Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 200 [196] The Property Change Is Completed, The Particle Energy Is Burnt

Chapter 200 [196] The property change is completed, the particle energy is burnt

Wang Ya did not go back to the Fantasy Tower, but went to the second floor of the Dark Library.

It is not difficult for him to collect books in the core area.

I greeted Slaty, and this time Wang Ya collected some books about geographical location, wonders, some dark land wizards, and guessing records.

For example, there are some wonders created by the deep blue wizard, such as the Bairi Grand Canyon, the land of snakes, the underground magic mountain, and the roundabout of time. Some wizards who have seen it with their own eyes wrote down these works, and they do not contain any supernatural knowledge. .

Many of them were collected from other places in the Darklands and spread from the inner area of ​​the wizarding continent, like popular science books such as Theory of the Essence of Wizarding.

Wang Yade admitted that it was the words left by the black sun wizard and the experiment log records that affected him.

After all, this is related to the mysterious and powerful dark blue great wizard who is suspected to be from the legendary era, and the guarantee is also the existence of a sixth-level great wizard.

Wang Ya walked back to the Fantasy Tower on foot. The forest of maple leaves at night is still the environment of falling maple leaves. The four seasons are as usual and the light is bright.

Some thoughts came into my mind, about breaking through the official wizard.

When getting the golden ant rice seeds from the dream wizard, the dream wizard said one thing.

He was invited by the Sacred Blood Wizard to help his disciples break through as a formal wizard.

Wang Ya was also surprised at the time that his teacher actually had such abilities.

It's a pity that the mechanical wizard failed to break through the official wizard.

The fantasy wizard and the theological wizard shot together, but they couldn't save him.

Facing the consciousness of the wizarding world, one's own wizarding heart is not pure enough, and the will is not firm enough, thus getting lost in the oppression of the wizarding world's consciousness.

This is the death of spiritual will, irreparable, and the moment you face it, you will collapse and die.

Some are similar to stabbing the body with a rusty iron sword, and the soul disappears.

The rest of the flesh. Even if it is still alive, it is just a useless shell.

The most important soul will is gone.

Wang Ya was a little emotional. The strength of the extreme wizard apprentices can be said to be very close to the official wizards. The genius extreme wizard apprentices, in some places, have the same depth of research as the official wizards.

But even so, he still couldn't pass the test of the will of the wizarding world and died completely.

Among the ten extreme wizard apprentices, there is a high probability that two of them can be promoted successfully.

The key to this lies in the wizard himself.

The dream wizard said that although he helped the limit wizard, he gave spiritual blessings and protection. The mechanical wizard's will is too weak, and the wizard's heart is even less perfect. When facing the wizard's world will, the chance of success is only 30%. After success, it is extremely difficult to obtain subsequent improvements. '

If you don't make a breakthrough, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to break through in the future.

That mechanical wizard transformed his entire body. With the help of the blood wizard, the extraordinary materials used for replacement and transformation are all the best, and he can even use the official wizard-level energy core engine at any time.

It is equivalent to reaching the level of an official wizard in reality.

If the illusory level cannot match the energy core engine of the real level, that is, the particle energy and biological force field of other wizard systems.

It can only become a puppet to be manipulated, and it is not regarded as a breakthrough official wizard at all.

It is precisely in this respect that the Ultimate Wizard is too weak.

After Wang Ya's narration of the incident by the fantasy wizard, she also realized something.

This seems to be intentional by the dream wizard, some ideas and meanings about the balance between illusion and reality.

Wang Ya can understand, thanks to the research on the inheritance of black sun elemental wizards these days, as well as the analysis experiment on the heart of evil gods.

Sometimes I have already realized something, but the reason why I am still confused is that I lack a point to connect all the fragments and hidden things in memory.

When leaving Xinmeng Lake, the dream wizard said bluntly: 'Your heart is a little messed up now, and you are a little too anxious. I can give you the golden ant rice, but you have to slow down your mental state. If this goes on, even if you forcibly complete the breakthrough of returning to dream meditation, you will only be harming yourself. The tempering and nourishing of neurons did not have much effect. '

Wang Ya was a little helpless, but it was hard to explain.

