Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 209 [205] Rebounding Witchcraft, Burning Array, Shocking Chief

Chapter 209 [205] Rebounding Witchcraft, Burning Array, Shocking Chief

The particle core engine is the heart of the mechanical wizard and the source of particle energy. The body functions and structures of wizards who have undergone this mechanical surgery are fundamentally different from ordinary wizards.

Take the lead in stepping into the non-human realm, build mechanical organs, no longer need food intake, only need to maintain pure nourishing fluid and sufficient energy supply.

How does the mechanical wizard become stronger? There are many road branches, but the foundation must be to pay attention to the replacement and construction of materials.

Stronger kinetic energy, better transmission channels, more wear-resistant and rust-resistant metal raw materials.

Using the particle impact wave cannon. Mo Kui hesitated, it would have a greater impact on his mechanical body, at least the energy transmission channel and the firing barrel needed to be replaced.

This is not easy, it requires mental strength to warm up and adapt, which is very time-consuming.

In the end he chose to release the witchcraft.

As the particle energy in the body gathered in the chest, the once extended three muzzles reappeared, and the arms were tightly attached to the heart. With the sound of 'click', the internal fitting machine emitted white steam.

Fully 90% of the particle core energy was sent to the bearings of the running gun.


The deep and restrained white light shimmered at the muzzle of the gun.

The mechanical prosthetic eye locked the position of the heart dream mirror.


There was a muffled sound.

The dazzling rays of light sprayed out and turned into astonishing giant particle waves, reaching a diameter of ten meters. Everything along the way was turned into dust. What an astonishing output of energy.

The electromagnetic pulse formed by the particles carried by it makes the air generate residual plasma, making the pores count down.

But at the tip, as if a locking device was installed, it turned into an arc shape, avoiding some large buildings, so as not to cause unnecessary energy loss.

The fluctuation of the possessing energy emitted has reached an unprecedented stage, which is a level more powerful than high-level witchcraft.

Touched the threshold of witchcraft degree of official wizard level.

At the moment when this witchcraft was released, the expressions of Bai Guding and Schneider who were rushing towards the battlefield changed drastically.

"What kind of joke is this breath, this level of witchcraft, that guy is dangerous."

"Shouldn't he be beaten to death?"

There is nothing more than that in their bottom-of-the-box witchcraft.

If the energy witchcraft exceeds fifty values, it has reached another level.

If it is released by an official wizard, it is sublimation witchcraft.

The ultimate wizard apprentice paid a high price, and the released witchcraft stepped into that level, which is collectively called "limit-breaking witchcraft".

Schneider's own limit is nothing more than releasing two limit-breaking witchcraft.

"The situation is too bad. The wizards in the White Lake Wizard City are almost killed by those guys from the Natural Ring Tower."

"None of the wizards of the City Lord's Mansion, nor the law enforcement wizards. We must keep this extreme wizard apprentice. If he is killed, it will be troublesome."

Of the three members of the Hand of Darkness, two were also killed.

The remaining one is somewhere in the city. I don't know what happened to it, and it hasn't moved.

The two felt a little anxious. For the first time, they felt that the construction of the White Lake Wizard City was so big that it was divided into the outer city, the inner city, the core city lord's mansion, and the law enforcement office.

They all seem to think of the extreme wizard apprentice, dying and horrible.

Be sure to survive.

Sur stared at the direction of the battlefield, her expression was solemn, the particle energy in her body had recovered about 40%, and her mental strength was still exhausted.

Her eyes were determined, and at worst, she would use light refraction to teleport witchcraft again.

The distance was close enough, and she also found the location of Schneider and the two.

One minute, just one minute is all it takes.

The dazzling light, the sputtering plasma, the beam of energy pouring like a torrent, turned into an arc at the tip, carrying restrained high-density particle energy.

The psionic tide is even melted by such energy witchcraft, leaving an obvious trace of the road.

Shocked by this power, Aiden subconsciously took a step or two back.


Black and white, fist-sized mice were originally surrounding the Xinmeng Mirror, nibbling on the mirror body, and a few of them didn't have time to dodge, and melted directly in the energy outpouring.

Their bodies can withstand high-level energy witchcraft, but they cannot withstand higher-level limit-breaking witchcraft.


A look of joy appeared on Aiden's face, the yellow copper mirror seemed to have cracks and was about to shatter.

Johnson barely suppressed the riot of wild grass particle energy on his body, and slowly walked to Aiden's side, staring at the situation in the psionic tide.

"Even if it is a first-level sublimation witchcraft, it will still be damaged if the energy of the inner core's balance is exhausted."

"This mirror witch, it is estimated that the breath is only in the category of high-level witch."

Aiden nodded. Under such energy pouring and wear, it would start to collapse in no more than five or six seconds, and the core spells would break one by one.

