Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 139 [135] The Dream Wizard Revealed And Defeated Hades

Chapter 139 [135] The Dream Wizard revealed and defeated Hades

Hades walked towards Wang Ya. With the surge of particle energy, the thin water molecules in the air were used by him to form water droplets, and then the water droplets flooded towards Wang Ya's position like a catapult.

The speed was extremely fast, and a few water droplets bounced to the ground and penetrated directly, like bullets.

There is no hesitation, and there will be no nonsense like 'You will not be my opponent, just admit defeat'.

With all his strength, he defeated King Ahalak.

Avoid all variables.

With a cold face, when the water droplets submerged Wang Ya, he cast a stronger medium witchcraft [Spear of Corrosion], and the remaining water vapor gathered into a handful of highly condensed energy under the neutralization of particle energy. The spear, which is blue in color, is constantly fighting against the fire element particles in the surrounding environment, but it still maintains a strong power.

This is the biggest difference between the second-level wizard apprentice and the third-level wizard apprentice.

The strength of its own particle energy has not undergone transformation, so it is difficult to resist the environmental influence from the outside world.

The fire light also densely covered Wang Ya's whole body, forming an astonishing double body state of the Balrog, centering on the feet, guiding the energy of the fire element particles in the air, and at the same time pulling the explosion of the ground fire.

The moment the biological force field confrontation ended, Wang Ya thought about the countermeasures.

The other party is going all out, so why not him.

chi chi!

The ground fire spewed out from the gaps on the surface of the gully, which was incomparably astonishing.

Led by Wang Ya, the witchcraft of the burning fire of fear formed became more powerful, and the raging sea of ​​flames expanded and burned.

Even under the urging, an astonishing fire wave was formed, covering a range of twenty meters, and those water droplets were directly melted into water vapor.

Wang Ya didn't show any joy on her face, but frowned instead. This is just a low-level witchcraft [Rainfall Star], which is comparable to medium-level witchcraft when it is cast in the opponent's hands.

Is this the energy intensity of the particle after another transformation?

Let witchcraft also turn decay into magic.

Isn't that medium witchcraft, comparable to the power of advanced witchcraft.

No, it shouldn't be such an exaggeration. Advanced wizards are the bottom of the box for extreme wizard apprentices.

The other party has just been promoted to the third-level wizard apprentice, and perhaps he hasn't even organized his own witchcraft system to adapt to his own particle energy and form his own witchcraft school.

This is also an opportunity that Wang Ya can seize.

The sense of crisis of death locked Wang Ya, and his pupils shrank, reflecting the water spear that flew flying and carrying terrifying particle energy, the tip of which was accumulating water elemental energy, and the dripping liquid exposed corrosion on the ground of the gully potholes.

Extremely dangerous!

This kind of witchcraft is top-notch among medium witchcraft, its restrained power can corrode the hard bone marrow, and it is extremely indelible.

Wang Ya used himself as the standard to judge the power of witchcraft.

The Balrog domain spread out under his feet, but it didn't reach the range of 50 meters, and barely stretched his own biological force field, reaching the range of 20 meters.

With the consumption of 30% of the energy of the particles, the blazing invisible fire of fear continued to stop the water spear with the locking function with a constant smile.

chi chi!

One second, two seconds, three seconds. The speed of the spear was greatly reduced, and the water vapor was also evaporating, but the particle energy it carried was better in quality than Wang Yadu's witchcraft particle energy.

The water spear still pierced Wang Ya's chest and nailed him to the ground.

This scene made the hearts of many wizards watching jump.

Dante, Jim and others who had fought with Wang Ya guessed what method Wang Ya'llak would use next.

And Wang Ya himself didn't think about dodging, and dodging wouldn't do anything. The locking and tracking effects should be the biggest feature of this witchcraft.

Now the biological force field makes the opponent occupy more range, constantly affecting Wang Ya's various senses and state.

Wang Ya turned into a flowing flame, escaped from the state of being nailed to death by the water spear, the flame went out with a puff, and he disappeared on the spot.

Jim and the others showed such expressions on their faces.

