Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 593 True Honor (Subscription Request)

Time is like running water, passing in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, more than 10 million years have passed.

The sixteenth-level inheritance land was successfully opened, and Chen Mu had naturally made preparations.

"Whether it can be done depends on whether this inheritance land is the same as I expected."

Chen Mu said to himself.

The next moment, he no longer hesitated and decisively entered the inheritance land.

He didn't know what the sixteenth-level inheritance land was like.

But he was very clear about the fourteenth and fifteenth levels.

If the sixteenth-level inheritance land was the same as he expected, then the possibility of him obtaining the sixteenth-level inheritance was still very high.

In the blink of an eye, 100,000 years passed.

Chen Mu's body suddenly appeared in an unknown place in the Tianling Realm.

At this time, his face was indifferent, but there was joy in his eyes.

The sixteenth-level cultivation method has been obtained.

It was worth it that he stayed in the inheritance land for 100,000 years and intrigued with countless people.

But it was all worth it, after all, he had already got what he wanted most.

What Chen Mu had to do after that was very simple.

That is to practice this path of cultivation until you reach the sixteenth level.

This is not an easy thing.

Or in other words, it is very difficult to achieve this step in this simulation.

After all, he lacks experience, and his life span may not be enough.

So in this simulation, Chen Mu will practice, but more to accumulate some experience.

If you really want to break through the sixteenth level, you still have to put it in the next reincarnation simulation.

The next moment, Chen Mu sat cross-legged on the spot and began to practice hard.

He didn't care about the surrounding environment.

At this time, strength is no longer important to him.

After all, the cultivation method has been obtained, and the road ahead must be extremely broad.

Time passed slowly, and it passed in a flash.

It has been more than ten thousand epochs.

At this time, Chen Mu successfully practiced to the realm of the fifteenth level limit.

It can be said that there is only one step away from the sixteenth level.

But this last step, like a natural moat, stopped him.

Practicing to this point, Chen Mu has tried to break through twice, but undoubtedly ended in failure.

At this time, his life span was on the verge of limit.

It can be said that he could no longer try to break through.

This reincarnation simulation was the longest reincarnation simulation he had ever experienced.

But it was obvious that this simulation was worth it.

At this time, Chen Mu stopped practicing.

The True Venerable Cultivation Method is the name of this sixteen-level cultivation path.

Only when you practice to the final realm can you be called a True Venerable.

At this time, Chen Mu seemed very close to this realm, but in fact he was still very far away.

At least in this simulation, he could not break through to this realm.

But Chen Mu was still in a good mood, after all, the simulation he set for himself in this simulation had been completed.

He had already mastered the sixteen-level cultivation path.

As for whether he could practice to the sixteenth level in this simulation, Chen Mu didn't really care.

Because as long as there was a cultivation method, he would definitely be able to practice to the sixteenth level later.

It just needed to accumulate some reincarnation simulations.

"Then let's end this simulation."

Chen Mu said to himself.

The next moment, the moment of making a decision.

His body turned into a light spot and dissipated.

This reincarnation simulation has ended, and Chen Mu's consciousness has returned to the reincarnation space again.

Before Chen Mu could think about it.

His consciousness returned to reality from the reincarnation space.

In reality, on the road to transcendence.

Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

New words appeared on the simulator screen suspended in front of him.

Chen Mu's mouth also raised a faint smile.

[Reincarnation simulation is over! ]

[The reincarnation simulation memory has been successfully retained! ]

[It is detected that the host is not affected by the reincarnation memory. Do you want to turn on memory protection? ]

[It is detected that the host is a 'fifteenth-level true monk'. Do you want to keep the modification to adapt to the rules of the wizard world? ]

"Do not turn on memory protection."

"Retain the modification to adapt to the rules of the wizard world."

Chen Mu said to himself.

The next moment, the realm in this reincarnation simulation was successfully retained.

"In this simulation, I obtained the sixteenth-level practice method."

"Then in the next simulation, I may be able to truly practice to the sixteenth-level realm."

Chen Mu said to himself.

At that time, even in the path of transcendence, he would be invincible.

Even if he could not defeat a stronger sixteenth-order existence, it would be easy to save his life.

At this time, Chen Mu seemed to have a slight wave in his heart.

But after a moment, he suppressed the extra emotions in his heart.

