Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 231 [227] The Three-Life Origin Bird Too Smooth Task

Chapter 231 [227] The Three-Life Origin Bird Too Smooth Task


In the isolation chamber, the Bone Tiger roared in pain. Some kind of force acted on it, and with the sound of 'Chi Chi', it melted into a ball of bony white liquid.

The Orb of Bone Erosion exuded gray light, and a large number of gray scars began to proliferate in the heart of the bird of life. With the release of internal power, changes in the body took place that could not be ignored.

This kind of change is extremely astonishing, almost consuming energy at a speed visible to the naked eye, increasing its own volume.

The isolation chamber simulated by the virtual laboratory has a huge interior space, and the head of the life-generating bird almost touches the ceiling.

This body type is not normal! !

As Wang Ya guessed, cracks appeared in the body of the One-Life Bird, and the unlimited proliferation of flesh and blood is an ideal state. Any creature has a limit, which is the limit of cells and genes, as well as the individual's own strength and the limit of the body's ability to bear .

Wang Ya's right hand manipulated the energy of the dark particles to control the Orb of Bone Corrosion, and the Bird of Life swallowed the bone-like white liquid into its stomach in one gulp.

"The Orb of Bone Corrosion has the potential to break the limit of evolution. As long as it is given enough quality and soul consciousness power, it can continuously adjust the individual itself, force it to achieve balance, and carry out limit-breaking sublimation."

Wang Ya stared fixedly at Yiming Shengyuan Bird.

At this moment, with the fusion of bone fluid, the body seems to have undergone some strengthening. Whether it is bones or flesh and blood, there is an extra toughness, which can withstand the unlimited proliferation of flesh and blood.

The Bone Erosion Demon in the Wizard City of White Lake is similar to the Bird of Life at this moment.

The limit-breaking sublimation experiment has been optimized and modified by Wang Ya. It stands to reason that all the elements have been gathered and it can be successful.

However, to Wang Ya's disappointment, the balance was not achieved. The body of the life-generating bird proliferated to the point that it filled the entire isolation warehouse. A large amount of flesh and blood had already begun to die and burst, and the walls of the warehouse were full of spattered flesh and mud. It looks very scary.

The extraordinary nature of the white-boned tiger cannot maintain the endurance of infinite growth, any maintenance is a limited balance failure! !


The largest piece of gray scarred flesh hit the isolation warehouse in front of Wang Ya, and then slowly slid down, filled with blood.

His face was somewhat gloomy, and then he adjusted his mental state and returned to reality.

Pressing his fingers on his forehead was just the beginning of the experiment. It is common for wizards to fail in experiments, not to mention that this is a limit-breaking sublimation related to advancing to the first level of extraordinary creatures.

Using the wizard's means of creation, to peek at the true extraordinary foundation, and to overcome the test of the wizard's world will, the difficulty will only be higher, not lower!

Write down the experimental data in the record book, the problems encountered in the first variable experiment, and the points that need attention.

When the second experiment is carried out, this problem can be made up for.

Could it be a problem with the life-giving bird?

Or maybe he wasn't fully prepared.

Wang Ya touched his chin, thinking that this should be the problem, but he didn't have the ability to gather the extraordinary blood of the three-lived life-origin bird. talk about.

The three-life bird is a first-class extraordinary creature, and it must have greater vitality and potential than the extraordinary blood of the one-life bird.

"I've fallen into a misunderstanding." Wang Ya put down the quill in her hand, and performed the sublimation experiment by herself, just to gain experience and understand the secrets.

In reality, it is not realistic at all.

Even if Darkbat Wizard regains the Orb of Bone Corrosion, whether he has the ability to reproduce the limit-breaking sublimation experiment is a big problem.

The extraordinary blood of the three-lived life-origin bird is not something commonplace.

That's right, extraordinary blood!

Wang Ya's eyes brightened, thinking of the key point to break the game.

You can start with the extraordinary bloodline. As long as there is information about the extraordinary bloodline of the three-life bird, it can be simulated through the virtual laboratory to reproduce the "limit-breaking sublimation experiment".

Over the dense forest area, a large black shadow hovered over everything, with wings spread nearly ten meters, sharp claws, and sharp pupils. A group of very common eagle raptors have the potential to become extraordinary creatures, and even many of the birds have hidden extraordinary fluctuations .

They are surrounded by the very small bird in the middle, with black feathers and gray, white and black pupils.

The bacteriophage infection is always unfavorable, and most of the extraordinary creatures in the dense forest area have become Harak's subordinates.

This is also Wang Ya's tacit approval.

Harak's current wisdom is no less than any intelligent life, it commands the flock of birds, arranges various formations, and has the phage-infected creature with the deepest black spot as the leader.

When the formation was forming, it actually exuded extraordinary fluctuations that could not be ignored, as if gathering the power of all the birds.

