Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 19 [19] Advanced Witchcraft, The Wrath Of Faith

Chapter 19 [19] Advanced witchcraft, the wrath of Faith

Wang Ya climbed onto the wizard ship with a normal expression, and threw the crustacean sea beasts dragged by her hands to the ground.

After wringing out the seawater absorbed by his clothes, he glanced at the newborn figure on the deck.

No one will pay attention to you, more just a stranger.

Just like this ordinary seascape, it is the same, only the unprecedented storm can be unforgettable in the traces of life.

For Anna, this mediocre low-level freshman is the same as the black bread eaten by ordinary people in the mortal period, and there is a high probability that she will ignore it.

But staring at Wang Ya's back, her crimson pupils were unexpectedly a little surprised.

This guy didn't say anything. She and Arthur, who are top-notch, are the focus of the freshmen. Even now, there are still many freshmen trying to make some impressions in front of her.

Like a peacock spreading its tail, it can't hide its animal desires, making it annoying.

If you say it, the conversation in the next month will revolve around this point.

Shouldn't all men have such inferior natures? No matter how well they hide, no matter how gorgeous the masks they wear, they will eventually be exposed.

Is this a real nice man? Anna Karina couldn't help laughing, it was as melodious as the sound of wind chimes, her fiery red hair fluttered in the howling sea breeze, with a variety of styles, attracting the attention of the freshmen on the deck.

Boring sea life always needs some interesting spices.

The relationship between Arthur and her can be considered clear, and the other party should understand what to do.

So what about the reality, losing an arm and disfiguring the face, even if the wizard's aptitude is top-notch, the decline in the early stage is inevitable.

"Why did you become an extraordinary creature? You still can't change this little problem."

Wang Ya opened the window and let in Harak who was out for activities.

Close the windows to block out the streaming darkness trying to squeeze in.

The clothes hanger was almost torn apart, and it was riddled with holes as if it was about to collapse in the next moment. Halak liked this kind of crumbling feeling, and his sharp claws often scratched out the cracks.

Tonight's supper is brought back by Harak, a few delicious silver moon fish.

Only when the moon appears and the light shines on the sea, these fish species will emerge, reflecting the moonlight with their scales, sparkling, like a painting painted with dreamy colors.

God knows where Harak got it from, the taste after roasting is very delicious.

At the corner of the desk, the wooden box was placed there and opened, with sharp finger bones, a wizard with strong spiritual power could see a burst of light and shadow looming on it.

Wang Ya was studying the red metal ring seriously, and the scroll of rotten witchcraft in the water prison was placed aside.

A drop of blood is of no use. A wizard's supernatural props can only be touched with particle energy and spiritual power.

When the mental power was exhausted to the last wisp, Wang Ya gave up.

The quality of the storage wizard itself is extremely high, and the restrictions in it require at least a second-class wizard apprentice to open normally.

Wang Ya's spiritual power was simply unable to refine the restriction and leave a mark.

The observed things are: three scrolls of witchcraft, some currency of the wizarding world 'Magic Stone', the number is about 30, and three unique books, which should record a lot of information.

There was only one medal-shaped metal object left, and he didn't recognize its function or information.

This storage witch was definitely left behind by the original owner in an accident. There are still some living supplies in the corner of the small space.

Due to the function of the storage device, the specific time cannot be determined through the degree of corruption of these living materials.

Wang Ya frowned. He wanted to take out the items from it. It could be done, but it was very difficult. At least one-third of the mental power and particle energy would be consumed.

The same goes for putting things in.

The origin of this red metal ring is not simple, but it is impossible to determine where Arthur got it.

For Wang Ya, it is a small treasure full of unknowns that needs to be explored.

With the surge of mental power, the ring glowed, and the storage of the heart of thorns in the room got the best treatment.

Of course, Wang Ya didn't forget to take out an item from the ring.

There is a red book made of parchment on the table, which doesn't have much sense of antiquity, but has some traces of hand-sewing.

Opening the book, Wang Ya knew that he had found a treasure.

This is the inheritance of wizarding knowledge.

[Hint: The preliminary analysis is complete: the book contains a complete inheritance of witchcraft. Name of the witchcraft: 'Her Faith's Wrath'. Grade: Advanced Sorcery. From the simplified low-level witchcraft to the medium witchcraft, they come down in one continuous line. 】

Wang Ya was stunned, and then he digested the content of the information and knew the meaning it represented.

It is equivalent to a course of extraordinary knowledge, from simple to difficult, and then to the level of complete mastery. In terms of mastering difficulty and learning time, it will be greatly reduced.

The owner of the high-level witchcraft red metal ring is at least a third-level wizard apprentice.

Wang Yadu subconsciously became short of breath, this is not easy.

The same is true of Wizard Tuta.

There are other inheritance things in the red metal ring. If you master all of them, wouldn't it be guaranteed to become a third-level wizard apprentice.

Of course, Wang Ya's ambition is more than that, the key is to shorten the growth time.

His pupils glowed blue, and he stretched out his hand and gently stroked the top of Sen Ran's finger bones.

From Wang Ya's perspective, the girl with long green hair and her long eyelashes were tightly closed, and the looming soul fell into a deep sleep.

When picking up Green Forest from Wizard Tuta, the Eye of Truth can still observe Green Forest's soul, is stable, and can even see himself.

He is weak now and has been in a deep sleep state.

Among the three methods of wizard Tuta, the most reliable one is to become an official wizard, cultivate a body, and use incredible powerful spiritual power to forcibly fuse the soul and body.

As for the extraordinary materials needed, physical cultivation is not difficult for formal wizards.

There is still one last chance to open the red metal ring with mental power and take out an item.

Wang Ya frowned, enduring the mental exhaustion and exhaustion that reached the limit. He was always pressed for time.

A red metal ring with a flash of luster.

A new book appeared on the table, the color was brown, and the pages were three times thicker than the witchcraft inheritance.

The key point is that Wang Ya felt an ancient atmosphere from above, as if it was a book inherited from ancient times.

There is a lot of anticipation in my heart, and I look at it with the eyes of truth.


(end of this chapter)

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