"It's over, this troublesome guy will stay here forever." Aiden breathed a sigh of relief, even if he was fighting with the ultimate wizard apprentice, the pressure was never so great.

On the side of the City Lord's Mansion, they killed two extreme wizard apprentices alive.

Counting those who were killed before, there are already four in total.

Johnson also agreed, nodded, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"That bastard, Mo Kui, even killed my little cutie." The white mouse was on a high stone slab far away, scratching its hair in displeasure.

"Okay, this matter is over, and then go to kill all the people in the White Lake Wizard City, and complete the task that the lord entrusted to us."

Aiden said with a bit of helplessness: "Too much time has been spent on this king Ahraq."

"If you don't hurry up, maybe those supporting wizards in the dark land will come soon."

The white mouse buttoned its ears, looking impatient.

Johnson stepped back a little slowly, but walked behind Aiden intentionally or unintentionally.

The next moment, his pupils were icy cold, and his right hand was covered with wild grass particle energy, which directly penetrated Aiden's heart.

The fresh and hot touch made the corners of his mouth more curved.

It only needs to be pinched lightly, and then the energy of the particles is diffused, and an apprentice of an extreme wizard will die under his hands.

This change happened too fast, and the timing of Johnson's move was almost at its peak.

When Aiden came to his senses, there was a sharp pain in his back and heart. It was still a step too late, and the threat of death was entangled in his heart.

The injury was only a minor injury, but the other party had already controlled the key parts of his body, releasing particle energy to achieve radiation, which might have an indelible impact on his physical foundation.

This is unacceptable to him, and he is somewhat wary of it.

The white mouse's eyes widened, and he looked at the two people puzzled, what the hell was going on.

"Johnson, why did you take action against Aiden? Even if you really have a deep hatred, you have to take revenge after completing this wizard mission."

"Your revenge is your revenge. Don't affect me. If the task cannot be completed, we will all die here. Then I will go crazy."

Among the group of five, there are good and bad relationships, but most of them are just because of this mission.

There are certain problems in their respective personalities and mental aspects.

The white mouse's implication is that all grievances and grievances will be settled after this mission.

Mo Kui, who was watching from a distance, also had a hint of doubt on his numb and stiff face.

There were small openings at the bottom of the legs, and they flew directly towards the position of several people breathing fire.

Johnson looked at the two expressionlessly at this moment, his right hand still maintained the posture of pinching and holding the heart, the energy of the wild grass particles was hidden, but ready to move.

It made Aiden feel up and down, and he was extremely nervous.

If one is not good, the energy of the wild grass particles will leak in his body, and it will instantly occupy and absorb all his flesh and blood vitality, and even his extraordinary spiritual power.

He was also thinking crazily in his mind, he felt that he had not offended Johnson.

How could he suddenly thrust his chest behind his back.

If Rui Lisi was here, she would be very familiar with this posture, and the position of inserting the heart was exactly the same as the treatment she had received before, and even the technique was more refined, as if she had experienced many times of training.

Johnson's indifferent expression suddenly became ferocious and distorted, as if two people were fighting for control of his body.

One hand grabbed the hand holding the heart, trying to pull it back little by little.

The face also showed an expression of half indifference and half angry roaring.

This behavior was really weird, and both White Mouse and Aiden noticed something was wrong.

However, Wang Ya's goal has also been achieved.

What he wanted was not to kill Aiden alone, but to delay time.

Triggered when fighting Duoguyin, he was ready for the backhand.

He has great ambitions, and is going to kill two up-and-coming extreme wizard apprentices in one fell swoop.

Probably because the blood of the extreme wizard apprentice was only on his hands.

It's certainly a crazy idea, but so far, everything is going according to his plan, and maybe success isn't out of the question.

On one side of Johnson's indifferent pupil, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

As early as when the other party was about to cling to his body with the active wild grass particle energy, he took the opportunity to let Harak in the cuff secrete phage substances to carry out a reverse invasion.

It really succeeded, but Johnson's body was too weak and riddled with holes, and his mental power, physical body and particle energy could not achieve a balanced match.

The cells and flesh itself are eager for help, and the Harak phage is a life-saving straw to a certain extent.

That's why he was able to completely control Johnson's physical body in such a short period of time.

The latter is also frantically regaining control of the body, with extraordinary mental power and will oppressing the flesh and blood infected by the phage.

Thus forming a strange situation where one party occupies half.

"You're not Johnson, who are you!!" Mo Kui also arrived at this time, and analyzed some things with his mechanical prosthetic eyes, comparing his daily micro-expressions and small habits.

Mo Kui stood in front of Johnson, raised his right hand, his wrist turned into a muzzle, and the atmosphere suddenly became oppressive.