At this time, the number of reincarnation simulations has been exhausted.

But everything is worth it.

Reincarnation simulations can be accumulated slowly, but the sixteenth-order practice method depends entirely on opportunities.

After concentrating his thoughts.

Chen Mu also plans to continue to accumulate some simulations.

After all, accumulating more reincarnation simulations, Chen Mu can accumulate more experience.

Although this simulation was lucky.

But Chen Mu could not guarantee that he would have good luck every time he simulated.

So continuing to accumulate simulations and accumulating more simulations is a must.

The next moment, Chen Mu no longer thought about it.

The light blue light curtain of the simulator was still suspended in front of his eyes.

Chen Mu's heart moved slightly, and the light blue light curtain of the simulator disappeared.

Since he wanted to accumulate reincarnation simulations, he would not choose to open other types of simulations first.

Time flies, and the years pass by.

Time slowly passes.

In a blink of an eye, another 100 billion years have passed.

The 100 billion years in reality are different from the 100 billion years in simulation.

Chen Mu has not used simulations during this period.

Accumulating simulations is not using simulations.

Chen Mu still understands this very well.

Chen Mu has accumulated a lot of simulations of different types again.

But the only ones that can be used are reincarnation simulations and destiny simulations.

The 100 billion years in reality are not very long.

The number of destiny simulations is undoubtedly the most important.

The second is the number of reincarnation simulations.

As for text simulations and real body simulations, although they are also important, Chen Mu does not plan to use them now.

After all, only if you accumulate enough experience first.

Then it will be helpful to open the real body simulation and text simulation.

In reality, 100 billion years, destiny simulations have only accumulated once.

It has to be said that this is enough to reflect the preciousness of destiny simulation.

The next moment, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

With a slight movement of his mind, he called up the pale blue light curtain of the simulator again.

[Number of text simulations: 300]

[Number of reincarnation simulations: 20]

[Number of real body simulations: 28]

[Number of destiny simulations: 1]

[Do you want to turn on the text simulation? ]

"Not yet."

Chen Mu said to himself.

It is meaningless to turn on the text simulation at this time.

The same is true for the real body simulation.

What Chen Mu has to do now is to turn on the destiny simulation or the reincarnation simulation.

After all, only these two simulations can give him more experience.

[Do you want to turn on the real body simulation? ]


[Do you want to turn on the reincarnation simulation? ]


[Do you want to turn on the destiny simulation if the conditions for turning on the destiny simulation are met? ]


"Turn on the destiny simulation."

Chen Mu turned on the destiny simulation directly without any hesitation.

The destiny simulation can allow him to accumulate more experience.

The reincarnation simulation is also OK, but it should be placed after the destiny simulation.

The reason why Chen Mu chose the destiny simulation first is very simple.

That is the experience in the fate simulation, which is also helpful for the practice in the reincarnation simulation.

The next moment, the fate simulation is turned on.

Chen Mu's consciousness also fell into darkness.

[The fate simulation begins to weave, and 78,597 fate lines of the host have been detected. ]

[The 9th fate line has been successfully attached, and the fate simulation is turned on. I wish the host a happy experience. ]

The fate simulation is turned on.

A familiar mechanical voice sounded in Chen Mu's mind.

The next moment, Chen Mu's consciousness was completely silent.

Time passed, and he could not feel it.

So Chen Mu didn't know how many years had passed.

But at a certain moment his consciousness recovered from the darkness.

Chen Mu's perception gradually recovered, which also meant that he came to the world of fate simulation again.

Chen Mu was not unfamiliar with the environment around him

This is still the road to transcendence, and Chen Mu is too familiar with it.

After countless real body simulations, Chen Mu almost traveled every place on the road to transcendence.

At this time, Chen Mu mastered the body of the original owner in the fate simulation again.

This is not the first time Chen Mu has experienced fate simulation.

Chen Mu was very clear about the situation at this time.

After regaining consciousness, the memories of the original owner also emerged in his mind.

The total amount of these memories is very huge.

After all, the sixteenth level can at least live for 70,000 to 80,000 epochs.

However, for Chen Mu, it is not difficult to digest these memories.

Chen Mu quickly digested these memories.

For Chen Mu, all the memories of the original owner are not particularly many.

After all, he is not an ordinary person.

