Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 122 [118] The First Place Is Wang Ahlaq

Chapter 122 [118] The first place is Wang Ahlaq

The Xinsheng Square was very quiet. When Dante Church and Jim Novi appeared with bitter faces, all the wizards present looked at them with sympathy.

It is an indisputable fact that they lost, but their performance is also good enough to deserve recognition.

After all, the opponent is too scary.

They all saw the contents of the projection screen, the Quartet confronted the King of War Ahrakh, the sharpness of witchcraft, the grasp of the details of the battle, and various on-the-spot reactions were extremely extreme.

Of course, Wang Ya's performance surprised them the most. He manipulated other people's psychology, and even used himself as a bait to make a game.

The final lore turned out to be such a shocking scene, thousands of supernatural beings flooded here, what kind of concept is this! !

Ordinary new wizards would be scared to death just by seeing such a scene.

Extraordinary creatures of the same level are generally not the opponents of wizards, and that is also the exact situation. A beast tide like this may only be controlled by the extreme wizard apprentices.

There are not only teaching wizards on the square, but also new wizards who are undergoing physical examinations. Those who are seriously injured have already been treated intensively;

Mona and Matthew had already been eliminated, and they were also among the crowd, staring blankly at the figure standing on the flying creature in the projection screen with a large number of extraordinary creatures as the background.

That familiar figure and unmistakable face. It was Wang Ya, and he had come to this point.

After defeating so many powerful enemies, he became the only victor in the Corrosion Forest Secret Realm.

The two couldn't even believe it, and felt that Wang Ya in the projection screen was a little strange. Was this really Wang Ya who had a party with them before.

Wizard Lando, Wizard Gusay, and others were also shocked by this final reversal

They never thought that Wang Ya would win the final victory in the Corrosion Forest Secret Realm in this way.

"One hit five, this is, this little guy actually did it and won!" Wizard Lando couldn't help but said: "The young wizards nowadays simply don't give an old man like me a chance to survive."

"When exactly did he control the extraordinary creatures, such a large number, and what method did he use." Fengxing wizard was puzzled.

The Gusay wizard narrowed his eyes slightly, recalled many situations in his mind, and fixed his eyes on Harak in the picture without any shortage.

"Could it be that bird!"

"You mean Wang Ya's cultivated creature!" Fengxing wizard was a little surprised. When they entered the secret realm, they also saw the existence of the black bird, which disappeared behind, and it was only hidden for the purpose of investigation.

Later, Wang Ya's performance caught their attention, but they didn't pay much attention to the black bird.

It's not impossible, Wang Ya is almost in their line of sight, and there is no abnormal move, the possibility of the black bird is very, very high.

Wizard Lando clicked his tongue and said: "That little black crow controls tens of thousands of extraordinary creatures, it's really crazy."

He changed his voice again, "How many Dark Medals will the last freshman of Corrosion Forest collect? Rhodes, who performed the best in the Fiery Secret Realm, currently has just over three thousand Dark Medals."

The three of them looked at each other, could it be that they not only ranked in the top three, but also won the first place.

The first reward, in addition to the quota of children of darkness, there is also a chance to enter and exit the secret realm at will, a chance to choose the place of inheritance, and an official wizard to ask and teach once a month, or choose by yourself.

"I can already foresee the scene where the competition in the secret realm is over and those big shots recruit these outstanding new students." Wizard Lando clicked his nose and flicked his booger off. "This little guy should be scrambled by all parties."

The Gusay wizard shook his head and said, "He should be the default wizard of the Rhine lineage."

Wizard Lando and Wizard Fengxing raised their brows, it seemed that they really did.

In the secret realm of the Corroded Forest, Wang Ya's palm released a faint luster, and included the dark medal left on the battlefield of the sea of ​​fire into the dark wizard mark.

Then let Harak take him to quickly feel where the two mechanical wizards are.

From the ruins of the broken battle platform, the dark medals owned by the two people were found.

[Current number of dark medals: 6673]

This is an extremely terrifying number, enough for Wang Ya to take a high place in the rankings, at least the top three are not much of a problem.

Many dark medals were permanently taken away from the secret realm by other newborn wizards.

Wang Ya did not directly exit the Corrosion Forest Secret Realm, but passed his thoughts to the minds of every phage-infected body through the branding of consciousness, manipulating them to do one thing.