After the wizard's methods are known, they can target them and obtain some things that can restrain you.

Three hundred meters away, the energy flame gathered Wang Ya's figure, and his face was very gloomy. Part of the particle energy was consumed again, turned into an energy flame and disappeared, and appeared in another place in the 20-meter flame demon domain.

Where it was originally standing, there was an extra water gun. After failing to hit the target, it slowly dissipated into water element particles in the air, and surged back to Hades' surroundings.

At this moment, a huge turbid water vapor appeared above his head, and a steady stream of corrosive spears were condensing out, one after another. Although the speed of gathering was not fast, the power and threat were terrifying.

So much so that Wang Ya lost his grasp of the rhythm of the battle, and could only dodge passively, and he couldn't even get close, and the flame of fear could not cover the range outside the Balrog's domain.

'So that's the case, it's actually a special witchcraft formed by the range of the biological force field, which can attack in a full range and move randomly within the range. Ripples appeared in Hades' heart. This combination of witchcraft, no, this should be a series of witchcraft cooperation, which can be called a genre of witchcraft, especially in such a smooth and harmonious situation.

Even relying on this tricky method, under his non-water attack, he could dodge for a full five minutes.

Really amazing.

But the duration of this battle is half an hour, and there are twenty-five minutes left.

That being the case, then... the biological force field belonging to Hades roared like a lion, showing its sharp claws, and frantically squeezing the area originally occupied by Wang Ya's biological force field.

The ground fire expanded and exploded, and the burning energy flames were extinguished one by one, and the scope of the Balrog's domain was constantly shrinking.

If the direct biological force field completely collapses, then this troublesome method will also completely disappear.

Hades' vision was very vicious, and he even saw the core of Wang Ya's witchcraft school, which was to rely on the witchcraft state of the Balrog doppelganger to perform subsequent changes.

Kazeantun showed Hades some scenes of the competition in Wangya's Secret Realm in advance, and also analyzed them.

chi chi!

In a slight sound, the Balrog's domain was suppressed to only five meters, and some sorcery was able to completely cover it.

Wang Ya's face was gloomy. The strength of the third-level wizard apprentice was more than he expected, and the pressure on him was no less than the final battle of the secret competition.

This place didn't have so many extraordinary creatures for him to choose from, and Harak wasn't in this battle either.


An astonishing scene appeared. Hades condensed a burst of water tide out of thin air in this battlefield environment, covering an astonishing range of 30 meters. The flowing water tide turned into water snakes and moved towards the king Yapu bites away.

Thorough wrapping from all sides.

In Hades' battle plan, this is to restrain the opponent's actions and interrupt his troublesome witchcraft state.

The next step is the final elimination lore.

The turbid water ball behind him turned into twelve spears of corrosion, and the spreading water vapor seemed to suppress the ground fire under the 10,000-meter battlefield.

Consumed almost 60% of Hades' particle energy.

With the waving of his right hand, these five-meter-long and two-meter-wide corrosion spears all flew towards Wang Ya's position.

That was the calculated position, the tidal water snake would block all escape routes, the range of the opponent's biological force field was only five meters, and the energy flames burning on his body couldn't possibly subdue so many tidal water snakes.

What's more, the energy of water element also restrains the energy of fire element. Compared to particle energy, as a third-level wizard apprentice, he is definitely crushing Wang Yahalak, who is not a veteran second-level wizard apprentice.

He was the one who won, even though it was a bit of an unwarranted victory.

The wizards watching the battle also saw the downturn of the battle. Wang Yahalak was suppressed the whole time, and it was understandable to lose, after all, this was a third-level wizard apprentice.

The gap in level cannot be made up by a genius.

There are not many records in the history of the land of darkness for leapfrogging.

And it's not as outrageous as Wang Ya's. Not long after he was promoted to the second-level wizard apprentice, he fought with the third-level wizard apprentice.

Jim Novi frowned, "Wang Ahalak's strength is already very strong, he is too proficient in various witchcraft transformations, and has extremely rich experience in combat. The essential gap cannot be made up at all. If I go up, I think I don't know how to resist the witchcraft like the spear of death."

