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《"The Settorak Spell"

This is the magic book that a wizard next to him was just reading.

After Yan Chen temporarily gave up the Book of Vishanti, he couldn't help but turn to the Settorak Spell, which is also on the list of banned books.

Compared with the Vishanti magic that directly requires pure and flawless, kind-hearted. This spell also comes from the Settorak magic god, but there is no such requirement for the kind-hearted.

Because the Settorak magic god is more inclined to chaos and disorder, a Slytherin may be more suitable for this kind of magic.

And most importantly.

The strength of the Settorak magic god is not inferior to the three Vishanti magic gods.


Yan Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then followed the wizard's page-turning progress to read in.

The entire magic spell was more inclined to binding magic.

This also reminded Yan Chen of the treasure room of the New York Temple, where there happened to be a Crimson Magic Belt of Setorak. Although this treasure was not as good as the Magic Floating Cloak, its ability to imprison others was extraordinary.

Putting away these distracting thoughts, Yan Chen's mind slowly immersed in the magic book again.

Similarly, in order to concentrate his attention, he did not make more clones, which also showed how much he valued it.

After all.

The difficulty of practicing this magic spell is much more difficult than the Book of Vishanti, but Yan Chen is not worried at all. , because as long as there is no threshold for the selection of character, he is confident that his magical talent can cope with all difficulties.

The obscure and cumbersome tiny handwriting, the scarlet font, the eyes feel that these fonts are constantly twisting and extending, and the scalp is numb.

The nose even vaguely catches a trace of the looming smell of blood.

Of course, this can also be regarded as a test of the heart.

Yan Chen even had a picture of purgatory on earth in his mind.

But he did not resist!

Instead, he became more and more immersed in it.

Because he knew that if he tried to get rid of this state of mind, he would definitely not be able to practice the magic spells in it.


The sound of pages turning came slowly.


Yan Chen thought he would have to wait for this guy for a long time, or that he would not be able to continue reading because of the test of his character, but he did not expect that this guy would actually hold on!

Then, he could not help but look at the owner of the book, and then he found out that it was.....The famous Mordo!

He is the eldest disciple of the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One. He is also the most talented and intelligent one among his subordinates!

"It seems that his talent is indeed not weak!"

Yan Chen nodded secretly, and then silently continued to wait for him to turn the page.

After all, there are indeed not many people who can make him wait for less time! I wonder what Baron Mordo would think when he heard that he was praised for his talent for such a reason.

Soon, as time passed bit by bit.

The two of them have gradually gotten into the groove and are becoming more and more immersed in the magic.

At this time.

Mordo's face has been covered with fine sweat, and the speed of turning the pages has been greatly reduced.

Yan Chen also has a very recognized expression, but the corners of his mouth still outline a confident smile.

Half an hour passed again.

As the pages of the book turned more and more, the methods that needed to be comprehended became more and more complicated and cumbersome.

Even the bloody smell emerging from the scarlet fonts became more and more oncoming, as if the whole person was immersed in the entire blood vat, and the Shura Blood Realm in his mind filled the entire mind.


Mordo could no longer bear it and closed the magic book with his hand.

At the same time!


Yan Chen's mind was in turmoil, as if a volcano was erupting in his mind.

Suddenly, his mind was shaking and his vision was constantly changing. The ancient library in front of him suddenly crashed and he came to a world filled with blood.

This is......

Yan Chen was moved. Looking at the blood mist all around him, he knew clearly that this was......Crimson Realm.

And Cytorak!

Was born in the Crimson Realm......

"There is no concept of space!"Yan Chen looked at the red mist under his feet, there was no support at all.

"There is no concept of time!" He also could not sense the flow of time.

"No mass!" He could not feel the weight of his body.

"There is no material energy!" He also couldn't communicate with any elemental power of heaven and earth.

This is the weirdness of the crimson domain! It is a domain that completely transcends the physical universe. There is no time, no space, no material energy, no past, future and present, and it ignores all concepts of law.

Yan Chen quietly comprehended and felt the touch brought by the surrounding domain.

The words written in scarlet fonts that just appeared in his mind were vividly revived from the soul, constantly turning into warm currents that rushed into his limbs.

This immersive perception did not last long.


Another explosion sounded in his mind.

Afterwards, Yan Chen's entire figure returned to the quaint library again. At this time, Mordo was still at the moment of closing the magic book, but he didn't know that Yan Chen had already stepped into the threshold.

Feeling the warmth that still remained in his body.

Yan Chen smiled, he knew that he had finally succeeded in entering!

As expected, he was a Slytherin!

Then he began to recall the spells in his mind. Although they were all powerful spells of binding and restriction, for Yan Chen, it was also a big gain!

"Sealing pliers!"

"Crimson Chain!"

Then, Yan Chen returned to the meditation room and began to practice the spell seriously.......

And this training.

A whole day has passed.

Knock knock!!

A series of fine knocks came from the door.

As the door slowly opened, a woman full of youthfulness slowly came to the door.

Helen, who had just entered the door, still said in disbelief,"This curse is too terrible, it is obviously just a duplex two-story villa from the outside, but there are already five floors inside!"

"But it's time for you to come out!"

Listening to her words,

Yan Chen slowly opened his eyes, a flash of red light flashed across his eyes, and then he stood up and looked at the white sunlight outside the skylight. He knew that he had spent a lot of time.

During the day, he remembered to buy clothes and supplies for Helen.

After all, she had just moved in, and more importantly, most of her clothes had been burned in the explosion.

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

Yan Chen washed up and followed them out of the house.

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