That's where the blanket search for the Dark Medal comes in.

There are definitely missing dark medals, a huge number of phage-infected bodies, and the efficiency of searching is not comparable to that of a single new wizard, even if the latter has the induction of the dark wizard mark.

Since it is going to be done, then do it the best.

Kaziantun's consciousness has returned to Xinsheng Square, and he looked at the figure walking out of the portal with indifference.

Zac Antoun responded with stubborn eyes, he had resentment in his heart, he blamed King Ahalak, and even more blamed his father.

‘You have failed, you have failed your family’s expectations of you! '

The voice of Kaze Antun directly appeared in Zach's mind.

Zach sneered, and also responded with mental strength, "Isn't there a backer you have prepared, Wang Yahalak, he is the final winner, and the top three are still in your pocket." '

‘I’m just your secondary choice, does it matter whether you win or not? '

He was a little disheartened, put his head down, and left from Xinsheng Square dejectedly.

Kaze Antoun: "."

The corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

If he had such ability and ability, how could the Antuen family be in the same state they are now.

[Current number of dark medals: 8233]

This is a terrifying number, and it is also all the dark medals that Wang Ya can find.

He stood on the back of the flying creature, his hair was blown by the strong wind, his eyes looked at the lines of light in his palm, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected on his fair cheeks, and finally, wanton laughter resounded throughout the sky.

He succeeded, and it deserves joy, and it deserves a good laugh.

Thousands of hard work, ushered in today's results.

Images of various difficulties and setbacks in the wizard's experiment came to mind. His right hand squeezed it violently, as if grasping the future.

The teleportation light door exudes a slight rippling luster, and a figure in a black wizard robe emerges from it, with a fair and handsome face, and the eyes next to the tear mole move slightly.

At this moment, the gazes of all wizards in Xinsheng Square were on him.

There is admiration, shock, appreciation, and fighting spirit in the eyes

Among the freshmen crowd, Matthew and Mona looked at the figure walking up to the high platform of the square, and watched him pass the gifted freshmen of the wizarding families one by one, and stood in the first place among the nodding of the teaching wizards, the genius of the Stark family Rhodes is behind him, and Fox, the genius of the Grandet family, is behind him

The emotions in the hearts of the two were extremely complicated. Wang Yahe did something that no one dared to imagine, and won the first place in the competition in the secret realm.

He has surpassed too many people and walked in front of many people.

Wang Ya was almost the last freshman who came out of the secret realm. He spent a lot of time looking for the dark medal in the corner of the secret realm, and he almost went through the corrosion forest.

Unexpectedly, Gray was also in the top ten, ranking seventh, winking and smiling at him.

Not only Gray, but also three civilian freshmen occupy the top ten positions, although they are relatively late.

The sudden emergence of Wang Ya broke the situation where the top ten were occupied by the freshmen of the wizard family, and eliminated many outstanding talented freshmen. At this moment, in the projection meeting room, many heads of families stared at him with their teeth clenched. up.

If eyes could kill, Wang Ya would have died hundreds of times.

Because of a little King Aharaq, the plan of the entire wizard family alliance was completely broken, and the situation became a mess.

If a corner of the plan is destroyed, it is likely to cause the collapse of the entire plan.

It takes a lot of time to recalculate and make a perfect plan.

Pony Stark also had an ugly face, even though his younger generation won the second place, but he was looking at those guys who were in the same school as a whole, so he was probably secretly laughing.

Wizard Lando was indeed smiling happily, because he was about to usher in an unprecedented return after the opening of the betting market.

Ten thousand magic stones will be multiplied seven or eight times.

I couldn't help patting the back of the Fengxing wizard next to me. I finally didn't have to work so hard to accept orders from other extraordinary schools. I finally had enough resources in exchange for enough time to take a good rest.

"I just said this little guy can do it."

Wizard Jialan also appeared on the high platform of the square, but the expression on his face was not very good-looking, instead he was a bit resentful and regretful. He rubbed his teeth, looked at Wizard Lando beside him, and kicked him directly.

What did she miss? I missed tens of thousands of magic stones!

These are tens of thousands of magic stones picked up for nothing! !

Wizard Jialan stared at Wang Yahalak faintly, and the latter frowned slightly, feeling a little puzzled.

