naturally not the competition of newcomers in the secret realm, but the competition of wizards of other levels. Even wizards at the apprentice level of extreme wizards would fight in the battle field.

It can be said that it has met the expectations of many people. They all want to see which extreme wizard apprentice is better, and they even secretly open markets, gamble and other things.

The secret competition in the House of Commons is also part of the handicap entrants. Compared with other handicap, the scale and odds are much smaller.

The campaign has also begun. The members of the wizard family and the wizards of the same school are full of gunpowder with each other, and they have discussed the corresponding plans in advance.

The order of the competition in the secret realm starts from the freshmen in the lower courtyard, all the way to the highest-level extreme wizard apprentices.


The huge waterfall flew straight down, following the river in the primeval forest, and continued to flow deeper, not in a hurry, but like a mirror, without any ripples, reflecting the two silhouettes of wizard robes walking on the road.

One of them, wearing a black wizard robe, was smiling, as if he was out on a green walk, talking to the tall figure next to him, and pointing at the surrounding environment.

The figure in the gray wizard robe had a straight back, a straight face, and a serious face all the time. He turned a deaf ear to the words of the Shoggoth wizard, but frowned faintly. It seemed that his heart was not very peaceful.

"Oh, boring Saiyan, you shouldn't be so boring, so that no girls will like you." The Shoggoth wizard said with a chuckle: "Haven't you already been here many times, don't tell me, you Will you still feel blushed and shy when you see that old woman, Irene?"

The Saiyan wizard raised his sword eyebrows, glanced at Shoggoth blankly, and continued walking in a standardized posture.

The deeper you go, the more sparse the branches and leaves of the trees in the surrounding environment become, and finally they have completely become dry grass and trees, full of loneliness.

In the center surrounded by fallen leaves, there is an open space in the forest. The figure in the blue wizard robe seemed to be aware of it, and got out of the state of sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, stood up, and walked outside.

Her cyan hair fluttered with the autumn wind, her black eyebrows were slightly frowned, and Gu Jing Wubo's eyes couldn't help but twitched when she saw Shoggoth and the Saiyan wizard.

Especially Shoggoth made her face, which was not emotionally volatile, become more indifferent and cold.

The three had a conversation, and the content of the conversation was related to the competition in the secret realm.

Regarding the initial alliance of the three schools of thought, they will jointly implement a plan, aiming at some competition for places and which powerful enemies exist.

"Let's arrange it like this. I believe little Iss would be very happy to fight Kazian Tun, old enemy, old friendship." Shoggoth smiled, but no matter how you looked at it, the smile was extremely vicious.

Wizard Saiyan and Wizard Irene didn't have any opinions. They had discussed many times before, and now they are just finalizing the plan.

"By the way, are you going to have fun? I had an interesting little guy in the lower house, and even rejected little Ice's personal invitation." Shoggoth said bad things about Wizard Ice without hesitation. Described in detail the specific process and details.

When he said play, he was naturally talking about the opening and guessing who would win and who would lose.

Wizard Irene's thin lips were almost bloodless. Her upper and lower lips moved, "You want us to win by pressing this little guy named Wang Ahalak?"

"Are you a survivor of the evil god incident?" Saiyan wizard said suddenly, and then he didn't speak again, his expression was still serious.

The Shoggoth wizard stretched himself, tore off the last few leaves from a nearby tree, and threw them on the ground to mix with other withered yellow leaves.

"You can bet whatever you want, it all depends on the final result, anyway, my principal is 10,000 magic stones."

The Saiyan wizard said: "I am with ten thousand magic stones, but to suppress your opposite."

Wizard Irene: "With ten thousand magic stones, he can go to the final stage of the final secret realm."

"No problem, I will definitely arrange it for you." The smile of the Shoggoth wizard became brighter and brighter.

Fifteen days later, Wang Ya walked out of the laboratory, with a tired face, but was broken by the excitement in his eyes, and walked straight towards the witchcraft testing ground.

: I'm a waste, and I didn't send it until eleven o'clock. I should slap my mouth and say something about four or five o'clock. I deleted all the videos just now, really!

(end of this chapter)

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