The dream wizard misunderstood that the daily progress of the virtual laboratory made Wang Ya's mental state not very good.

It is true that this will cause some problems in the training and nourishment of neurons, but it will never stagnate.

It's just that the time will be longer.

The analytical ability of the Eye of Truth can help Wang Ya to be freed from the repeated attempts to outline the "Mengming Thought". With the time saved, other wizard experiments can be completed without affecting the status.

"The Darklands has a way to break through as an official wizard, but you need to wait until your strength reaches the limit as a wizard apprentice to understand that it is also the fundamental inheritance of the Darklands." The words of the fantasy wizard echoed in Wang Ya's mind.

This is undoubtedly good news.

That's right, such a large wizarding force, without something in this area, it is impossible for it to last for a long time.

Wang Ya also noticed that there was some hesitation in the words of the dream wizard, and there seemed to be some hidden meaning.

In the end, only two definite messages could be confirmed.

Either elevate the authority of the Son of Darkness to Walk in the Darkness.

Or it is to raise the strength to the limit as a wizard apprentice.

The method of breaking through the official wizard will only be revealed to Wang Ya.

Due to the rules of the Darklands, even a fantasy wizard needs to abide by them.

The tower spirit will transmit the power of the witch formation, covering Wang Ya's body.

His figure appeared in the bedroom, took off the wizard robe on his body, and looked at Lu Sen's soul and body again. Wang Ya already has the ability to obtain some extraordinary resources that nourish the soul. Lusen's soul body remains stable and is developing in a good direction, but there has been no sign of awakening.

In this regard, Wang Ya has nothing to do. He can only maintain the stability of the soul body first, and when his strength improves in the future, he may be able to discover the reason.

He didn't forget what Wizard Tuta once said, that if one's strength reaches the level of an official wizard, Green Forest can be revived.

Teacher Huanmeng also learned about the situation and said, "Some things need to be dealt with by yourself. Intervention by others may cause some trends that you don't want to see. Reviving the soul and body is a very important thing for an official wizard. It's not difficult to say, but this is a mortal, subject to the energies of official wizard particles"

Wang Yala closed the window, turned off the light in the bedroom, and lay on the bed. The meaning of Teacher Huanmeng is very clear. The soul body of a mortal is not as powerful as the soul body of an extraordinary existence. It should be said that any private matters involving resurrection and soul body should not be manipulated by others.

Wang Ya closed his eyes, feeling exhausted, and fell into a deep sleep.

in the virtual laboratory.

Wang Ya activated multiple instruments at the same time, and the energy consumption reached the maximum, and all kinds of flickering lights hit his fair cheeks.

The introverted energy fluctuations in the wizard's instrument, even an official wizard here, must look moved.

It has fully reached the level of their daily experiments.

About half a year has passed, and this is the fourth set of particle variable experiments conducted by Wang Ya.

Extend on the basis of the third group, focusing on the fission of the energy of the fire element particles.

It was also Wang Ya who borrowed the nuclear fission theory from his previous life, and then mixed some extraordinary knowledge content in the inheritance of Heiyang, so as to unfold the changes in the nature of the particles.

The details lie in spontaneous fission and induced fission, two different ways to guide. Through the method, to achieve the result of nuclear fission.

Wang Ya adapted to the world of wizards. The former created an environment without controlling it, allowing the energy of the fire element particles to spontaneously fission.

It itself contains high-intensity activated particles, which collide with each other and produce terrible energy reactions.

A single particle of the fire element is self-stabilizing, and if it is classified, the resulting collision will be more intense, and the energy released will reach its peak in an instant.

The latter is to use powerful extraordinary spiritual power to affect reality and make the fire element particles spontaneously fission.

Then build a fission channel for the release of fission energy.

This, in Wang Ya's vision, is accomplished through witchcraft.

Every wizard who creates special particle energy, at the moment of successful creation, is also the moment when his own wizard path is confirmed.

