Boom! Boom!

In the sky above a certain country in the Middle East, there was a sonic boom.

In the night sky, a huge beast appeared out of thin air.

In the desert, a huge and irregular shadow passed by quickly.

Wherever it went, it caused some small animals to tremble. The little guys who came out to hunt at night suddenly drilled into the sand.

Of course, many merchants with camels witnessed it directly.

"What a great miracle that is."

"God is above!"

But these movements did not attract the attention of the dragon at all.

It just took advantage of the night and quickly disappeared from the vast sight.


Soon, the dragon that Yan Chen turned into folded its wings, and its body dived in a streamlined shape. Before landing, it spread its huge wings violently, leaving a shocking impact sound, but it could not control its speed and fell headfirst into the desert basin.


A stream of hot air spurted out from his nose.

Yan Chen's consciousness was half awake and half confused.

He only knew that he needed some time to recover. The risks involved were inevitable. After all, there were only seven registered Animagus who could change everything in the entire 20th century.

And changing into magical creatures was something that this small group of Animagus dared not imagine.

Not to mention dragons, phoenixes and the like, these magical creatures at the top of the food chain.

Yan Chen's breathing gradually slowed down, his pupils as big as copper bells slowly closed, and he just lay on the ground and tried to recover his body.

"Peace of mind....".

"Keep Calm....."

"Relax your mind and accept all the changes......"

Yan Chen's mind once again heard the words of the professor in the Transfiguration class, who taught him carefully at that time.


Between breathing, he calmed his mind and regained his mind.

"I'm a wizard from Hogwarts...."

"I'm only seventeen years old and I've already taken over the wizarding world...."

Yan Chen muttered.

In this struggle with the beast, he couldn't let himself forget his identity. He had to remember who he was and not completely become a monster.

After a period of rest, the wings that had been flapping gradually closed, and the thick tail also fell on the desert.

The crystal scales began to slowly close, and the thick and strong muscles of the body began to shrink.

Yan Chen succeeded.

He could finally slowly master the trick....

But at this moment, the roar of motor engines came from afar.

One after another, very restless.

In the night, countless bright lights swept in.

"Boss, I didn't see it wrong, the monster that was flying in the sky just now is about to land here!"

"The roar just now almost made my heart jump out! Boss!.....Do we have enough manpower?"

The subordinate who had just witnessed the miracle in the sky kept rubbing his hands and said flatteringly.

Oh my God! If he hadn't followed this ruffian, he would never come here.

John showed a cruel smile and slapped the subordinate's face unscrupulously.

"What? How did you become a coward?"

"" Where's your arrogance the last time you captured Tony Stark? Where's your courage to report your achievements to my boss?"

Two sneering insults in a row.

The subordinate who was notified endured the pain of being slapped on the face.

He smiled and said,"I'm just worried about your safety, boss. Am I kidding? The monster just now was almost ten meters long. I'm afraid that just from the tendon meat alone,......"


John interrupted him and rolled up his sleeves.

"You don't need to say more. I've already made preparations. Tony's missile weapon is in the convoy."

"No matter how tough the monster is, it will have to kneel down!"

Thinking of the Jericho missiles that destroyed the entire mountain, the subordinate named Bob immediately raised his thumb and praised the leader of his direct team,"The boss is indeed thoughtful."

John ignored him and raised his arm directly.


The large number of vehicles that were advancing suddenly stopped at his call.

John picked up the megaphone and shouted to the surroundings.

"The first convoy, carrying missiles, stayed where they were!"

"The second team moved forward, trying to capture the unprecedented monster alive!"

After saying this, John put away the megaphone, raised the gun in his hand, and said to Bob

"Go ahead, you are also from the second team. Come show us the style of a hero who captured Tony alive!"

Bob wanted to refuse. What a joke?

How could Tony compare with that monster whose voice could scare people?

Looking at the gun in his hand, did he know that John wanted to use it to get rid of him?

But he had no choice but to lead the second team straight up with a look of mourning on his face.

"Humph! I'm going to kill you now!" John thought viciously.

This is the cruelest and truest side of the Middle East battlefield!

PS: Three updates. At least three updates every day. Please give me flowers and comments!

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