Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 126 [122] Kaze's Covenant Relic Dispute

Chapter 126 [122] Kaze's Covenant Relic Dispute

"In the past half a month, you should be familiar with the Tower of the Fantasy Wizard and the related rules. But you should be curious why I didn't teach you any knowledge of witchcraft, and I didn't even intervene in your wizarding path." The Fantasy Wizard said with a smile.

Wang Ya thought about it for a while, and it was really the case.

After the competition in the secret realm, he moved from the wizard's residence to the fantasy tower. Because there were not many people in the fantasy lineage, the folding space on the third floor belonged entirely to Wang Ya alone.

The rest of the wizards want to enter, and they need to get his permission before they can use the permission to teleport through the spirit of the tower.

He was familiar with the laboratory on the third floor. Except for some advanced wizarding instruments that he hadn't figured out yet, he was already familiar with the rest of the wizarding instruments, and he was able to carry out various levels of wizarding experiments.

At least Wang Ya's current ability can barely use 20% of the experimental equipment and energy efficiency.

He has also begun to study the dog of Gendaz, and even the heart of the evil god.

In terms of the path of the elemental wizard, he did not let go. The eye of truth analyzed the tenth wizard rune of Hao Haiming's thoughts. In a few days, the analysis will be completed and the mental power will be further improved.

Regarding the study of witchcraft, he did not rush for a while, but began to solidify a deeper foundation, and reviewed the extraordinary knowledge he had mastered.

After sorting out again, I really got a lot of new gains.

In the days to come, if there is no accident, he will choose to go to the Dark Wizard Academy to buy supplementary knowledge of supernatural subjects from the ancient Sai wizards. Those witch books also belong to the knowledge category of advanced courses, but they are not in the teaching class. release.

Instead, you need to do extracurricular study on your own.

There is a vast amount of knowledge about wizards, even if it is teaching, it is impossible to teach all of them, and the time and energy are simply not enough.

The wizard subject is more inclined to be the general outline, which is the process of guiding new wizards to become old students, and it is also the ability to have independent study and research.

Wang Ya is familiar with life in the Fantasy Tower, and also knows the special areas that exist in the 200,000-meter teleportation range of the tower's witch array.

The Forest of Maple Leaf, Xinmeng Lake, where you can meet and talk with the fantasy wizard.

The special extraordinary resource place belonging to the fantasy wizard is also an extension of the fantasy secret realm. Entering through the dream lake also requires the permission of the fantasy wizard.

It was the place where Wang Ya and the fantasy wizard walked together.

I also met Wizard Kelan a few times, but I didn't see anyone at all. I could only contact him through the wizard's mark. I guess he was working in the dark library and was busy.

There are really too few members of the fantasy lineage. Apart from the fantasy wizard, there are only two inheritance disciples, he and the wizard Kelan.

There are also two wizards, although they can be regarded as members of the legacy wizards, but unlike him and Wizard Kelan, these two wizards joined a long time ago, and they were not accepted as disciples by the fantasy wizard.

It is more inclined to be a half-servant, and the identity background is also unusual and complicated.

"I think there must be some truth in the teacher's opinion." Wang Ya replied in a well-regulated manner.

The dream wizard didn't care about this answer, his voice followed the floating maple leaves, oscillating and rippling on the water surface of the entire Xinmeng Lake, and the fish seemed to fall into a deep sleep along with his voice.

"I am observing you, and I am also understanding you. I have to say that you have a mind that many wizards don't have, and you have an extremely clear understanding of yourself. I am very happy about this, at least you will not fall into the trap of walking in the shoes of others Within the limits of the wizarding path."

Wang Ya's heart moved, and he heard the meaning of the dream wizard's words.

"Your choice should be the path of the elemental wizard. The path of the wizard I took is the path of the dream wizard. The two are completely different and have an inseparable connection."

The dream wizard smiled and said: "The biggest doubt in your heart is why I chose you to become the second inheritance disciple of the dream lineage."

"There is no other reason, only the word 'qualification'. You have a potential that other wizards don't have. This potential is higher and better than Kelan, and even surprised me."

"That's why I chose you. With your 'qualification', you can go farther than me on the road of Dream Wizard."

"Let's talk about the method!" The dream wizard changed his voice, "A method that will allow you to become the real limit within a hundred years and meet the conditions for entering the deep blue secret realm."

