Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 76 [74] The Spear Of The Underworld: Corridor Of Dark Light

Chapter 76 [74] The Spear of the Underworld: Corridor of Dark Light

The jurisdiction that governs the wizard city is named after the wizard towers located in all directions.

Behind the jurisdiction of the magic dragon is an official wizard. The name of the magic dragon is not his real name. Only after becoming an official wizard can he be qualified to establish his own name and spread his reputation in this wizard continent.

Other wizarding forces also collect this type of information.

Some relatively friendly wizarding forces will even be led by official wizards, bringing students from the wizarding academy to exchange in the form of exchange students.

Wang Ya knew almost all the information about the target tasks.

The achievements of wizards are related to the authority of the members of the Darklands. When the achievements reach a certain level, the authority will be improved, and more rights and resource support will be obtained.

The task level is only displayed on the tasks issued by the headquarters. The intuitive point is the difficulty. The D level is generally a first-level wizard apprentice, and wizards including new students accept it.

The highest-level missions are said to be S-level, and official wizards sometimes accept them.

"Kingdom of Maya." Wang Ya frowned slightly. The location is really far away and needs to be passed through the teleportation array.

However, you can pass through the teleportation array from the land of darkness to reach the Aurora Wizard City directly, and then go to the Mayan Kingdom.

The district governs the wizard city, and the wizard city governs hundreds of mortal kingdoms.

In the vastness of the territory, even if all the members of the Dark Land are dispatched on an index mission, they can barely maintain the current balance and stability. Once there is any problem, it will definitely not be solved immediately.

It needs to be reported step by step, and finally becomes a related task in the dark library, or an indicator task directly arranged.

Pushing open the door of the study, sitting on a chair, a piece of draft paper was placed on the table in front of him.

Wang Ya held the quill pen and tapped her fingers lightly, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

D-level missions are not very difficult. Even if they fail, the executor will hardly have any major problems, at least their lives will be safe.

Wraiths are things like souls full of negative emotions, formed by the mutation of particle energy, between illusion and reality, the more powerful the wraith, the greater the degree of influence it can have.

For ordinary people, it is a nightmare, an irresistible existence.

In the eyes of wizards, it is just a special kind of soul body, which can even be used as a supernatural material.

The source of the nightmare powder is very likely to be the grievances with fear emotions, which are ground by special means.

What Wang Ya cared about was not this aspect, but the two people he met at the Hades merchandise store.

In short, it is better to do more preparations.

In the free zone, the sunset glow at dusk reflected the figure of the walking wizard. Wang Ya turned a corner from the street and entered a remote alley.

At the end, there was a pitch-black wall. Wang Ya didn't stop in his footsteps, his mental power surged out, and he moved forward to feel his body. His body also directly collided with the black wall.

Strangely, his body was submerged directly into the black wall.

When I opened my eyes again, the environment in front of me had changed drastically, the light was dim and blurry, the vertical black columns stretched endlessly, and the top of the head was a black stone slab, the height and width of which gave people a sense of visual relaxation as much as possible.

On both sides are rock walls full of gullies, and after a certain distance, there will be a hollowed out entrance to the rock wall.

The whole looks like a huge circular corridor with no end in sight.

In fact, this place is indeed called the Underlight Corridor.

All the information Gray collected about the wizard family's newborn came from this place.

You only need to pay a certain price, including but not limited to the wizard information of the entire Underdark, will be open to you, the wizardry you have mastered, the wizard missions you have received, your strength level, and the wizard path you have chosen.

In addition, other information also includes sales, secret information, resource information, special geographical location information, and even small things that happen in a certain place.

Wang Ya even wondered if the Gloomy Corridor was linked to the sources of information about the missions of the wizards in the Gloomy Library.

It is certain that many wizards in the dark land exist by default.

From entering the corridor to exiting, it took a total of three minutes. Among Wang Ya's wizard imprints, there was an extra map of the area under the jurisdiction of the magic dragon, which was detailed enough to introduce the Mayan Kingdom.

The price is fifty magic stones.

The price of the entire map in the land of darkness is exaggerated. Wang Ya can't afford the remaining 350 magic stones.

There was no choice to obtain the information of those two people.

Without knowing the exact identity, the cost of asking about witchcraft, strength and other information is exaggerated and outrageously expensive.

the next day!

Wang Ya, who had everything ready, dragged Harak on his shoulders, and held a true vision ball that could collect sound and image by his cuff, and walked into the teleportation array in the dark land.

With the identity of the target task executor, the teleportation array is a public fee, and the true sight ball is a standard configuration for the task, and relevant information is collected as a notarization.

The wizard's imprint passed the authority of the center of the wizard array, the teleportation array was slowly activated, and the particle energy under the veins was injected.

The brilliant white light shone on Wang Ya's pupils, and he gradually disappeared into the teleportation array.

Two figures came here slowly from the other end of the passage. Looking at the energy-storing teleportation formation, Barton Bailin showed a grim smile on his face.

Eugene Bailin squeezed his fist and made a 'click' sound, "Big brother, I have finally waited for this opportunity."

"Yeah, we've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!"

Barton Bailin subconsciously rubbed his storage device and the ring on his index finger.

There are witchcraft scrolls, extraordinary potions, and even the mid-level witchcraft 'Spear of Darkness' that was bought after selling other low-level witchcraft.

They are all prepared for this enemy. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

As the bottom of the box, the power of the 'Spear of the Underworld' is said to be absolutely sharp, and it is also the top quality among medium witch weapons.

This time he was 100% sure.

After all, the indicator tasks are influenced by them, and even some of their arrangements were made in the Mayan Kingdom.

"The area under the jurisdiction of the Demon Dragon is regarded as the home of the wizard family. This dark point is worth spending, and Monta counts his contribution." Eugene Bailin thought of the lost dark point, and his heart was bleeding. They had accumulated for many years, and originally wanted to pass it on. The library exchanges some valuable knowledge.

"Okay, let's go too, and make some arrangements in advance."

"Big brother, I think I've prepared enough, it's just a new wizard."

Barton Bailin glared at him, and said in a low voice, "It's a small thing to kill a wizard freshman, but he is currently on an indicator mission. Afterwards, the headquarters will definitely investigate through the True Sight Ball review."

"The rules strictly prohibit cannibalism. King Ahalak can fail the mission, be killed by wraiths, extraordinary creatures, and wild wizards, but he cannot be killed by us."

Barton Bailin laughed again, "However, the face of remnant dreams can solve this problem. Two field wizards wandering around the Mayan Kingdom wanted to seize resources, and then killed the new students who came to the mission."

"It's reasonable, isn't it, especially the field wizard whose strength is only a first-level wizard apprentice. As an elite wizard in the dark land, if you lose and die, you will die."

(end of this chapter)

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