All the simulations he has experienced add up to hundreds of thousands of epochs.

If you count them, Chen Mu's memories are richer than the memories of the original owner of this body.

It doesn't take him a long time to digest the memories of more than ten thousand epochs.

After digesting all the memories of the original owner.

Chen Mu understood the situation of the original owner.

The original owner's realm is undoubtedly a sixteenth level existence.

Even in the sixteenth level, it is not weak.

Reaching the other side is already a necessary need.

But the success rate is definitely not high.

Chen Mu would use the original owner's body to push open the door to the other shore, but he didn't have much hope of reaching the other shore.

The next moment, Chen Mu stopped thinking about it.

Time flies, and the years pass by like a shuttle.

In the fate simulation, the years pass very quickly.

Unknowingly, hundreds of epochs have passed.

In this simulation.

Chen Mu once again pushed open the door to the other shore and entered the space of the other shore.

However, when reaching the other shore, he still failed.

There was not even any struggle.

This fate simulation is about to end.

It is difficult to reach the other shore.

Otherwise, Chen Mu would not have failed once before.

It is extremely difficult to reach the other shore in the fate simulation.

From the first time to now, in dozens of simulations, Chen Mu has not seen any hope.

The future in reality may be the same.

But Chen Mu will definitely not give up.

But Chen Mu was not too worried.

After all, the path of cultivation in the destiny simulation was not deduced by him.

In reality, Chen Mu's path of cultivation was deduced by himself.

The gap between the two is still very large.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu no longer thought about it.

His consciousness left the other side of the space and chose to end this destiny simulation.

The next moment, his consciousness fell into darkness.

But when his consciousness recovered from the darkness.

It was also considered to be back to reality.

In reality, Chen Mu opened his eyes.

The starting point of the road of transcendence came into his eyes.

Returning from the destiny simulation to reality, it was only a moment in reality.

Chen Mu's eyes stayed on the light curtain.

[The destiny simulation has ended, and the 9th destiny line has been gathered. ]

[Reward the host with a part of the inherited memory in the destiny simulation. ]

New changes also appeared on the light curtain.

The prompt sound of the simulator sounded, and then gradually disappeared.

The next moment, strange memories emerged in Chen Mu's mind.

For Chen Mu, it is very important that these memories are strange.

Because these are the memories of the original owner.

Chen Mu knew that part of the original owner's memory would be retained after returning to reality.

Moreover, he opened the fate simulation for these memories.

"Sure enough, the memories that are retained seem to be increasing."

"Maybe after the sixteenth level, I can retain all the memories of the original owner."

Chen Mu said to himself.

This is undoubtedly good news, because it can accumulate more experience.

These memories are also very helpful to Chen Mu.

As his realm gets higher and higher.

The memories retained in the fate simulation will help him more and more.

However, compared with directly mastering a sixteenth-level cultivation path, this seems a bit useless.

Chen Mu can clearly perceive these.

So he will not slack off at all.

The memories retained this time have benefited Chen Mu a lot.

At this time, the speed of his realm deduction must have improved a lot.

But Chen Mu does not plan to try.

What he has to do next is to open the reincarnation simulation.

It is best to directly master a sixteenth-level cultivation path, and then deduce the realm, and perhaps the improvement will be very obvious.

Of course, Chen Mu still digested these memories carefully.

After all, most of the memories are about the perception of the realm of cultivation.

Although the memory is not a complete memory of the sixteenth level.

But it is also involved.

It will be of great help to him to practice the sixteenth level of cultivation in the reincarnation simulation later.

Destiny simulation is like this.

It can bring great help to Chen Mu.

As long as there are enough fragmented memories accumulated, the difficulty of his practice of the sixteenth level will be lower.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu no longer thinks about it.

Put away the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Chen Mu is ready to start the simulation later.

Since the destiny simulation is like this, then the reincarnation simulation can have greater gains.

As for the real body simulation and text simulation.

Chen Mu does not plan to use them at this time.

At this time, Chen Mu's heart is calm.

He is very patient, as he accumulates more and more realms.

It seems that it is not a luxury to deduce the sixteenth level in reality.

The next moment, Chen Mu's eyes moved back to the light screen suspended in front of him.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for the monthly ticket, love you guys~ (End of this chapter)

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