In the infinite black core, there are a large number of black souls. In the memory of some black souls, there is such a special formation. As long as the particle energy of each other is connected, they can overwhelm people with force and exert extraordinary power.

When Halak is bored, he will try these things that exist in his memory.

Just like jigsaw building blocks, completing the arrangement is equivalent to completing the jigsaw building blocks, and Harak will give birth to a sense of joy and satisfaction.


Many birds spread out to make way for their king to fly.

Harak's flying speed is very fast, and it senses the orders of the closest and most caring master.

In the blink of an eye, he passed through the exclusive passage on the top floor of the castle, fluttered his wings, and walked through the long and narrow corridor. The automatic sensing mechanical door opened in advance.

As if engraved in the depths of his soul, Harak flew onto Wang Ya's shoulder and pecked at it with his beak.

The white and slender fingers lightly touched the bird's head, and the extremely comfortable feeling made Harak completely relaxed, trembling slightly.

"Okay little guy, it's time to get down to business."

Wang Ya took out a new copy of the extraordinary blood puree of the bird of life.

Harak spread his wings, and the dripping black liquid turned into ejected tentacles, piercing into the mouth of the test tube.

The process of absorption was extremely fast. Three minutes after the melting pot of flesh and blood was in effect, Harak digested it, and in the infinite black core, there was an extra extraordinary gene that belonged to the bird of life.

Can it be transformed into a two-life biogenic bird, or even a three-life biogenic bird through the power of the infinite black core?

Harak's level of strength is Beastmaster.

If it can be successful, the virtual laboratory can directly collect data and solve the most important part of the problem.

There was anticipation in Wang Ya's eyes.

Facts have proved that his guess is not wrong.

The potential of the infinite black core is enough to be perfectly suitable for the biogenic bird. A large amount of black oil-like liquid is released from Harak's body, and a little splashed on the ground, and more of it is restrained and turned into a fluid sphere.

It has the texture of flesh and blood, which is very weird.

The next moment, the black flowing sphere began to outline the shape of the birth-origin bird.

Judging from his aura, he was clearly at the level of a beast king.

The most important thing is the characteristics of Shengyuan Bird, there is an extra one on the head. The corner of Wang Ya's mouth raised a curve, and he was very happy. Everything is developing in a good direction, and the "limit-breaking sublimation experiment" is feasible!

Thinking of the daily routine of going to the mountains of knives and seas of fire to let blood out tomorrow, his mood suddenly turned not so good.

The reason for the name of the Golden Wizard City is that among the ore in the surrounding veins, there is an extraordinary ore that is similar to gold, but actually more precious than gold.

By sending the witch array to the border area, you need to cross the corner of the Apollo Mountains to reach the location of the natural ring tower.

The Nature Ring Tower is also the last wizard force on the other side of the Land of Mountains and Seas, opposite the Land of Rot.

Polaris and his team have been prepared for a long time. It should be said that the senior management of the headquarters has equipped them with a large-scale collective void-breaking technique in advance, which can be directly teleported to the vicinity of the Golden Wizard City.

As for why there is space node information. In many cases, wizard forces are in each other's sphere of influence, and they have dispatched and placed many internal agents, through wild wizards and wandering wizards.

This is inevitable! !

Unless you choose to close the country, completely do not communicate with the outside world, and do not allow outside wizards to enter.

This is obviously unrealistic.

"Wizard Wang Ya, I and others will escort you to the Golden Wizard City. Are there any restrictions on your witchcraft?"

In a dense forest 20,000 meters away from the Golden Wizard City, Polaris made a specific plan, and the last person who asked was the figure wearing the black lotus mask.

The black lotus masked wizard made a cool male voice, "It takes a certain amount of time to accumulate particle energy and a safe distance to evacuate. I think the Polaris wizard should be familiar with it."

"We will create such conditions for you, Wizard Wang Ya." In Polaris' mind, the earth-shattering scene of the Wizarding City of White Lake came to mind.

"The piercing technique is enough for each of us to complete the evacuation."

The time for the black ball to explode seems to be ten seconds.

Polaris judged such a message based on the experience of the White Lake Wizard City last time.

There was a smile like a melting iceberg on the corner of his mouth, the trigger time of ten seconds, and the fact that it took a lot of time to complete the witchcraft, these two information can be regarded as the weakness of Wang Yahalak.

As long as you know the specific information, no matter how terrible the witchcraft is, you can have the means to crack it.

Polaris' confidence has greatly increased, and his fear of Wang Ya has also been greatly reduced.

In ten seconds, there are too many things that can be done.

At best, it is just a large-scale, absolutely destructive witchcraft,

Deep Blue Secret Realm not only competes with wizards from other wizarding factions, but also internally. No one knows what will be encountered in Deep Blue Secret Realm. If an opportunity is discovered, even wizards of the same school should compete will fight.