However, what greeted us was not an answer, but a sudden explosion of the energy of the wild grass particles, almost tearing Johnson's body, the green active energy material splashed around, and engulfed the two people in front of him to the greatest extent.

The white rat was not affected because it was too far away.

The left hand directly crushed the heart, and more mad grass particle energy devoured Aiden's flesh and blood from the inside.

"Johnson, you are looking for death." The pain caused Aiden's pupils to constrict, and he angrily covered his right hand with the remaining psionic energy, and slapped Johnson's head.

Mo Kui also sprayed a wave of particle energy, his chest exploded instantly, blood splashed on the two of them, their faces smelled bloody and pungent.

The white mouse opened its mouth wide and was stunned. The black and white mice in the cuffs couldn't hold back their appetites. The wizard's flesh and blood was a great tonic. They began to crawl out and devour the spattered flesh and blood.

"Hey, hey, some lychees, we seem to be in big trouble." The white mouse looked at the figure fighting in the open space below, and yelled, but there was no response, and his face was a little helpless.

He stared again at the black flames that appeared behind him at some point, and looked carefully, these black flames spread all over their surroundings, forming circle after circle of black fire lines.

It's just that because it's too weak, it still brings a trance visually, like a small black grass.

It seems to be the ground fire emerging from the depths of the earth. It is very dense and condensed. Even if the wind blows, it still remains motionless.

If it hadn't been for the 'poof' at his feet, the boots and trousers would have disappeared directly, and he would not be able to be sure that it was an energy flame.

White Mouse looked solemn, glanced at the three who had already fought, turned around and ran away. His instinct told him that if he didn't run, he might be in danger of death.

Although, he still doesn't understand what happened.

Originally a good form, but internal strife appeared.

The mirror witch that Wang Yahalak was in was being obliterated by the wave of particle energy continuously. In the end, it was estimated that not even a fragment of the witch was left.

His end, of course, is death.

After completing the task assigned by the adult, you can directly get a return ticket and return to the Natural Ring Tower.

At that time, everything will be available, and the identity of the spirit of nature will return to them.

What's there to fight? Is hatred as good as the future of the wizarding path?

The white mouse encountered more black ground fires, which extended from the thousand-meter ruins and cracks of the battlefield, which was very amazing.

His face was extremely ugly, and the black ground fire was constantly expanding, as if there was a huge monster under the ground.

Instinct prevents him from flying away, there is great danger.

Up to now, he was also bewildered and thought of something.

Perhaps, this is a trap specially designed to deal with them.

But it doesn't make sense, Wang Yahalak's value is placed in any wizarding force, and they are all held for offerings. How can they be put in danger and used as bait to attract them.

To put it bluntly, their potential and strength can only be regarded as the second grade, not even the chief.

The two sides are not equal in value at all.

Thinking about it this way, the white mouse became even more confused, at a loss, but the speed of its feet became faster and faster, looking for places without black flames to pass.

He stopped, and there was no road ahead, only the rising black flames, which had grown from a few centimeters to a height of three meters, and the height was still increasing.

Such a situation occurred within a full range of two kilometers.

His face was gloomy, and he looked up at the sky. In a daze, he seemed to see the burning air medium. When the light irradiated into the range of two kilometers, it was dim and dark.

"Even space teleportation is prohibited. The natural particle energy in the range of 2,000 meters is rioting, and the activity has increased too much."

The white mouse took a deep breath, seemed to see something, and said with a frightened face: "Are you kidding? When was it set up? I didn't even notice what I was playing. Official wizards, only official wizards can do it." .”

At the location where the Dreaming Heart Mirror is located, a suction force shocks the last part of the particle energy into the mirror.

Then, the Heart Dream Mirror slowly floated towards the sky.

The black flame has expanded to a height of 30 meters, but the restrained temperature can also evaporate water in a range of 2,000 meters or even further.

Xinmengjing stabilized at an altitude of 500 meters. Inside the mirror, there was a piece of yellow and orange. An arm wrapped in a black robe stretched out, grabbed the handle of Xinmengjing, and then the whole person got out.

It was Wang Ya, and Harak on his shoulders.

He stood in the void of 500 meters, overlooking the reduced scene below, and at the same time, there were 2,000 meters around him, no, it should be said to be 3,000 meters.

After all, what he was dealing with was Duo Guyin, an apprentice of the Extreme Wizard, so he was still a little nervous at the time.

To be on the safe side, even he himself was a little bit emotional about the number of Fen Ji Meng seeds buried.

But I didn't expect that it would not be used on Duoguyin, she was too weak.

There are a lot of Fen Ji Meng species, enough to form a special witch array, but it is completed by Wang Ya's witchcraft.

The Burning Silence Formation created by him.