"Wang Yahalak, I will remember you." Wizard Jialan said. The bottom of my heart began to think brokenly, Magic Stone, I missed a lot of Magic Stones, if I knew it, I would have bet on the top three, so heartbroken. This Magic Stone boy can make a lot of money.

Wang Ya: "."

Wang Ya was a little puzzled in her heart, why did this Jialan wizard feel weird.

When the teleportation light gate turned into a collapsing luster and slowly disappeared in place, a projection glossy screen emerged.

The ancient Sai wizard stood on the high platform, and his serious voice spread throughout the Xinsheng Square, "Now I declare that the competition for the secret realm of Xinsheng is over."

"The top three places are: Wangya Harak, Rod Stark, and Fox Grandet."

"The top three to top ten places are:"

With the announcement of the ancient Sai wizard, this news is also sent to the wizards of the entire dark land.

At the same time, in the dark information center, some special permissions were automatically granted to the top three wizards.

On the first floor of the dark library, Wizard Kelan stood up from her chair. The autumn wind was blowing her hair from the window. She had a smile on her face, as if she had seen through the barriers of the building, and saw the place on Xinsheng Square. , the silhouette of a wizard standing tall.

"Little brother, you really surprised everyone. You really did it, and you still got the top three spots."

"Now, the teacher will probably get what he wants. I hope you won't be surprised when the time comes."

She thought of what the dream wizard had talked to her a few days ago.

The smile on her face became more intense. The Fanmeng faction was indeed a little too deserted, and there were only three or five people in it. She was also very much looking forward to new members joining.

"Great, I won, I won, I made the right bet, I succeeded, I made it!"

"How could this be? Four sides fight against one side, why would they lose, and how could they lose? What kind of monster is this King Ahalak?"

"No, my magic stone, the magic stone that I have worked so hard to earn for half my life is gone, give it back to me, give it back to me."

Several wizard cities near the headquarters of the Darklands have also opened related betting openings. Although you can't see the pictures inside the secret realm, you can also give information related to the betting field wizards and family wizards in the form of text. information.

Some wizard figures collapsed and lay on the ground, unable to accept the result of the opening.

Most of the wizard figures are pale, which is really outrageous, they all lost.

Only a small number of wizards who made bets won a lot of money with smiles on their faces.

The betting in Huomantian Secret Realm was okay, and there were not many ups and downs.

The bets in the Corrosion Forest Secret Realm were constantly ups and downs and twists and turns, which made the hearts of all concerned wizards almost jump into their throats.

In the end, when the four sides fought against one side, almost everyone thought that King Ahalak was about to lose.

Bets on the remaining wizarding freshmen have reached a new high.

Who knew it would be an upset, and the sky was turned upside down.

This King Ahraq somehow became the final winner.

Law enforcement wizards began to clean up these wild wizards who disturbed the order, and drove them out of the betting hall roughly.

This is the characteristic of the wizard's opening game. If you choose the right one, you will have everything you need if you win. The huge profits of the magic stone make people jealous.

No effort is required, only vision and courage are needed.

If you lose, you will naturally have nothing, and all the hard work of half your life will be lost.

"The worthy opponents of the wizarding family alliance include Pony Stark and Occam Stark. The heads of these wizarding families are very troublesome. At that time, only me, the Saiyan wizard, Irene The wizard will deal with it."

At the salon meeting, the projection screen had already been turned off, and the Shoggoth wizard was describing the details of the plan.

It also gives detailed information about the witchcraft of difficult opponents, as well as the path of wizards.

"Kaziantun should not be underestimated either. The relationship with Rhine seems to be a little unclear. Among the extreme wizard apprentices, his strength is not considered weak."

Wizard Yisi nodded slightly. He had faced Kaza Antun directly, and he was indeed a formidable opponent.

At this moment, his expression suddenly became strange.

Wizard Saiyan and Wizard Irene were also stunned for a moment, subconsciously looking at the first wizard Shoggoth.

The Green Goblin wizard exclaimed directly, "Four sides fought against one side, and they won. They became the first place in the competition in the secret realm. This is too outrageous."

As he said that, he turned his eyes to the leader, and the Shoggoth wizard just turned his indifferent eyes towards him.

Green Goblin Wizard: "."

(end of this chapter)

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