Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 17 [17] Become Stronger, Everything Is Ready, Killing Day

Chapter 17 [17] Become stronger, everything is ready, killing day

[Target: Wang Ya]

【Age: 14】

[Mental power: 6.6 (6.1+0.5)]

[Physique: 5.2]

[Particle energy: 1.3 units]

[Wizard Meditation Method: Haohai (Basic)]

[Extraordinary Cultivated Creature: Harak (lower)]

A flash of surprise flashed in Wang Ya's eyes. The spiritual power boost brought by the second wizard rune actually surpassed the first one.

It seems that the difficulty of wizard runes has a lot to do with the improvement of spiritual power.

Inexplicably, he remembered the level of wizard meditation.

Hao Hai's meditation method is currently only the basics, and there will be advanced meditation methods and advanced meditation methods in the future, corresponding to the first to third-level wizard apprentices. Different wizards have different meditation methods, have different characteristics, and increase the strength of spiritual power, from quality to quantity.

‘A formal wizard is the opening brick to pursue the truth and embark on the path of a wizard. ’ The words spoken by the great dark blue wizard in ancient times are too exaggerated in the eyes of wizards in today’s era.

The upper echelons of the major wizarding forces are composed of official wizards, standing at the top of the pyramid.

What Wang Ya regrets is probably the mediocrity of qualifications.

With the same meditation method, the improvement of spiritual power of the top qualification is always much higher.

The Eye of Truth can diffuse this deficiency.

Wang Ya washed her face in the bathroom, and when she came out, her face was radiant.

Then comes the most critical aspect.

[Reminder: The condition of the body is being scanned, and the magnitude of the energy of the natural particles pulled by the mental force is calculated. 】

The stronger the mental power, the more natural particle energy it affects.

Powerful wizards can even cast powerful witchcraft over a large area without consuming particle energy in their bodies.

Wang Ya, who has not even surpassed the first-level wizard apprentice, certainly cannot achieve this level.

Barely absorb a very small part of the natural particle energy and enter the body.

In this process, it is also radiation strengthening of the body.

It took about ten minutes for Wang Ya to get the accurate radiation level.

"The human body is too fragile. The extraordinary process of a wizard is extremely comprehensive, from spirit to body. This is the evolution and transition of cells."

When the brilliance of the early morning pierces through the thick dark clouds, the picture scroll like splashed ink finally has new colors.

Wang Ya opened his eyes, the breath on his body became stronger, and the strength of his physical body was also significantly improved and enhanced.

[Hint: Physical fitness increases by 0.3, and the current physical fitness value is 5.5. 】

The finger bones made a slight clicking sound due to the continuous force of the muscles.

After waving his fist, the sense of power intuitively ended with an aroused sound wave.

Pushing open the door, the sunlight through the window continuously elongated his shadow.

The people in the automated restaurant were scattered, and it was much quieter than before.

No one would think about the wizarding exchange meeting in the past, silently eating the standard portion of food distributed by the master control system of the wizarding ship. Everything is a thing of the past.

It was still the old position in the corner, and the food on the table was white bread, mayonnaise, and sea beast meat that he had hunted.

Wang Ya ate very quickly and seriously, biting the meat food bite by bite, swallowing the lower abdomen, and then converting it into energy to supply the whole body through a strong digestion ability.

The radiation effect of particle energy will consume a large amount of biological energy, and cells will inevitably undergo a certain amount of necrosis. After metabolism, the new cells will become stronger under the influence of particle energy.

Surprisingly, Wang Ya didn't see that guy Gray coming to the restaurant for dinner.

It shouldn't be reduced to the point where they can't catch food and have nothing to eat, right? From the perspective of physical fitness and particle energy intensity, among the new wizards present, Gray is also considered the first grade.

Without thinking too much, suddenly, a pair of eyes stared at him with hidden malice.

When Wang Ya looked over, the figure in the corner who was wearing a hood also lowered his head.

The dramatic thing is that at this time in the past, he was always the center of the crowd at the wizard exchange meeting.

Apart from the sound of chewing and moving tableware, the automated restaurant is very quiet, and there is an extremely deserted silence.

Wang Ya's expression was flat, and she was not affected by Arthur's gaze.

Maybe today, or tomorrow, there will be one less freshman on this wizard ship.

In the vast endless sea, there are too many unknown secrets, as well as countless sea beasts and species.

Extraordinary creatures haunt and attack newborns while they are hunting, causing them to die in the sea.

This reason is only second, more of an attitude.

Wizard Tuta made the rules, and he himself will abide by the rules.

'I saw him, that trash, with that disgusting dull expression. Kill him with a self-righteous look, kill him! '

Arthur lowered his head, his black robe and hood almost covered the entire table, under the shadows, his mouth was full of sea beast meat.

Bloodshot pupils, distorted facial expressions, clenched teeth for chewing food, as if what was being chewed was Wang Ya's heart.

'The matter between me and Anna cannot be known by a third person, and these people cannot be known, Wang Ya must die, must! '

Swallowing so hard that the veins on the neck swelled, and the nails on the palm of the single right arm were embedded in the flesh.

Arthur was bloodshot, the corners of his eyes were thick with dark circles, and the murderous intent kept him hysterical all night.

'I can kill Wang Ya, it's an easy thing, I'm just a waste who chooses the extraordinary cultivation department. I have top aptitude, I can do it, my status is the highest, crush this bug to death. '

'I still have the wizarding inheritance, and the new particle energy witchcraft scroll is already in my hands, just enter the sea, catch up with him, and kill him directly. '

Wang Ya left after eating.

Arthur was still thinking about it with a lot of thoughts, emphasizing himself.

The empty heart seemed to be able to feel extremely happy because of the anticipation of the murder.

"I will always be the strongest."

Arthur stood up, growling.

In the automated restaurant, many eyes gathered, with surprise in them.

"It seems to be Arthur. I heard that he is disfigured and his limbs are mutilated. It seems true."

"He was not like this before, how did he become like this?"

"I heard that there is a little mental problem. I think the rumors are not wrong at all."

In the automated restaurant, those wizard freshmen seemed to recall some memories from the past, and started talking with each other in a low voice.

Arthur seemed to be suffocating, the automated restaurant seemed to have turned into a hell, and the pain tormented his body.

After leaving the restaurant with difficulty, he returned to the room and closed the door in various ways.

Leaning his back against the door, he gasped for breath, and his eyes became more bloodshot.

"Everyone is talking about me, everyone is laughing at me, a group of low-level wizards, damn it, I have a wizarding inheritance, I have the strongest aptitude, I am a genius, and I am still the highest."

The right hand pinched the inner lining of the chest, and the hanging red metal ring was pinched tightly, and a lot of sweat was secreted.

Arthur's eyes were fierce and frightening, but also crazy and frightening, "It must be Wang Ya, he told the news, he should die, he should die."

(end of this chapter)

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