Dan Dingqiuji squeezed his fists. His battle body has been preliminarily built and can resist some low-level witchcraft attacks. He is not sure that he will face the existence of a third-level wizard apprentice.

Perhaps his wizard combat body, after the real mastery, can rival it.

"Compared to ours, Wang Yahalak's particle energy is too strong. It has only been four or five months, and the improvement is so fast. I don't know what value the mental power has reached."

Raleigh Shebir gritted his teeth and said, "It's strong enough, isn't it? Anyway, I'm not sure that I can defeat King Aharak."

"As for the result of this battle field." Lei Li Shebir glanced at Zac Antoun who was standing next to him, the corner of his mouth twitched, mocking, and did not continue.

"Ten minutes, as expected of a wizard who has inherited the same lineage, he is really powerful." The corner of Kaziantun's mouth raised an arc, "It's a pity that Hades was promoted to the third-level wizard in the third month Apprentice, although a bit invincible, but Wang Ahalak's strength is still extremely outstanding."

Kaziantun smiled, and said to Wizard Kelan: "Wizard Kelan, please also send my regards to the respected Dream Wizard. This time, the battle field should not be counted. After all, the third-level wizard apprentice is the same as the second-level wizard. The battle between wizard apprentices is not fair in itself."

The wizard contract has been signed, and the fact that Wang Yahalak lost cannot be changed. According to the content of the wizard contract, the Black Sun Medal will belong to them.

One should not be too greedy, Kazian Tuen understands this very well, reputation is not important to him, in this way, he can sell Huanmeng's lineage instead.

Taking care of the face of both parties will not further intensify disputes and conflicts.

Afterwards, all you need to do is to give Wang Ahalak a little more benefit to make up for the last bit of tail, and everything will be fine.

Thinking of this, the curvature of Kaziantun's face raised again, "I don't think everyone agrees with this result."

Wizard Kelan suddenly said: "Wizard Kaze, this battle is not over yet, so there is no need to rush to draw conclusions and discuss the outcome."

Kazean Tuen was stunned. Before he finished, he sensed something, his expression changed a little, and he looked into the 10,000-meter ground fire battlefield.

this is

Originally at an absolute disadvantage, Wang Ya, who was about to be defeated by the twelve spears of corrosion, raised his head and showed a strange smile.

The five-meter Balrog field is being eaten by a large number of tidal water snakes. The energy of the water and fire element particles cancel each other out. The five-meter area has now been reduced to the last meter.

Hades looked at Wang Ya's smile and felt uneasy.

The energy of the particles was violently output again, and the spear of corrosion directly penetrated the last one-meter range.

The turbulent water flow caused quite a lot of waves, and the tidal water snakes also rushed to submerge, covering the last embers of fire.


The feeling in Hades' heart is still growing.

His heart skipped a beat, a particle energy shield appeared around him, and he looked around the battlefield intently.

"What happened, why hasn't Hades been teleported away, isn't the battle over yet?"

"No way, with such an exaggerated range of witchcraft and strong oppressive force, under the full attack of a third-level wizard apprentice, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Yahalak's witchcraft state to resist."

The wizards watching the battle suddenly became suspicious.

The expressions of Dante and the others also changed suddenly, "King Aharaq, it is difficult to understand and there are hidden methods that we don't know about."

Ten thousand meters on the battlefield of fire.

The figure in the black wizard robe appeared behind Hades.

He immediately noticed that the energy of the water element particles wrapped his right hand, forming a highly condensed slender water knife, which involved the activity and inertness of the water element particles, which reached a range of eight meters and were sharp.

With the fastest speed, he drew towards that figure.

The ground was cut into long and thin gaps, and the water knife turned into horses wrapped it around.

Then there was a sudden pull, and the figure in the black wizard robe was torn apart, with a smile still on the corner of his handsome face.

No matter how Hades looked at it, he felt weird, even terrified.

The shattered figure in the black robe disappeared into the void, and then Hades' mental power unexpectedly sensed the target again.