Polaris originally thought about how to deal with Wang Ahalak's special particle energy and the black ball. Everything is traceable. Now she has come up with many ways to deal with it.

The majesty of the Apollo Mountains blocked the airflow, forming a backflow, and the sky above the Golden Wizard City was filled with noisy and violent winds.

The figure of the black lotus mask, the robe bulging, stretched out the white palm, spread it out, and looked down at the tiny city below.

Surrounded by vigilant extreme wizard apprentices, even in order to cover up the breath fluctuations, even the particle energy shield was kept to a minimum.

The wizard with the black lotus mask is the core of this mission. Curiosity drove them to separate part of their consciousness and pay attention to 'Wang Ya'. Seeing his movement of spreading his right hand, many extreme wizard apprentices were slightly touched.

If you say that there are wizards in the dark place who have not seen the projection of the White Lake Wizard City, there is probably not one out of ten wizards.

The title of Nightmare Wizard can already explain Wang Ya's current status and prestige.

A minute later, the witchcraft scroll inside the cuff of 'Wang Ya' was automatically torn apart under the action of extraordinary spiritual power, and a small black ball appeared in the palm of his hand, just like it was in the White Lake Wizard City.

The terrifying introverted fluctuations, the beating particle energy that can destroy everything, Polaris completely let go of his fear of Wang Ya. After such a long time, even if he is promoted to the ultimate wizard apprentice, hard shortcomings are still unavoidable.

The only thing to pay attention to is the special particle energy that has never been seen before.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the black ball, watching it fall vertically at an extremely fast speed, as if it was carrying a very high weight.

In the Golden Wizard City under the dark night, the faint ripples are the protective power of the witch array that protects the city. When the black ball touches it, it seems as if a stone has fallen into the water, and the ripples spread. 'Boom! ’ The glaring black light scattered like clusters, and everything that touched it turned into nothingness, as if it had been annihilated.

One after another wizard figures quickly evacuated from the sky above the location of the Golden Wizard City, fearing that if they ran too slowly, they would be affected by the scattered black light and the more terrifying energy explosion that followed.

Polaris and the others looked at the Golden Wizard City, which had turned into a completely black beam of light soaring into the sky. The buildings, streets, and city walls were all annihilated under the black light. The absolute ultra-high temperature made it impossible for any living things to exist.

The airburst shock wave began to spread, and the clouds above the area were all shaken away. From a distance, dust was flying all over the sky, and was engulfed by this pressure, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

The underground of the Golden Wizard City was also shaken by earthquake waves, cracks appeared, and the plates seemed to collapse and fission. The area affected by the Fenji Witchcraft was only about a quarter of the city, and the earthquake waves spread to cover the entire city, causing immeasurable losses.

"No matter how many times I watch it, this kind of witchcraft is too outrageous. Is it really something that a third-level wizard apprentice can release?"

Bai Guding, the chief of the fierce tiger lineage, has complicated eyes. As a bloodline wizard, his most powerful method is to bring out the potential of the bloodline in his body.

But it's useless, tearing everything apart, possessing absolutely sharp claws, the bloodline witchcraft that roars to destroy the mountain, and the extraordinary resistance to defend against all high-level witchcraft. Under the influence of such energy witchcraft, it can only become a frantic escape One member, even the slightest bit of contamination will die! !

"It's a bit too smooth." Schneider said with a frown.

The Golden Wizard City was actually destroyed by them just like that.

Without any resistance, all the wizards in the wizard city would die.

"Our plan is extremely secretive. Few people know about it. At the same time, the witchcraft of the Nightmare Sorcerer is so terrifying. If it weren't for this result, I would find it a bit strange."

Bai Guding showed a sneer, "Even if there are extreme wizard apprentices, they probably died in the Golden Wizard City."

The expression under Hei Lian's mask was not optimistic, his brows were frowning, and he also felt that things were going too smoothly.

"The mission is successfully completed, let's go back." Polaris' pupils glowed with a gloomy light. He had been observing the Golden Wizard City for a few minutes, but in the end he still didn't notice the extraordinary fluctuations of other wizards, or the enemy extreme wizard apprentices rushed out of the Golden Wizard City.

It seems that it is really resolved, and there is no point in continuing the stalemate, after all, we are in the sphere of influence of the natural ring tower.

There were relieved smiles on the faces of many extreme wizard apprentices.

At least it is also an A-level indicator task, and the rewards are very generous.

'Wang Ya' subconsciously squeezed her fist in her cuff, her eyes flickered, as if she was thinking about something.

In the end, there was no reason to stay, and returned to the dark land with other wizards using the void witchcraft.

Hope there is no problem on the other side.

That's all he could think of in the end.

ps: The switch is on today, 18,000 is impossible, I owe 6,000 words, and there are two chapters with 4,000 words later. (Third to twelve thousand)

(end of this chapter)

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