In the process of creation, the experiments and the process of trying are actually powerful witchcraft one by one.

With a little thought, one can create witchcraft inheritances one by one.

Wang Ya is no exception. Even after he completes the creation, if he wants to, how many sets of variable experiments he conducts can create as many witchcraft inheritances.

Not as much as the six witchcraft inheritances inherited from the Rhineland, but more.

Even Wang Ya even thought of the name, which is called 'potential energy surface fragment angular fission inheritance. ’, referred to as ‘Nuclear Fission Atom Scripture’ and ‘Atom Potential Energy Dynamic Transformation’

The fifth group of variable experiments is an attempt to carry out nuclear fusion. It is to fuse the energy of two fire element particles, and the energy released will be even more terrifying.

This is also the root of Wang Ya's special particle energy.




If Wang Ya advances to an official wizard, then he will be sublimated again.

It is not so easy to establish a fission path, and the calculations involved will make fortune-telling wizards desperate.

It is also impossible for Wang Ya to do it, especially this is not a concept with nuclear fission and nuclear fusion in his previous life.

Rather, it is a power with an extraordinary nature.

Wang Ya must use the Eye of Truth to assist with all her strength. Without any surprise, the target analysis of the heart of the evil god was shelved again.

But progress remains slow.

The fission channel needs to calculate the fragment angles, and then calculate the multi-dimensional direction release of the fission potential energy surface.

Failure to grasp it is a failed nuclear wizardry. It was an indiscriminate attack, including myself.

In the end, it took eight months for Wang Ya to settle this question.

The multi-dimensional direction of the fission potential energy surface is controlled by rotation and vibration to form a stable fission channel, so that Wang Ya can do whatever he wants.

What can be done at present is only one set of rotation and one vibration energy level.

If Wang Ya's extraordinary spiritual power is improved, he can continue to increase multiple sets of rotation and vibration levels.

The power of the fire nuclear fission released is multiplied.

Wang Ya has been in the laboratory for two full years.

He didn't go out once in two years.

Food or something, let Taling prepare it.

Extraordinary resources and so on can be obtained from the Halak commodity store, magic stones, and he has no shortage of resources.

Although there is a lack of dark spots, he has the inheritance of the black sun, and in terms of the path of the elemental wizard, he no longer needs to obtain knowledge in the place of inheritance.

Not much use in terms of shadows either.

So he can carry out experimental research with peace of mind, and was even fanatical to the point of obsession.

"Come on, come on, this is the last set of variable experiments. After completion, my special particle energy will appear in this world."

In the virtual laboratory, Wang Ya's expression was morbidly excited, her skin was pale, her lips were bloodless, her hair was messy, and she looked unkempt.

In the pupils, reflected in the wizard's instrument, the bursting fire nuclear fusion light is black, incomparably black, like a black hole, which can attract all light and matter to enter.

There are particle energy fluctuations that shock even official wizards.

"There are three ways to control the generation of fire nuclear fusion. I am not good at the gravity field; I am good at focusing laser beams, hitting a point and releasing high temperature, and it is also the most suitable way for fire nuclear fusion; the reverse field formed by the rotation of the magnetic field, It's too far away for me, it's not my current ability, it can be achieved."

Wang Ya's eyelids were red, her pupils were bloodshot, and she muttered to herself sickly: "I have fully mastered the premixing, laminar flow, turbulent flow, and diffusion of the plasma state. It is impossible to fail. I have calculated everything. Variables, everything imaginable."


A sound of glass cracking sounded, Wang Ya's pupils dilated, and he lost his mind for a moment. Then the corner of his mouth raised an arc, and it went up even more, and finally he laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, I succeeded, I succeeded! My nature change is complete! My special particle energy is finally born."

"My king, Aharak, succeeded!!"

Incomparable ecstasy filled Wang Ya's heart, clenched his right hand tightly, and swung it out vigorously.

Reflected in the eyes, in the wizard's instrument, the dark color full of mystery, vastness, coercion, restraint, and terror

(end of this chapter)

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