Wang Ya listened carefully.

"That is to follow the path of the Dream Wizard, learn the 'Eye of Dreams' witchcraft, go to the secret realm of the Fantasy Garden, and find your own dream." The Dream Wizard gave the answer, and told it in an extremely serious tone.

"Teacher, I don't understand. What is the difference between the dream wizard system and the element wizard system?" Wang Ya's eyes flickered, and he asked what he wanted to know the most.

The plan he made has nothing to do with the path of the Dream Wizard. It is related to the arrangement of his plan, which may take up a lot of time.

The figure of the fantasy wizard suddenly turned into scattered maple leaves and disappeared in place. The next moment, he reappeared beside Wang Ya, covering his shoulders with his white palm.

A gentle voice came to my ears, "The dream wizard system does not pay attention to the real material, but only cares about the illusory spiritual level. It does not have a precise and standardized system path. The difference with the elemental wizard system is that the latter needs to be taken step by step. Accumulate extraordinary knowledge, understand the world, and go on steadily, becoming extremely ancient and powerful."

"The former also needs cognition, and cognition is also the world, but this world is extremely weird, extremely mysterious, and even extremely absurd. So before you recognize the world, you need to recognize yourself first."

"Know myself?" Wang Ya was a little confused, and what the dream wizard said was also a little confused.

The dream wizard said to himself: "You first learn the three special witchcrafts I gave you, and then go to the fantasy garden for a walk, and you will naturally understand."

"As for what you want to know, let me tell you the truth. There is no wizarding system that can improve mental power faster than dream wizards."

The voice of the fantasy wizard was a bit deep, "If you are lucky, it is not impossible for the value of mental power to rise directly from the current stage to be comparable to the limit wizard apprentice."

"As for the others, I don't care, and I won't care about you. You can do whatever you want. After all, the path of wizarding is self-made. I will only give you some suggestions."

"Of course, I won't give you any resource assistance. The rights possessed by the Son of Darkness are enough for your needs. What I can give you is only help in the dream wizard system, and a fantasy high school. Tower, if you can, you can take it."

The fantasy wizard put the right hand on Wang Ya's shoulder on Wang Ya's forehead, and then tapped lightly with a snap of his fingers.

"One month later, I want to see you complete the three sorcery practices. With your powerful 'potential', you may be able to complete it ahead of schedule. The relevant extraordinary knowledge has been passed on to your wizard mark."

A large number of maple leaves spread out and merged into the autumn wind above Xinmeng Lake, and with this wind, they flew to all directions in the entire dark land.

The words of the fantasy wizard are still echoing, "If you want, you can also go to 'Victory' and 'Qiudong' and take over the second seat of the fantasy school from them, or go to Kelan and ask for the chief As for the location, I guess there should be no problem."

Wang Ya raised his right hand, and a finely textured maple leaf lay flat in his palm. Hearing the words echoed by the dream wizard, he raised his eyebrows. He would not do such a troublesome job as a post in the Transcendent School.

Originally, the number of people in the Fantasy School was the smallest, and there were no more than twenty people at full count.

His strength and the current limelight situation are no longer suitable for going out to show up.

What he needs to do is to improve his strength and complete the account of the fantasy wizard.

With a thought, Wang Ya's figure disappeared in place under the power of the witch formation, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived inside the fantasy tower.

The first floor is a meeting place for visitors and a transit point leading to various tower levels. It is also the library listed by the dream wizard. It stores a lot of books, and there are also some replicas from the dark library.

Of course, it can't be compared with the second floor of the dark library, but for Wang Ya, the value is more attractive, because there are some extraordinary books in it, even if the number is small and uneven, they are also extraordinary.

It can improve the analysis and calculation ability of the eye of truth.

The newly formulated daily plan also has a point of punching in the fantasy library. There is also a place to go to the dark library. Wang Ya will not let go of any useful knowledge and information.

The premise is that there are enough magic stones, and Wizard Slaiti is very stick to the bottom line.

Half an hour later, Wang Ya frowned and put down the book in his hand, and put it back on the bookshelf in the library.

Walking out of the bookshelf room, he had a strange expression on his face. Just now, a strange message came from the wizard's seal.

The person in charge of the Antuen family, Kazer Antuen personally invited him to the private hall of the Dark Wizard Mansion to taste the most delicious afternoon tea in the Darklands.

(end of this chapter)

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