This time, it was on the left, walking towards him, with the fire of fear burning in his hands.

What a joke!

Hades' pupils contracted, and the water knife turned into a slender whip again, cutting it into pieces, but without any blood spattering, every piece of the body was torn apart like a painting drawn on a scroll up.


It's so weird!

Hades actually saw Wang Ahalak's body fragments, disappeared again, and reappeared in front of him after about two seconds.

It appeared out of thin air, condensed out of the void, with a faint smile on his face.

He was really panicked, his mind was in a mess, what the hell is this, there is no particle energy fluctuation, and there is no fire element energy breath.

It is impossible to understand the means used by King Aharaq at this moment, and what kind of state he is in.

Crush the opponent's body again, and the result is still two seconds later, they gather in the void again.

damn it!

Powerful spiritual power swept out, turning into invisible pressure, sweeping everything around, and the dirt and smoke flew away.

The extraordinary spiritual power of the third-level wizard apprentice has been able to influence reality and control the influence of things.

If it concentrates on one point, it can even directly crush a mortal into minced meat.

No, still nothing, nothing.

Hades even wondered if he had hallucinations and was influenced by Wang Ahalak.

After checking the whole body with mental strength, nothing abnormal was found.

He didn't dare to let Wang Ahalak get close to him, and the particle energy shield was stretched to the maximum.

Constantly using witchcraft to destroy and kill Wang Ya's body.

In exchange, it was still Wang Ya's intermittent resurrection.

It made him tense, and he couldn't even maintain his basic calm.

The wizards watching the battle were also puzzled by such a strange phenomenon. What exactly is this? I have never seen such a strange method.

"What the hell did Wang Yahalak do?" Lei Li Shebir's eyes almost popped out. If he encountered such an opponent who couldn't be beaten, how would he deal with it.

You can't kill the opponent, but the opponent can still cause you harm. This is too hopeless, and it will definitely collapse.

Dante and Jim looked at each other, imagining the scene for a while, it was desperate.

Brother Ma De, a red light appeared in his pupils, and started to scan with a special method, and said like a toothache: "I can't see the temperature, I can't find the particle fluctuation, and I don't have the biological force field. It's really like a ghost."

Harry asked in surprise, "Could it be possible, is it really possible for him to defeat Hades?"

As soon as these words came out, the wizards present were stunned for an instant, and fell silent again.

It seems that there is a real chance

Zac Anton looked at Wang Ya's weird tricks with fear, and he paid more attention to this rival in life.

How many methods he does not know.

Kaziantun glanced at Wizard Kelan, and then looked at the situation on the battlefield. He clenched his fists, frowned, and silently uttered three words, "Dream Wizard!"

Wizard Kelan also turned around and smiled, "This is not something I taught him, and I haven't seen it from the teacher."

"To be honest, I'm startled now. I can't understand the principle of this special dream witchcraft for a while."

"Sorcerer Kelan said with a smile: "However, this time the arena is born, maybe we can witness history, there is a precedent for a second-level wizard apprentice to defeat a third-level wizard apprentice. "

Kaziantun didn't speak any more, his vest was wet with sweat, his heart was filled with ups and downs, and his eyes were fixed on the situation on the court.

He didn't believe that his many plans would end up making a wedding dress for King Ahalak.

There is no reason.

He is also looking for the reason for this strange performance, dream witchcraft will definitely not be so unsolvable.

Although the arrival of the gap between dreams was silent, the extraordinary spiritual power could detect the strangeness.

Hades needs to calm down and use his mental strength to deal with it, Kaziantun shouted in his heart.

However, this voice couldn't reach Hades' ears. He is really about to collapse now, and his means are almost gone for the enemies who can't be killed no matter what.

In the end, he didn't attack at all, leaving about 10% of the particle energy, only maintaining the maximum particle energy shield.

Watching Wang Ahalak approaching him.

Whether the flaw is here.

There is also a hidden attack witchcraft, ready to go.


A drop of sweat slipped from Hades' forehead, he watched Wang Ahalak approaching him within a meter, and stretched out his hand towards him.

(end of this chapter)

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