Some of my own thoughts and perceptions about the Wuzhen.

Even though he hadn't systematically studied alchemy and witch formations, after spending a period of time in the sea of ​​flames and the eyes of truth, he naturally understood some truths.

From his point of view, within the entire 3,000-meter range, there is a layer of faint outline medium, which is actually the witchcraft of fear of burning fire performed by burning silence particles.

At this moment, the Fenji Formation has taken shape, and these four guys have lost the chance to leave.

His eyes fell on the dream mirror in his hand. The dream bubble in the dream territory was almost used up.

However, it perfectly carried the psionic tide and the particle energy blaster, these two limit-breaking witchcrafts.

The corner of Wang Ya's mouth curled up. He was really looking forward to how these guys would react when they saw his witchcraft attack.

The fire of burning silence emerged from the right hand, and through the assistance and blessing of the dream mirror and the dream heart, Wang Ya's consciousness control was connected to every dream node.

The next moment, all the black flames were connected together, which also turned the dream seeds into a whole. The energy under the earth veins was driven to rush towards the center, and then flow back to the dream seed fulcrum.

Terrifying particle energy fluctuations swept up and down three kilometers, black flames covered the sky and covered the sky, and then restrained and condensed into an actual flame sky like petals.

Inside the Fenji Great Formation, the four people who sensed something was wrong and at the same time realized their own situation gathered together and discussed a solution.

"These black flames are too terrifying. They can annihilate our bodies directly. Even if we use particle energy to resist them, they won't last long."

"It's King Aharaq, he's not dead, damn it, he's all playing tricks." Aiden stared at the figure in the sky with his pupils fixed, with palpitations, but also extreme resentment.

He almost died, or died at the hands of his teammates.

Because the threat of life and death also affected his emotions, he did not calm down. If you calm down, you can discover too many flaws.

Seeing the four people who were hurt by each other and being in this strange black fire again, the resentment in Aiden's heart reached a limit.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, they were all caught up in Wang Ahalak's calculations.

The other party controls their psychology, environment, emotions,...even thoughts! !

It wasn't just Aiden who was terrified of Wang Ya, but the other three, after understanding the matter, were also extremely afraid.

A third-level wizard apprentice played around with the four extreme wizard apprentices.

How ironic! !

"Leaving from the sky, there should be the weak point, and it's the only way to break through this strange fire zone." Aiden took a deep breath, calmed down, and after observing, he gave the answer.

"Wang Yahalak is also in the sky, and seems to be maintaining the stability of this fire domain. With such a huge body, it will not last long, but it is enough to kill us."

"It can only rush out. Hugeness represents instability and destroys his control over this fire field."

All four chose to agree.

The condition of the white mouse is better, and the other three are extremely miserable, with injuries all over their bodies, especially Johnson, whose body is almost broken into pieces, and was forcibly glued back by using the energy of wild grass particles.

The white mouse was in front, urging the particle energy to form a shield, and behind them were the other three people, strengthening the strength of the particle energy shield, resisting the burning of the black fire.

The four of them rose into the sky at the same time, with determination and hope of survival in their eyes, like partners of justice, wanting to break through the blockade of darkness and defeat evil dragons and villains.

For the four of them, Wang Ya was equivalent to a terrifying existence, and even formed a bit of a shadow.

Wang Ya also noticed this, and an inexplicable smile appeared under the black lotus mask.

Congratulations to these guys, guess wrong! !

The energy of the Fenji particles in the body surged out violently, forming a vivid black lotus flower in the palm of the hand, the petals were lifelike, and the fire of Fenji was burning in the gap.

At the same time, at the directly facing lower position, that is, the position where the purple giant snake swallowed Wang Ya's phantom body when he first fought Duo Guyin.

The energy of the burning particles annihilated the giant snake, but left behind a black lotus.

At this moment, the black lotus flower below grew out of the soil, echoing the black lotus flower in Wang Ya's hand.

The Formation of Burning Silence-【Death of Silence】


The earth seemed to be turning over, and the huge roar was accompanied by smoke and dust all over the sky.

The position where the dream seeds are connected to each other, the sky curtain formed by the black flames, is moving slowly at this moment, closing towards the middle.

At the same time, Wizard Sur and the other three also came here through light and shadow refraction witchcraft, but they have not yet reacted.

This shocking scene was reflected in his eyes.

"Are you kidding, what is this!!"

"Is it my illusion? I actually saw the figure of Wang Ahalak, standing 500 meters above the sky. The four extreme wizard apprentices rushed towards him as if they had been severely injured and threatened with death. fear."


: It’s the last eight minutes, and the monthly pass is about to expire. Brothers, if you have votes, you can vote. There will be another chapter later.

(end of this chapter)

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