Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 96 [93] Don't Fight, Lose Everything, Go All Out

Chapter 96 [93] Don't fight, lose everything, go all out

How to separate the characteristics possessed by Gendasi's dog requires analyzing its essence.

Start with the extraordinary anatomy experiment and the extraction of extraordinary properties.

Whether there are extraordinary blood factors like extraordinary creatures, Wang Ya has no confidence. After all, this is something related to evil gods. It is extremely rare, and few wizards have studied it.

Need to go through many experiments to judge.

The two analysis goals of the Eye of Truth can only be completed in at least 20 days, and the arrangement in Wang Ya's plan also includes this part.

Observed the state of the dog of Gendas in the training warehouse. After the intake of nutrient solution, the blood and flesh activity of itself has recovered. Wang Ya's movement followed the swing.

Some were more active, even driving the dog's body, wandering in the nutrient solution, clinging to the glass warehouse wall, eyes made of granulation, staring at Wang Ya with the most primitive greed and appetite.

The corner of the mouth raised a curve, revealing the neat and white teeth. Wang Ya looked at the Dass dog tenderly, "It's really a cute little girl full of vitality, and her recovery is also the best."

The difference in the boarding body seems to have led to the Gendas dog, and there are also subtle differences.

For example, the Das dog in front of Wang Ya has a slender body and a slender neck. In addition to forming the eyes, the granulation also highlights a weird female face and facial features.

Wang Ya recognized that this was an ordinary girl named Lasi in that caravan.

"It turns out that the special emotional will will cause different Gendasi dogs. This is the spirit and body corresponding to the illusory reality. It is no wonder that there is a conversion between the two."

Wang Ya felt that he had grasped something faintly, and he had some feeling in the dark. This feeling was very important, and it could play a decisive role in his wizarding path.

For the time being, it is uncertain whether the different Gendasi dogs have the same characteristic abilities, or whether there will be some special abilities.

From the pocket of the wizard robe, he took out the small notebook that he carried with him, and drew the quill from the cuff, and he began to write on the spot.

From time to time, he looked gently at the dog of Gendas in front of him.

Compared with that ordinary and fragile girl, the special creature in front of her is full of alternative beauty, which is a relative perfection in biology.

It is not comparable to human aesthetics without any meaning.

The most essential kind of beauty.

【Aiming at the research project on the extraordinary nature of the 'Gendas Dog'】

[Plan 1: Conduct extraordinary anatomical experiments, explore the internal structure of Gendaz's dog, analyze the specific source of super recovery ability and unlimited phagocytosis and hyperplasia. 】

[Tentative Plan 2: On the premise of Plan 1, prepare new experimental test variables, and the number of experimental individuals that can be consumed is '5'! 】

【Tentative plan three:.】

Wang Ya's bottom line is the five-headed Darth dog. After all, the experimental materials are too rare, and can even be used as a long-term research project.

If there is only one experimental material, he may be more cautious and carry out relevant experimental operations after completely learning and mastering the more advanced knowledge of extraordinary anatomy and biological cultivation.

The quill continued to write below, and the experiment time was determined.

[Aiming at the extraordinary anatomy experiment of "Gendas Dog"]

[Implementation time: five months later]

【Implementation Target: Dog of Gendasi】

[Purpose of the experiment: to confirm the knowledge of advanced extraordinary anatomy, to hone the familiarity with complex surgical methods, and to lay the core foundation of wizard experiments. Try to uncover the extraordinary essence of Gendaz's dog, and extract the complete extraordinary substance, which is tentatively designated as the "core of life". 】

Wang Ya's next plan is to complete the remaining basic extraordinary subjects courses and advanced extraordinary subjects courses within five months.

Wang Ya has almost mastered the basic knowledge of the four extraordinary subjects, and it will take another month to fully master it.

As for advanced extraordinary subject knowledge, the remaining magic stones are enough to buy, and at the same time, buy the advanced chapter of Hao Haiming's thoughts from the ancient Sai wizard.

The vacant spots in the Eye of Truth can be used for the Dog of Gendaz.

The open source project was not completed, but there were two wizard rings on the granulated arm of the Mayan king.

Unable to determine who it was, Wang Ya made a preliminary investigation with mental power, and there were quite a few things. Among them, the most powerful one that exudes extraordinary fluctuations had to be a special black spear.

The rest are supernatural witchcraft books, witchcraft scrolls, wizard potions, and some supernatural materials. The value of these items is not bad in the category of first-level wizard apprentices. If you sell them, you can get a lot of magic stones, which can solve the problem of kings. Asia's urgent need.

Of course, there is no need to think about the sky-high price of magic stones sold by Equis Milu. In addition to the black spear that is likely to be a medium-level witch weapon, it may be able to have a third or a quarter.

In the coming time, there is a high probability that Wang Ya will practice hard in the dark place to improve his strength to cope with the competition in the secret realm two years and three months later.

Leave a wizard potion for one person, as well as a few witchcraft scrolls, to deal with the target mission once every three months, and sell the rest, including the spear.

The rules of competition in the secret realm seem to be that foreign objects cannot be used, and the wizard can only use witchcraft to deal with it.

Cultivating witchcraft should be considered a kind of witchcraft.

Wang Ya glanced at Harak on his shoulder, and the corner of his mouth raised a little more. He didn't know how much improvement he could make in more than two years.

But if Harak incorporates the characteristics of the dog of Gendaz, I believe it will be able to surprise those powerful opponents.

Coupled with mastering the powerful witchcraft in the inherited witchcraft, the top three places may not be without a contender.

You can even use the Eye of Truth to improve witchcraft and make it more suitable for you.

Wang Ya's eyes had the blue luster of fine lightning, and his expression was very firm. He was determined to win the spot in the dark training plan.

Fight for what should be fought, and if you don't fight, you have nothing. This is the real side of the wizarding world.

Coupled with the dark training plan, it may affect more aspects.

He will go all out and show everything in the secret realm competition.

There has never been any internal decision. What about the direct lineage of the wizard family cultivated since childhood, strength is what really determines everything and can speak.

(end of this chapter)

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